'ldaps://ldap.example.com', "port" => 636, "basedn" => "dc=example,dc=com", "scope" => "one", // possible values: base, one, subtree "options" => array( // key/values pairs for ldap_set_option // http://php.net/manual/en/function.ldap-set-option.php LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION => 3 ), // Please note that php-ldap converts attributes to lowercase "userid_field" => "uidnumber", // This has to be a unique integer "username_field" => "uid" // This is the value the user supplies on the login form ); } // possible values: production, development $config['environment'] = "production"; if (file_exists(FCPATH.'application/config/config-local.php')) { include FCPATH.'application/config/config-local.php'; } /* End of file config.php */ /* Location: ./application/config/config.php */