<<<<<<< HEAD:application/config/migration.php migration->latest() this is the version that schema will | be upgraded / downgraded to. | */ $config['migration_version'] = 0; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Migrations Path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Path to your migrations folder. | Typically, it will be within your application path. | Also, writing permission is required within the migrations path. | */ $config['migration_path'] = APPPATH . 'migrations/'; /* End of file migration.php */ ======= migration->latest() this is the version that schema will | be upgraded / downgraded to. | */ $config['migration_version'] = 0; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Migrations Path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Path to your migrations folder. | Typically, it will be within your application path. | Also, writing permission is required within the migrations path. | */ $config['migration_path'] = APPPATH . 'migrations/'; /* End of file migration.php */ >>>>>>> a2125a5d830fd390b4cf35f77e9bb0558cfa2dd7:application/config/migration.php /* Location: ./application/config/migration.php */