* * Licensed under AGPLv3 * (see COPYING for full license text) * */ class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller { public $data = array(); public $var; function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->var = new StdClass(); $csrf_protection = true; $this->load->library('customautoloader'); // check if DB is up to date if (!($this->input->is_cli_request() && $this->uri->segment(1) === "tools")) { if (!$this->db->table_exists('migrations')){ throw new \exceptions\PublicApiException("general/db/not-initialized", "Database not initialized. Can't find migrations table. Please run the migration script. (php index.php tools update_database)"); } else { $this->config->load("migration", true); $target_version = $this->config->item("migration_version", "migration"); // TODO: wait 20 seconds for an update so requests don't get lost for short updates? $row = $this->db->get('migrations')->row(); $current_version = $row ? $row->version : 0; if ($current_version != $target_version) { throw new \exceptions\PublicApiException("general/db/wrong-version", "Database version is $current_version, we want $target_version. Please run the migration script. (php index.php tools update_database)"); } } } $old_path = getenv("PATH"); putenv("PATH=$old_path:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"); mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); $this->load->helper(array('form', 'filebin')); if ($this->uri->segment(1) == "api") { is_cli_client(true); } if ($this->input->post("apikey") !== false || is_cli_client()) { /* This relies on the authentication code always verifying the supplied * apikey. If the key is not verified/logged in an attacker could simply * add an empty "apikey" field to the CSRF form to circumvent the * protection. If we always log in if a key is supplied we can ensure * that an attacker (and the victim since they get a cookie) can only * access the attacker's account. */ $csrf_protection = false; } $uri_start = $this->uri->rsegment(1)."/".$this->uri->rsegment(2); $csrf_whitelisted_handlers = array( "always" => array( /* Whitelist the upload pages because they don't cause harm and a user * might keep the upload page open for more than csrf_expire seconds * and we don't want to annoy them when they upload a big file and the * CSRF check fails. */ "file/do_upload", "file/do_paste", ), "cli_client" => array( "file/do_delete", "file/delete", "file/do_multipaste", "file/upload_history", "user/create_apikey", "file/get_max_size", ), ); if (in_array($uri_start, $csrf_whitelisted_handlers["always"])) { $csrf_protection = false; } if (is_cli_client() && in_array($uri_start, $csrf_whitelisted_handlers["cli_client"])) { $csrf_protection = false; } if ($csrf_protection && !$this->input->is_cli_request()) { // 2 functions for accessing config options, really? $this->config->set_item('csrf_protection', true); config_item("csrf_protection", true); $this->security->__construct(); $this->security->csrf_verify(); } if ($this->config->item("environment") == "development") { $this->output->enable_profiler(true); } $this->data['title'] = "FileBin"; $this->load->model("muser"); $this->data["user_logged_in"] = $this->muser->logged_in(); $this->data['redirect_uri'] = $this->uri->uri_string(); } }