<?php /****************************************************************************** * providex.php * ---------- * Author: Jeff Wilder (jeff@coastallogix.com) * Copyright: (c) 2008 Coastal Logix (http://www.coastallogix.com) * Release Version: * Date Started: 2008/10/18 * * ProvideX language file for GeSHi. * * CHANGES * ------- * 2008/10/21 (1.0.0) * - First Release * * TODO * ------------------------- * 1. Create a regexp for numeric global variables (ex: %VarName = 3) * 2. Add standard object control properties * ****************************************************************************** * * This file is part of GeSHi. * * GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * *****************************************************************************/ $language_data = array ( 'LANG_NAME' => 'ProvideX', 'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '!'), 'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'), 'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array( // Single-Line Comments using REM command 2 => "/\bREM\b.*?$/i" ), 'CASE_KEYWORDS' => GESHI_CAPS_NO_CHANGE, 'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"'), 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '', 'KEYWORDS' => array( 1 => array( // Directives '*break', '*continue', '*end', '*escape', '*next', '*proceed', '*retry', '*return', '*same', 'accept', 'add index', 'addr', 'auto', 'begin', 'break', 'button', 'bye', 'call', 'case', 'chart', 'check_box', 'class', 'clear', 'clip_board', 'close', 'continue', 'control', 'create required', 'create table', 'cwdir', 'data', 'day_format', 'def', 'default', 'defctl', 'defprt', 'deftty', 'delete required', 'dictionary', 'dim', 'direct', 'directory', 'disable', 'drop', 'drop_box', 'dump', 'edit', 'else', 'enable', 'end switch', 'end', 'end_if', 'endtrace', 'enter', 'erase', 'error_handler', 'escape', 'event', 'execute', 'exit', 'exitto', 'extract', 'file', 'find', 'floating point', 'for', 'function', 'get_file_box', 'gosub', 'goto', 'grid', 'h_scrollbar', 'hide', 'if', 'index', 'indexed', 'input', 'insert', 'invoke', 'iolist', 'keyed', 'let', 'like', 'line_switch', 'list', 'list_box', 'load', 'local', 'lock', 'long_form', 'menu_bar', 'merge', 'message_lib', 'mnemonic', 'msgbox', 'multi_line', 'multi_media', 'next', 'object', 'obtain', 'on', 'open', 'password', 'perform', 'pop', 'popup_menu', 'precision', 'prefix', 'preinput', 'print', 'process', 'program', 'property', 'purge', 'quit', 'radio_button', 'randomize', 'read', 'record', 'redim', 'refile', 'release', 'rem', 'remove', 'rename', 'renumber', 'repeat', 'reset', 'restore', 'retry', 'return', 'round', 'run', 'save', 'select', 'serial', 'server', 'set_focus', 'set_nbf', 'set_param', 'setctl', 'setday', 'setdev', 'setdrive', 'seterr', 'setesc', 'setfid', 'setmouse', 'settime', 'settrace', 'short_form', 'show', 'sort', 'start', 'static', 'step', 'stop', 'switch', 'system_help', 'system_jrnl', 'table', 'then', 'to', 'translate', 'tristate_box', 'unlock', 'until', 'update', 'user_lex', 'v_scrollbar', 'vardrop_box', 'varlist_box', 'via', 'video_palette', 'wait', 'wend', 'while', 'winprt_setup', 'with', 'write' ), 2 => array( // System Functions '@x', '@y', 'abs', 'acs', 'and', 'arg', 'asc', 'asn', 'ath', 'atn', 'bin', 'bsz', 'chg', 'chr', 'cmp', 'cos', 'cpl', 'crc', 'cse', 'ctl', 'cvs', 'dec', 'dir', 'dll', 'dsk', 'dte', 'env', 'ept', 'err', 'evn', 'evs', 'exp', 'ffn', 'fib', 'fid', 'fin', 'fpt', 'gap', 'gbl', 'gep', 'hsa', 'hsh', 'hta', 'hwn', 'i3e', 'ind', 'int', 'iol', 'ior', 'jul', 'jst', 'kec', 'kef', 'kel', 'ken', 'kep', 'key', 'kgn', 'lcs', 'len', 'lno', 'log', 'lrc', 'lst', 'max', 'mem', 'mid', 'min', 'mnm', 'mod', 'msg', 'msk', 'mxc', 'mxl', 'new', 'not', 'nul', 'num', 'obj', 'opt', 'pad', 'pck', 'pfx', 'pgm', 'pos', 'prc', 'prm', 'pth', 'pub', 'rcd', 'rdx', 'rec', 'ref', 'rnd', 'rno', 'sep', 'sgn', 'sin', 'sqr', 'srt', 'ssz', 'stk', 'stp', 'str', 'sub', 'swp', 'sys', 'tan', 'tbl', 'tcb', 'tmr', 'trx', 'tsk', 'txh', 'txw', 'ucp', 'ucs', 'upk', 'vin', 'vis', 'xeq', 'xfa', 'xor', '_obj' ), 3 => array( // System Variables // Vars that are duplicates of functions // 'ctl', 'err', 'pfx', 'prm', 'rnd', 'sep', 'sys', 'bkg', 'chn', 'day', 'dlm', 'dsz', 'eom', 'ers', 'esc', 'gfn', 'gid', 'hfn', 'hlp', 'hwd', 'lfa', 'lfo', 'lip', 'lpg', 'lwd', 'mse', 'msl', 'nar', 'nid', 'pgn', 'psz', 'quo', 'ret', 'sid', 'ssn', 'tim', 'tme', 'tms', 'tsm', 'uid', 'unt', 'who' ), 4 => array( // Nomads Variables '%Flmaint_Lib$', '%Flmaint_Msg$', '%Nomads_Activation_Ok', '%Nomads_Auto_Qry', '%Nomads_Disable_Debug', '%Nomads_Disable_Trace', '%Nomads_Fkey_Handler$', '%Nomads_Fkey_Tbl$', '%Nomads_Notest', '%Nomads_Onexit$', '%Nomads_Post_Display', '%Nomads_Pre_Display$', '%Nomads_Process$', '%Nomads_Trace_File$', '%Nomad_Actv_Folder_Colors$', '%Nomad_Automation_Enabled', '%Nomad_Auto_Close', '%Nomad_Center_Wdw', '%Nomad_Concurrent_Wdw', '%Nomad_Custom_Define', '%Nomad_Custom_Dir$', '%Nomad_Custom_Genmtc', '%Nomad_Custom_Skip_Definition', '%Nomad_Def_Sfx$', '%Nomad_Enter_Tab', '%Nomad_Esc_Sel', '%Nomad_Isjavx', '%Nomad_Iswindx', '%Nomad_Iswindx$', '%Nomad_Menu$', '%Nomad_Menu_Leftedge_Clr$', '%Nomad_Menu_Textbackground_Clr$', '%Nomad_Mln_Sep$', '%Nomad_Msgmnt$', '%Nomad_Noplusw', '%Nomad_No_Customize', '%Nomad_Object_Persistence', '%Nomad_Object_Resize', '%Nomad_Open_Load', '%Nomad_Override_Font$', '%Nomad_Palette_Loaded', '%Nomad_Panel_Info_Force', '%Nomad_Panel_Info_Prog$', '%Nomad_Pnl_Def_Colour$', '%Nomad_Pnl_Def_Font$', '%Nomad_Prg_Cache', '%Nomad_Qry_Attr$', '%Nomad_Qry_Btn$', '%Nomad_Qry_Clear_Start', '%Nomad_Qry_Tip$', '%Nomad_Qry_Wide', '%Nomad_Query_Clear_Status', '%Nomad_Query_Kno', '%Nomad_Query_No_Gray', '%Nomad_Query_Odb_Ignore', '%Nomad_Query_Retkno', '%Nomad_Query_Sbar_Max', '%Nomad_Relative_Wdw', '%Nomad_Save_Qry_Path', '%Nomad_Script_Fn', '%Nomad_Script_Log', '%Nomad_Script_Wdw', '%Nomad_Skip_Change_Logic', '%Nomad_Skip_Onselect_Logic', '%Nomad_Stk$', '%Nomad_Tab_Dir', '%Nomad_Timeout', '%Nomad_Turbo_Off', '%Nomad_Visual_Effect', '%Nomad_Visual_Override', '%Nomad_Win_Ver', '%Nomad_Xchar', '%Nomad_Xmax', '%Nomad_Ychar', '%Nomad_Ymax', '%Scr_Def_Attr$', '%Scr_Def_H_Fl$', '%Scr_Def_H_Id$', '%Scr_Lib', '%Scr_Lib$', '%Z__Usr_Sec$', 'Alternate_Panel$', 'Alternate_Panel_Type$', 'Arg_1$', 'Arg_10$', 'Arg_11$', 'Arg_12$', 'Arg_13$', 'Arg_14$', 'Arg_15$', 'Arg_16$', 'Arg_17$', 'Arg_18$', 'Arg_19$', 'Arg_2$', 'Arg_20$', 'Arg_3$', 'Arg_4$', 'Arg_5$', 'Arg_6$', 'Arg_7$', 'Arg_8$', 'Arg_9$', 'Change_Flg', 'Cmd_Str$', 'Default_Prog$', 'Disp_Cmd$', 'Entire_Record$', 'Exit_Cmd$', 'Fldr_Default_Prog$', 'Folder_Id$', 'Id', 'Id$', 'Ignore_Exit', 'Initialize_Flg', 'Init_Text$', 'Init_Val$', 'Main_Scrn_K$', 'Mnu_Ln$', 'Next_Folder', 'Next_Id', 'Next_Id$', 'No_Flush', 'Prime_Key$', 'Prior_Val', 'Prior_Val$', 'Qry_Val$', 'Refresh_Flg', 'Replacement_Folder$', 'Replacement_Lib$', 'Replacement_Scrn$', 'Scrn_Id$', 'Scrn_K$', 'Scrn_Lib$', 'Tab_Table$', '_Eom$' ), 5 => array( // Mnemonics "'!w'", "'*c'", "'*h'", "'*i'", "'*o'", "'*r'", "'*x'", "'+b'", "'+d'", "'+e'", "'+f'", "'+i'", "'+n'", "'+p'", "'+s'", "'+t'", "'+u'", "'+v'", "'+w'", "'+x'", "'+z'", "'-b'", "'-d'", "'-e'", "'-f'", "'-i'", "'-n'", "'-p'", "'-s'", "'-t'", "'-u'", "'-v'", "'-w'", "'-x'", "'-z'", "'2d'", "'3d'", "'4d'", "'@@'", "'ab'", "'arc'", "'at'", "'backgr'", "'bb'", "'be'", "'beep'", "'bg'", "'bi'", "'bj'", "'bk'", "'black'", "'blue'", "'bm'", "'bo'", "'box'", "'br'", "'bs'", "'bt'", "'bu'", "'bw'", "'bx'", "'caption'", "'ce'", "'cf'", "'ch'", "'ci'", "'circle'", "'cl'", "'colour'", "'cp'", "'cpi'", "'cr'", "'cs'", "'cursor'", "'cyan''_cyan'", "'dc'", "'default'", "'df'", "'dialogue'", "'dn'", "'do'", "'drop'", "'eb'", "'ee'", "'ef'", "'eg'", "'ei'", "'ej'", "'el'", "'em'", "'eo'", "'ep'", "'er'", "'es'", "'et'", "'eu'", "'ew'", "'ff'", "'fill'", "'fl'", "'font'", "'frame'", "'gd'", "'ge'", "'gf'", "'goto'", "'green'", "'gs'", "'hide'", "'ic'", "'image'", "'jc'", "'jd'", "'jl'", "'jn'", "'jr'", "'js'", "'l6'", "'l8'", "'lc'", "'ld'", "'lf'", "'li'", "'line'", "'lm'", "'lpi'", "'lt'", "'magenta'", "'maxsize'", "'me'", "'message'", "'minsize'", "'mn'", "'mode'", "'move'", "'mp'", "'ms'", "'ni'", "'offset'", "'option'", "'pe'", "'pen'", "'picture'", "'pie'", "'pm'", "'polygon'", "'pop'", "'ps'", "'push'", "'rb'", "'rc'", "'rectangle'", "'red'", "'rl'", "'rm'", "'rp'", "'rs'", "'rt'", "'sb'", "'scroll'", "'sd'", "'se'", "'sf'", "'show'", "'size'", "'sl'", "'sn'", "'sp'", "'sr'", "'swap'", "'sx'", "'text'", "'textwdw'", "'tr'", "'tw'", "'uc'", "'up'", "'vt'", "'wa'", "'wc'", "'wd'", "'wg'", "'white'", "'window'", "'wm'", "'wp'", "'wr'", "'wrap'", "'ws'", "'wx'", "'xp'", "'yellow'", "'zx'", "'_black'", "'_blue'", "'_colour'", "'_green'", "'_magenta'", "'_red'", "'_white'", "'_yellow'" ), ), 'SYMBOLS' => array( 0 => array('+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '|'), 1 => array('++', '--', '+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '^=', '|='), 2 => array('<', '>', '='), 3 => array('(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}'), 4 => array(',', '@', ';', '\\') ), 'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array( GESHI_COMMENTS => false, 1 => false, 2 => false, 3 => false, 4 => false, 5 => false, ), 'STYLES' => array( 'KEYWORDS' => array( 1 => 'color: navy;', // Directives 2 => 'color: blue;', // System Functions 3 => 'color: blue;', // System Variables 4 => 'color: #6A5ACD; font-style: italic;', // Nomads Global Variables 5 => 'color: #BDB76B;', // Mnemonics ), 'COMMENTS' => array( 1 => 'color: #008080; font-style: italic;', 2 => 'color: #008080;', 'MULTI' => 'color: #008080; font-style: italic;' ), 'BRACKETS' => array( 0 => 'color: #000066;' ), 'STRINGS' => array( 0 => 'color: green;' ), 'NUMBERS' => array( 0 => 'color: #00008B;' ), 'METHODS' => array( ), 'SYMBOLS' => array( 0 => 'color: #008000;', 1 => 'color: #000099;', 2 => 'color: #000099;', 3 => 'color: #0000C9;', 4 => 'color: #000099;' ), 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array( 0 => 'color: #000099;' ), 'SCRIPT' => array( ), 'REGEXPS' => array( 1 => 'color: #006400; font-weight: bold', 2 => 'color: #6A5ACD;' ) ), 'URLS' => array( 1 => 'http://www.allbasic.info./wiki/index.php/PX:Directive_{FNAME}', 2 => 'http://www.allbasic.info./wiki/index.php/PX:System_function_{FNAME}', 3 => 'http://www.allbasic.info./wiki/index.php/PX:System_variable_{FNAME}', 4 => 'http://www.allbasic.info./wiki/index.php/PX:Nomads_{FNAME}', 5 => 'http://www.allbasic.info./wiki/index.php/PX:Mnemonic_{FNAMEU}' ), 'OOLANG' => true, 'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array( 1 => "'" ), 'REGEXPS' => array( 1 => array( // Line Labels GESHI_SEARCH => '([[:space:]])([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(:)', GESHI_REPLACE => '\\2', GESHI_MODIFIERS => '', GESHI_BEFORE => '\\1', GESHI_AFTER => '\\3' ), 2 => array( // Global String Variables GESHI_SEARCH => '(\%)([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\$)', GESHI_REPLACE => '\\1\\2\\3', GESHI_MODIFIERS => '', GESHI_BEFORE => '', GESHI_AFTER => '' ) ), 'STRICT_MODE_APPLIES' => GESHI_NEVER, 'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array( ), 'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array( ), 'PARSER_CONTROL' => array( 'ENABLE_FLAGS' => array( 'NUMBERS' => GESHI_NEVER ) ), 'TAB_WIDTH' => 4 ); ?>