db->dbprefix; if ($this->db->dbdriver == 'postgre') { $this->db->query(' ALTER TABLE "'.$prefix.'ci_sessions" DROP COLUMN "user_agent"; '); $this->db->query(' ALTER TABLE "'.$prefix.'ci_sessions" RENAME COLUMN "session_id" TO "id"; '); $this->db->query(' ALTER TABLE "'.$prefix.'ci_sessions" RENAME COLUMN "last_activity" TO "timestamp"; '); $this->db->query(' ALTER TABLE "'.$prefix.'ci_sessions" RENAME COLUMN "user_data" TO "data"; '); } else { $this->db->query(' ALTER TABLE `'.$prefix.'ci_sessions` DROP `user_agent`, CHANGE `session_id` `id` VARCHAR(40) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CHANGE `last_activity` `timestamp` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CHANGE `user_data` `data` BLOB NOT NULL; '); } } public function down() { throw new \exceptions\ApiException("migration/downgrade-not-supported", "downgrade not supported"); } }