<?php /* * Copyright 2014 Florian "Bluewind" Pritz <bluewind@server-speed.net> * * Licensed under AGPLv3 * (see COPYING for full license text) * */ namespace service; class files { static public function history($user) { $CI =& get_instance(); $items = array(); $fields = array("files.id", "filename", "mimetype", "files.date", "hash", "filesize"); $query = $CI->db->select(implode(',', $fields)) ->from('files') ->join('file_storage', 'file_storage.id = files.file_storage_id') ->where('user', $user) ->get()->result_array(); foreach ($query as $key => $item) { if (\libraries\Image::type_supported($item["mimetype"])) { $item['thumbnail'] = site_url("file/thumbnail/".$item['id']); } $items[$item["id"]] = $item; } $total_size = $CI->db->query(" SELECT coalesce(sum(sub.filesize), 0) sum FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT fs.id, filesize FROM ".$CI->db->dbprefix."file_storage fs JOIN ".$CI->db->dbprefix."files f ON fs.id = f.file_storage_id WHERE f.user = ? ) sub ", array($user))->row_array(); $ret["items"] = $items; $ret["multipaste_items"] = self::get_multipaste_history($user); $ret["total_size"] = $total_size["sum"]; return $ret; } static private function get_multipaste_history($user) { $CI =& get_instance(); $multipaste_items_grouped = array(); $multipaste_items = array(); $query = $CI->db ->select('m.url_id, m.date') ->from("multipaste m") ->where("user_id", $user) ->get()->result_array(); $multipaste_info = array(); foreach ($query as $item) { $multipaste_info[$item["url_id"]] = $item; } $multipaste_items_query = $CI->db ->select("m.url_id, f.id") ->from("multipaste m") ->join("multipaste_file_map mfm", "m.multipaste_id = mfm.multipaste_id") ->join("files f", "f.id = mfm.file_url_id") ->where("m.user_id", $user) ->order_by("mfm.sort_order") ->get()->result_array(); $counter = 0; foreach ($multipaste_items_query as $item) { $multipaste_info[$item["url_id"]]["items"][$item["id"]] = array( "id" => $item["id"], // normalize sort_order value so we don't leak any information "sort_order" => $counter++, ); } // No idea why, but this can/could happen so be more forgiving and clean up foreach ($multipaste_info as $key => $m) { if (!isset($m["items"])) { $CI->mmultipaste->delete_id($key); unset($multipaste_info[$key]); } } return $multipaste_info; } static public function add_file_data($userid, $id, $content, $filename) { $f = new \libraries\Tempfile(); $file = $f->get_file(); file_put_contents($file, $content); self::add_file_callback($userid, $id, $file, $filename); } /** * Ellipsize text to be at max $max_lines lines long. If the last line is * not complete (strlen($text) < $filesize), drop it so that every line of * the returned text is complete. If there is only one line, return that * line as is and add the ellipses at the end. * * @param text Text to add ellipses to * @param max_lines Number of lines the returned text should contain * @param filesize size of the original file where the text comes from * @return ellipsized text */ static public function ellipsize($text, $max_lines, $filesize) { $lines = explode("\n", $text); $orig_len = strlen($text); $orig_linecount = count($lines); if ($orig_linecount > 1) { if ($orig_len < $filesize) { // ensure we have a full line at the end $lines = array_slice($lines, 0, -1); } if (count($lines) > $max_lines) { $lines = array_slice($lines, 0, $max_lines); } if (count($lines) != $orig_linecount) { // only add elipses when we drop at least one line $lines[] = "..."; } } elseif ($orig_len < $filesize) { $lines[count($lines) - 1] .= " ..."; } return implode("\n", $lines); } static public function add_uploaded_file($userid, $id, $file, $filename) { self::add_file_callback($userid, $id, $file, $filename); } static private function add_file_callback($userid, $id, $new_file, $filename) { $CI =& get_instance(); $hash = md5_file($new_file); $storage_id = null; $query = $CI->db->select('id, hash') ->from('file_storage') ->where('hash', $hash) ->get()->result_array(); foreach($query as $row) { $data_id = implode("-", array($row['hash'], $row['id'])); $old_file = $CI->mfile->file($data_id); if (files_are_equal($old_file, $new_file)) { $storage_id = $row["id"]; break; } } if ($storage_id === null) { $filesize = filesize($new_file); $mimetype = mimetype($new_file); $CI->db->insert("file_storage", array( "filesize" => $filesize, "mimetype" => $mimetype, "hash" => $hash, "date" => time(), )); $storage_id = $CI->db->insert_id(); } $data_id = $hash."-".$storage_id; // TODO: all this doesn't have to run if the file exists. updating the mtime would be enough // that would also be better for COW filesystems $dir = $CI->mfile->folder($data_id); file_exists($dir) || mkdir ($dir); $new_path = $CI->mfile->file($data_id); $dest = new \service\storage($new_path); $tmpfile = $dest->begin(); rename($new_file, $tmpfile); $dest->commit(); $CI->mfile->add_file($userid, $id, $filename, $storage_id); } static public function verify_uploaded_files($files) { $CI =& get_instance(); $errors = array(); if (empty($files)) { throw new \exceptions\UserInputException("file/no-file", "No file was uploaded or unknown error occured."); } foreach ($files as $key => $file) { $error_message = ""; // getNormalizedFILES() removes any file with error == 4 if ($file['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { // ERR_OK only for completeness, condition above ignores it $error_msgs = array( UPLOAD_ERR_OK => "There is no error, the file uploaded with success", UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini", UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form", UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded", UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => "No file was uploaded", UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => "Missing a temporary folder", UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => "Failed to write file to disk", UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => "A PHP extension stopped the file upload", ); $error_message = "Unknown error."; if (isset($error_msgs[$file['error']])) { $error_message = $error_msgs[$file['error']]; } else { $error_message = "Unknown error code: ".$file['error'].". Please report a bug."; } } $filesize = filesize($file['tmp_name']); if ($filesize > $CI->config->item('upload_max_size')) { $error_message = "File too big"; } if ($error_message != "") { $errors[$file["formfield"]] = array( "filename" => $file["name"], "formfield" => $file["formfield"], "message" => $error_message, ); throw new \exceptions\FileUploadVerifyException("file/upload-verify", "Failed to verify uploaded file(s)", $errors); } } } // TODO: streamline this interface to be somewhat atomic in regards to // wrong owner/unknown ids (verify first and throw exception) static public function delete($ids) { $CI =& get_instance(); $userid = $CI->muser->get_userid(); $errors = array(); $deleted = array(); $deleted_count = 0; $total_count = 0; if (!$ids || !is_array($ids)) { throw new \exceptions\UserInputException("file/delete/no-ids", "No IDs specified"); } foreach ($ids as $id) { $total_count++; $nextID = false; foreach (array($CI->mfile, $CI->mmultipaste) as $model) { if ($model->id_exists($id)) { if ($model->get_owner($id) !== $userid) { $errors[$id] = array( "id" => $id, "reason" => "wrong owner", ); $nextID = true; continue; } if ($model->delete_id($id)) { $deleted[$id] = array( "id" => $id, ); $deleted_count++; $nextID = true; } else { $errors[$id] = array( "id" => $id, "reason" => "unknown error", ); } } } if ($nextID) { continue; } $errors[$id] = array( "id" => $id, "reason" => "doesn't exist", ); } return array( "errors" => $errors, "deleted" => $deleted, "total_count" => $total_count, "deleted_count" => $deleted_count, ); } static public function create_multipaste($ids, $userid, $limits) { $CI =& get_instance(); if (!$ids || !is_array($ids)) { throw new \exceptions\UserInputException("file/create_multipaste/no-ids", "No IDs specified"); } if (count(array_unique($ids)) != count($ids)) { throw new \exceptions\UserInputException("file/create_multipaste/duplicate-id", "Duplicate IDs are not supported"); } $errors = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { if (!$CI->mfile->id_exists($id)) { $errors[$id] = array( "id" => $id, "reason" => "doesn't exist", ); continue; } $filedata = $CI->mfile->get_filedata($id); if ($filedata["user"] != $userid) { $errors[$id] = array( "id" => $id, "reason" => "not owned by you", ); } } if (!empty($errors)) { throw new \exceptions\VerifyException("file/create_multipaste/verify-failed", "Failed to verify ID(s)", $errors); } $url_id = $CI->mmultipaste->new_id($limits[0], $limits[1]); $multipaste_id = $CI->mmultipaste->get_multipaste_id($url_id); assert($multipaste_id !== false); foreach ($ids as $id) { $CI->db->insert("multipaste_file_map", array( "file_url_id" => $id, "multipaste_id" => $multipaste_id, )); } return array( "url_id" => $url_id, "url" => site_url($url_id)."/", ); } static public function valid_id(array $filedata, array $config, $model, $current_date) { assert(isset($filedata["data_id"])); assert(isset($filedata["id"])); assert(isset($filedata["user"])); assert(isset($filedata["date"])); assert(isset($config["upload_max_age"])); assert(isset($config["sess_expiration"])); assert(isset($config["small_upload_size"])); $file = $model->file($filedata['data_id']); if (!$model->file_exists($file)) { $model->delete_data_id($filedata["data_id"]); return false; } if ($filedata["user"] == 0) { if ($filedata["date"] < $current_date - $config["sess_expiration"]) { $model->delete_id($filedata["id"]); return false; } } // 0 age disables age checks if ($config['upload_max_age'] == 0) return true; // small files don't expire if ($model->filesize($file) <= $config["small_upload_size"]) { return true; } // files older than this should be removed $remove_before = $current_date - $config["upload_max_age"]; if ($filedata["date"] < $remove_before) { // if the file has been uploaded multiple times the mtime is the time // of the last upload $mtime = $model->filemtime($file); if ($mtime < $remove_before) { $model->delete_data_id($filedata["data_id"]); } else { $model->delete_id($filedata["id"]); } return false; } return true; } static public function tooltip(array $filedata) { $filesize = format_bytes($filedata["filesize"]); $file = get_instance()->mfile->file($filedata["data_id"]); $upload_date = date("r", $filedata["date"]); $height = 0; $width = 0; try { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file); } catch (\ErrorException $e) { // likely unsupported filetype } $tooltip = "${filedata["id"]} - $filesize<br>"; $tooltip .= "$upload_date<br>"; if ($height > 0 && $width > 0) { $tooltip .= "${width}x${height} - ${filedata["mimetype"]}<br>"; } else { $tooltip .= "${filedata["mimetype"]}<br>"; } return $tooltip; } }