<?php /* * Copyright 2016 Florian "Bluewind" Pritz <bluewind@server-speed.net> * * Licensed under AGPLv3 * (see COPYING for full license text) * */ namespace service; class multipaste_queue { public function __construct($session = null, $mfile = null, $mmultipaste = null) { $CI =& get_instance(); $this->session = $session; $this->mfile = $mfile; $this->mmultipaste = $mmultipaste; if ($this->session === null) { $this->session = $CI->session; } if ($this->mfile === null) { $CI->load->model("mfile"); $this->mfile = $CI->mfile; } if ($this->mmultipaste === null) { $CI->load->model("mmultipaste"); $this->mmultipaste = $CI->mmultipaste; } } /** * Append ids to the queue * * @param array ids * @return void */ public function append(array $ids) { $old_ids = $this->get(); # replace multipaste ids with their corresponding paste ids $ids = array_map(function($id) {return array_values($this->resolve_multipaste($id));}, $ids); $ids = array_reduce($ids, function($a, $b) {return array_merge($a, $b);}, []); $ids = array_unique(array_merge($old_ids, $ids)); $this->set($ids); } /** * Return array of ids in a multipaste if the argument id is a multipaste. * Otherwise return an array containing just the argument id. * * @param id * @return array of ids */ private function resolve_multipaste($id) { if (strpos($id, "m-") === 0) { if ($this->mmultipaste->valid_id($id)) { return array_map(function($filedata) {return $filedata['id'];}, $this->mmultipaste->get_files($id)); } } return [$id]; } /** * Get the queue * * @return array of ids */ public function get() { $ids = $this->session->userdata("multipaste_queue"); if ($ids === false) { $ids = []; } assert(is_array($ids)); return $ids; } /** * Set the queue to $ids * * @param array ids * @return void */ public function set(array $ids) { $ids = array_filter($ids, function($id) {return $this->mfile->valid_id($id);}); $this->session->set_userdata("multipaste_queue", $ids); } }