* * Licensed under AGPLv3 * (see COPYING for full license text) * */ namespace test\tests\api_v2; class test_file_create_multipaste extends common { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->startServer(23204); $this->userCounter = 4100; } public function test_create_multipaste_canCreate() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey("basic"); $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0]; $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $id2 = $ret["data"]["ids"][0]; $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/create_multipaste", array( "apikey" => $apikey, "ids[1]" => $id, "ids[2]" => $id2, )); $this->expectSuccess("create multipaste", $ret); $this->t->isnt($ret["data"]["url_id"], "", "got a multipaste ID"); $this->t->isnt($ret["data"]["url"], "", "got a multipaste URL"); } public function test_create_multipaste_errorOnWrongID() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey("basic"); $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0]; $id2 = $id."invalid"; $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/create_multipaste", array( "apikey" => $apikey, "ids[1]" => $id, "ids[2]" => $id2, )); $this->expectError("create multipaste with wrong ID", $ret); $this->t->is_deeply(array( 'status' => 'error', 'error_id' => 'file/create_multipaste/verify-failed', 'message' => 'Failed to verify ID(s)', 'data' => array ( $id2 => array ( 'id' => $id2, 'reason' => 'doesn\'t exist', ), ), ), $ret, "expected error response"); } public function test_create_multipaste_errorOnWrongOwner() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey("basic"); $apikey2 = $this->createUserAndApikey("basic"); $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0]; $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/create_multipaste", array( "apikey" => $apikey2, "ids[1]" => $id, )); $this->expectError("create multipaste with wrong owner", $ret); $this->t->is_deeply(array( 'status' => 'error', 'error_id' => 'file/create_multipaste/verify-failed', 'message' => 'Failed to verify ID(s)', 'data' => array ( $id => array ( 'id' => $id, 'reason' => 'not owned by you', ), ), ), $ret, "expected error response"); } public function test_delete_canDeleteMultipaste() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0]; $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/create_multipaste", array( "apikey" => $apikey, "ids[1]" => $id, )); $this->expectSuccess("create multipaste", $ret); $mid = $ret['data']['url_id']; $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/delete", array( "apikey" => $apikey, "ids[1]" => $mid, )); $this->expectSuccess("delete uploaded file", $ret); $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["errors"]), "no errors"); $this->t->is_deeply(array( $mid => array( "id" => $mid ) ), $ret["data"]["deleted"], "deleted wanted ID"); $this->t->is($ret["data"]["total_count"], 1, "total_count correct"); $this->t->is($ret["data"]["deleted_count"], 1, "deleted_count correct"); } public function test_create_multipaste_minidlength() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey("basic"); $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0]; $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $id2 = $ret["data"]["ids"][0]; $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/create_multipaste", array( "apikey" => $apikey, "ids[1]" => $id, "ids[2]" => $id2, "minimum-id-length" => 42, )); $this->expectSuccess("create multipaste", $ret); $this->t->isnt($ret["data"]["url_id"], "", "got a multipaste ID"); $this->t->isnt($ret["data"]["url"], "", "got a multipaste URL"); $this->t->ok(strlen($ret["data"]["url_id"]) >= 42, "minimum url length upheld"); } }