* * Licensed under AGPLv3 * (see COPYING for full license text) * */ namespace test\tests; class test_service_files extends \test\Test { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model("muser"); $CI->load->model("mfile"); } public function test_verify_uploaded_files_noFiles() { $a = array(); try { \service\files::verify_uploaded_files($a); $this->t->fail("verify should error"); } catch (\exceptions\UserInputException $e) { $this->t->is($e->get_error_id(), "file/no-file", "verify should error"); } } public function test_verify_uploaded_files_normal() { $CI =& get_instance(); $a = array( array( "name" => "foobar.txt", "type" => "text/plain", "tmp_name" => NULL, "error" => UPLOAD_ERR_OK, "size" => 1, "formfield" => "file[1]", ) ); \service\files::verify_uploaded_files($a); $this->t->pass("verify should work"); } public function test_verify_uploaded_files_uploadError() { $CI =& get_instance(); $a = array( array( "name" => "foobar.txt", "type" => "text/plain", "tmp_name" => NULL, "error" => UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE, "size" => 1, "formfield" => "file[1]", ) ); try { \service\files::verify_uploaded_files($a); $this->t->fail("verify should error"); } catch (\exceptions\UserInputException $e) { $data = $e->get_data(); $this->t->is($e->get_error_id(), "file/upload-verify", "verify should error"); $this->t->is_deeply(array( 'file[1]' => array( 'filename' => 'foobar.txt', 'formfield' => 'file[1]', 'message' => 'No file was uploaded', ), ), $data, "expected data in exception"); } } public function test_ellipsize() { $a1 = "abc"; $a2 = "abc\nabc"; $a3 = "abc\nabc\nabc"; $a4 = "abc\nabc\nabc\nabc"; $this->t->is(\service\files::ellipsize($a1, 1, strlen($a1)), $a1, "Trim 1 line to 1, no change"); $this->t->is(\service\files::ellipsize($a3, 3, strlen($a3)), $a3, "Trim 3 lines to 3, no change"); $this->t->is(\service\files::ellipsize($a3, 5, strlen($a3)), $a3, "Trim 3 lines to 5, no change"); $this->t->is(\service\files::ellipsize($a2, 1, strlen($a2)), "$a1\n...", "Trim 2 lines to 1, drop one line"); $this->t->is(\service\files::ellipsize($a3, 2, strlen($a3)), "$a2\n...", "Trim 3 lines to 2, drop one line"); $this->t->is(\service\files::ellipsize($a4, 2, strlen($a4)), "$a2\n...", "Trim 4 lines to 2, drop 2 lines"); $this->t->is(\service\files::ellipsize($a3, 3, strlen($a3) + 1), "$a2\n...", "Last line incomplete, drop one line"); $this->t->is(\service\files::ellipsize($a1, 5, strlen($a1) + 1), "$a1 ...", "Single line incomplete, only add dots"); } }