* * Licensed under AGPLv3 * (see COPYING for full license text) * */ namespace tests; class test_api_v1 extends Test { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model("muser"); $CI->load->model("mfile"); } private function uploadFile($apikey, $file) { $ret = $this->CallAPI("POST", "$this->server/api/1.0.0/file/upload", array( "apikey" => $apikey, "file[1]" => curl_file_create($file), )); $this->expectSuccess("upload file", $ret); return $ret; } private function createUser($counter) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->db->insert("users", array( 'username' => "testuser-api_v1-$counter", 'password' => $CI->muser->hash_password("testpass$counter"), 'email' => "testuser$counter@localhost.invalid", 'referrer' => NULL )); return $CI->db->insert_id(); } private function createApikey($userid) { return \service\user::create_apikey($userid, "", "apikey"); } private function createUserAndApikey() { static $counter = 100; $counter++; $userid = $this->createUser($counter); return $this->createApikey($userid); } private function callEndpoint($verb, $endpoint, $data) { return $this->CallAPI($verb, "$this->server/api/1.0.0/$endpoint", $data); } public function test_callPrivateEndpointsWithoutApikey() { $endpoints = array( "file/upload", "file/history", "file/delete", "file/create_multipaste", "user/apikeys", "user/create_apikey", ); foreach ($endpoints as $endpoint) { $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", $endpoint, array( )); $this->expectError("call $endpoint without apikey", $ret); $this->t->is_deeply(array( 'status' => 'error', 'error_id' => 'api/not-authenticated', 'message' => 'Not authenticated. FileBin requires you to have an account, please go to the homepage for more information.', ), $ret, "expected error"); } } public function test_create_apikey_createNewKey() { $this->createUser(1); $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "user/create_apikey", array( "username" => "testuser-api_v1-1", "password" => "testpass1", "access_level" => "apikey", "comment" => "main api key", )); $this->expectSuccess("create-apikey", $ret); $this->t->isnt($ret["data"]["new_key"], "", "apikey not empty"); } public function test_history_empty() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/history", array( "apikey" => $apikey, )); $this->expectSuccess("get history", $ret); $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["items"]), "items key exists and empty"); $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["multipaste_items"]), "multipaste_items key exists and empty"); $this->t->is($ret["data"]["total_size"], 0, "total_size = 0 since no uploads"); } public function test_get_config() { $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("GET", "file/get_config", array( )); $this->expectSuccess("get_config", $ret); $this->t->like($ret["data"]["upload_max_size"], '/[0-9]+/', "upload_max_size is int"); $this->t->like($ret["data"]["max_files_per_request"], '/[0-9]+/', "max_files_per_request is int"); } public function test_upload_uploadFile() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/upload", array( "apikey" => $apikey, "file[1]" => curl_file_create("data/tests/small-file"), )); $this->expectSuccess("upload file", $ret); $this->t->ok(!empty($ret["data"]["ids"]), "got IDs"); $this->t->ok(!empty($ret["data"]["urls"]), "got URLs"); } public function test_upload_uploadNothing() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/upload", array( "apikey" => $apikey, )); $this->expectError("upload no file", $ret); $this->t->is_deeply(array( 'status' => 'error', 'error_id' => 'file/no-file', 'message' => 'No file was uploaded or unknown error occured.', ), $ret, "expected reply"); } public function test_history_notEmptyAfterUpload() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/history", array( "apikey" => $apikey, )); $this->expectSuccess("history not empty after upload", $ret); $this->t->ok(!empty($ret["data"]["items"]), "history not empty after upload (items)"); $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["multipaste_items"]), "didn't upload multipaste"); $this->t->is($ret["data"]["total_size"], filesize("data/tests/small-file"), "total_size == uploaded file"); } public function test_history_notSharedBetweenUsers() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $apikey2 = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/history", array( "apikey" => $apikey2, )); $this->expectSuccess("get history", $ret); $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["items"]), "items key exists and empty"); $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["multipaste_items"]), "multipaste_items key exists and empty"); $this->t->is($ret["data"]["total_size"], 0, "total_size = 0 since no uploads"); } public function test_delete_canDeleteUploaded() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0]; $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/delete", array( "apikey" => $apikey, "ids[1]" => $id, )); $this->expectSuccess("delete uploaded file", $ret); $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["errors"]), "no errors"); $this->t->is_deeply(array( $id => array( "id" => $id ) ), $ret["data"]["deleted"], "deleted wanted ID"); $this->t->is($ret["data"]["total_count"], 1, "total_count correct"); $this->t->is($ret["data"]["deleted_count"], 1, "deleted_count correct"); } public function test_delete_errorIfNotOwner() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $apikey2 = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0]; $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/delete", array( "apikey" => $apikey2, "ids[1]" => $id, )); $this->expectSuccess("delete file of someone else", $ret); $this->t->ok(empty($ret["data"]["deleted"]), "not deleted"); $this->t->is_deeply(array( $id => array( "id" => $id, "reason" => "wrong owner" ) ), $ret["data"]["errors"], "error wanted ID"); $this->t->is($ret["data"]["total_count"], 1, "total_count correct"); $this->t->is($ret["data"]["deleted_count"], 0, "deleted_count correct"); } public function test_create_multipaste_canCreate() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0]; $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $id2 = $ret["data"]["ids"][0]; $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/create_multipaste", array( "apikey" => $apikey, "ids[1]" => $id, "ids[2]" => $id2, )); $this->expectSuccess("create multipaste", $ret); $this->t->isnt($ret["data"]["url_id"], "", "got a multipaste ID"); } public function test_create_multipaste_errorOnWrongID() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0]; $id2 = $id."invalid"; $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/create_multipaste", array( "apikey" => $apikey, "ids[1]" => $id, "ids[2]" => $id2, )); $this->expectError("create multipaste with wrong ID", $ret); $this->t->is_deeply(array( 'status' => 'error', 'error_id' => 'file/create_multipaste/verify-failed', 'message' => 'Failed to verify ID(s)', 'data' => array ( $id2 => array ( 'id' => $id2, 'reason' => 'doesn\'t exist', ), ), ), $ret, "expected error response"); } public function test_create_multipaste_errorOnWrongOwner() { $apikey = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $apikey2 = $this->createUserAndApikey(); $ret = $this->uploadFile($apikey, "data/tests/small-file"); $id = $ret["data"]["ids"][0]; $ret = $this->CallEndpoint("POST", "file/create_multipaste", array( "apikey" => $apikey2, "ids[1]" => $id, )); $this->expectError("create multipaste with wrong owner", $ret); $this->t->is_deeply(array( 'status' => 'error', 'error_id' => 'file/create_multipaste/verify-failed', 'message' => 'Failed to verify ID(s)', 'data' => array ( $id => array ( 'id' => $id, 'reason' => 'not owned by you', ), ), ), $ret, "expected error response"); } }