plan(2); $t->ok(1 + 1 = 2, 'One plus one equals two'); $t->ok( doSomethingAndReturnTrue() , 'doSomethingAndReturnTrue() successful'); Procedural Example: require_once('Test-More.php'); plan(2); ok(1 + 1 = 2, 'One plus one equals two'); ok( doSomethingAndReturnTrue() , 'doSomethingAndReturnTrue() successful'); From a browser If you are running Test-Simple on a web server and want slightly more web-readable output, call the web_output() method/function. Updates Updates will be posted to the Google code page: Bugs Please file bug reports via the Issues tracker at the google code page. Acknowledgements Michael G Schwern: Chris Shiflet: Author Copyright RJ Herrick 2009, 2010 */ require_once('Test-Simple-OO.php'); class TestMore extends TestSimple { /* Test-More extensions */ private $interp; function pass ($name = NULL) { return $this->ok(TRUE, $name); } function fail ($name = NULL) { return $this->ok(FALSE, $name); } function _compare ($operator, $thing1, $thing2, $name = NULL) { // Test.php's cmp_ok function accepts coderefs, hmmm $result = eval("return (\$thing1 $operator \$thing2);"); return $this->ok($result, $name); } function is ($thing1, $thing2, $name = NULL) { $pass = $this->_compare ('==',$thing1,$thing2,$name); if (!$pass) { $this->diag(" got: '$thing1'", " expected: '$thing2'"); } return $pass; } function isnt ($thing1, $thing2, $name = NULL) { $pass = $this->_compare ('!=',$thing1,$thing2,$name); if (!$pass) { $this->diag(" got: '$thing1'", " expected: '$thing2'"); } return $pass; } function like ($string, $pattern, $name = NULL) { $pass = preg_match($pattern, $string); $ok = $this->ok($pass, $name); if (!$ok) { $this->diag(" '$string'"); $this->diag(" doesn't match '$pattern'"); } return $ok; } function unlike ($string, $pattern, $name = NULL) { $pass = !preg_match($pattern, $string); $ok = $this->ok($pass, $name); if (!$ok) { $this->diag(" '$string'"); $this->diag(" matches '$pattern'"); } return $ok; } function cmp_ok ($thing1, $operator, $thing2, $name = NULL) { eval("\$pass = (\$thing1 $operator \$thing2);"); ob_start(); var_dump($thing1); $_thing1 = trim(ob_get_clean()); ob_start(); var_dump($thing2); $_thing2 = trim(ob_get_clean()); $ok = $this->ok($pass, $name); if (!$ok) { $this->diag(" got: $_thing1"); $this->diag(" expected: $_thing2"); } return $ok; } function can_ok ($object, $methods) { $pass = TRUE; $errors = array(); if (!is_array($methods)) $methods = array($methods); foreach ($methods as $method) { if (!method_exists($object, $method)) { $pass = FALSE; $errors[] = " method_exists(\$object, $method) failed"; } } $ok = $this->ok($pass, "method_exists(\$object, ...)"); if (!$ok) { $this->diag($errors); } return $ok; } function isa_ok ($object, $expected_class, $object_name = 'The object') { $got_class = get_class($object); if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5', '>=')) { $pass = ($got_class == $expected_class); } else { $pass = ($got_class == strtolower($expected_class)); } if ($pass) { $ok = $this->ok(TRUE, "$object_name isa $expected_class"); } else { $ok = $this->ok(FALSE, "$object_name isn't a '$expected_class' it's a '$got_class'"); } return $ok; } function _include_fatal_error_handler ($buffer) { // Finish successfully? Carry on. if ($buffer === 'included OK') return ''; $module = $this->LastModuleTested; // Inside ob_start, won't see the output $this->ok(FALSE,"include $module"); $message = trim($buffer); $unrunmsg = ''; if ( is_int($this->NumberOfTests) ) { $unrun = $this->NumberOfTests - (int)$this->TestsRun; $plural = $unrun == 1 ? '' : 's'; $unrunmsg = "# Looks like ${unrun} planned test${plural} never ran.\n"; } $gasp = $this->LastFail . "\n" . "# Tried to include '$module'\n" . "# $message\n" . $unrunmsg . "# Looks like 1 test aborted before it could finish due to a fatal error!\n" . "Bail out! Terminating prematurely due to fatal error.\n" ; return $gasp; } function _include_ok ($module,$type) { $path = null; $full_path = null; $retval = 999; // Resolve full path, nice to know although only necessary on windows foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR,get_include_path()) as $prefix) { // Repeat existance test and find full path $full_path = realpath($prefix.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module); $lines = @file($full_path); // Stop on success if ($lines) { $path = $full_path; break; } } // Make sure, if we would include it, it's not going to choke on syntax $error = false; if ($path) { @exec('"'.$this->interp().'" -l '.$path, $bunk, $retval); if ($retval===0) { // Prep in case we hit error handler $this->Backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $this->LastModuleTested = $module; ob_start(array($this,'_include_fatal_error_handler')); if ($type === 'include') { $done = (include $module); } else if ($type === 'require') { $done = (require $module); } else { $this->bail("Second argument to _include_ok() must be 'require' or 'include'"); } echo "included OK"; ob_end_flush(); if (!$done) $error = " Unable to $type '$module'"; } else { $error = " Syntax check for '$module' failed"; } } else { $error = " Cannot find ${type}d file '$module'"; } $pass = !$retval && $done; $ok = $this->ok($pass, "$type $module" ); if ($error) $this->diag($error); if ($error && $path) $this->diag(" Resolved $module as $full_path"); return $ok; } function include_ok ($module) { // Test success of including file, but continue testing if possible even if unable to include return $this->_include_ok($module,'include'); } function require_ok ($module) { // As include_ok() but exit gracefully if requirement missing $ok = $this->_include_ok($module,'require'); // Stop testing if we fail a require test // Not a bail because you asked for it if ($ok == FALSE) { $this->diag(" Exiting due to missing requirement."); exit(); } return $ok; } function skip($why, $num) { if ($num < 0) $num = 0; $this->Skips += $num; $this->SkipReason = $why; return TRUE; } function eq_array ($thing1, $thing2) { // Deprecated comparison function provided for compatibility // Look only at values, order is important $this->diag(" ! eq_array() is a deprecated comparison function provided for compatibility. Use array_diff() or similar instead."); return !array_diff($thing1, $thing2); } function eq_hash ($thing1, $thing2) { // Deprecated comparison function provided for compatibility // Look at keys and values, order is NOT important $this->diag(" ! eq_hash() is a deprecated comparison function provided for compatibility. Use array_diff() or similar instead."); return !array_diff_assoc($thing1, $thing2); } function eq_set ($thing1, $thing2, $name = NULL) { // Deprecated comparison function provided for compatibility // Look only at values, duplicates are NOT important $this->diag(" ! eq_set() is a deprecated comparison function provided for compatibility. Use array_diff() or similar instead."); $a = $thing1; sort($a); $b = $thing2; sort($b); return !array_diff($a, $b); } function is_deeply ($thing1, $thing2, $name = NULL) { $pass = $this->_compare_deeply($thing1, $thing2, $name); $ok = $this->ok($pass,$name); if (!$ok) { foreach(array($thing1,$thing2) as $it){ ob_start(); var_dump($it); $dump = ob_get_clean(); #$stringified[] = implode("\n#",explode("\n",$dump)); $stringified[] = str_replace("\n","\n# ",$dump); } $this->diag(" wanted: ".$stringified[0]); $this->diag(" got: ".$stringified[1]); } return $ok; } function isnt_deeply ($thing1, $thing2, $name = NULL) { $pass = !$this->_compare_deeply($thing1, $thing2, $name); $ok = $this->ok($pass,$name); if (!$ok) $this->diag("Structures are identical.\n"); return $ok; } function _compare_deeply ($thing1, $thing2) { if (is_array($thing1) && is_array($thing2)) { if ((count($thing1) === count($thing2)) && !array_diff_key($thing1,$thing2)) { foreach(array_keys($thing1) as $key){ $pass = $this->_compare_deeply($thing1[$key],$thing2[$key]); if(!$pass) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return $thing1 === $thing2; } } function todo ($why, $howmany) { // Marks tests as expected to fail, then runs them anyway if ($howmany < 0) $howmany = 0; $this->Todo = $howmany; $this->TodoReason = $why; return TRUE; } function todo_skip ($why, $howmany) { // Marks tests as expected to fail, then skips them, as they are expected to also create fatal errors $this->todo($why, $howmany); $this->skip($why, $howmany); return TRUE; } function todo_start ($why) { // as starting a TODO block in Perl- instead of using todo() to set a number of tests, all // tests until todo_end are expected to fail and run anyway $this->TodoBlock = FALSE; $this->TodoReason = $why; return TRUE; } function todo_end () { // as ending a SKIP block in Perl $this->TodoBlock = FALSE; unset($this->TodoReason); return TRUE; } function interp ($new_interp_command=NULL) { // Return the command used to invoke the PHP interpreter, such as for exec() if ($new_interp_command == NULL && $this->interp == '') { // In some situations you might need to specify a php interpreter. if ( isset($_SERVER['PHP']) ) { $new_interp_command = escapeshellcmd($_SERVER['PHP']); } else { $new_interp_command = 'php'; } } if ($new_interp_command != $this->interp) { $this->interp = $new_interp_command; // Check that we can use the interpreter @exec('"'.$this->interp.'" -v', $bunk, $retval); if ($retval!==0) $this->bail("Unable to run PHP interpreter with '$this->interp'. Try setting the PHP environmant variable to the path of the interpreter."); } return $this->interp; } } ?>