plan(2); $t->ok(1 + 1 = 2, 'One plus one equals two'); $t->ok( doSomethingAndReturnTrue() , 'doSomethingAndReturnTrue() successful'); Procedural Example: require_once('Test-Simple'); plan(2); ok(1 + 1 = 2, 'One plus one equals two'); ok( doSomethingAndReturnTrue() , 'doSomethingAndReturnTrue() successful'); From a browser If you are running Test-Simple on a web server and want slightly more web-readable output, call the web_output() method/function. Updates Updates will be posted to the Google code page: Bugs Please file bug reports via the Issues tracker at the google code page. Acknowledgements Michael G Schwern: Chris Shiflet: Author Copyright RJ Herrick 2009, 2010 */ class TestSimple { protected $Results = array('Failed'=>NULL,'Passed'=>NULL); protected $TestName = array(); protected $TestsRun = 0; protected $Skips; protected $NumberOfTests; protected $CurrentTestNumber; protected $Filter; protected $notes; function plan ($NumberOfTests = NULL, $SkipReason = '') { // Get/set intended number of tests if ( is_int($this->NumberOfTests) && !is_null($NumberOfTests) ) $this->diag('The plan was already output.'); if ( $NumberOfTests === 'no_plan' ) { // Equivalent to done_testing() at end of test script $this->NumberOfTests = $NumberOfTests; return; } else if ( $NumberOfTests === 'skip_all' ) { // Equivalent to done_testing() at end of test script $this->NumberOfTests = $NumberOfTests; $this->SkipAllReason = $SkipReason; $this->diag("Skipping all tests: $SkipReason"); return; } // Return current value if no params passed (query to the plan) if ( !func_num_args() && isset($this->NumberOfTests) ) return $this->NumberOfTests; // Number of tests looks acceptable if (!is_int($NumberOfTests) || 0 > $NumberOfTests) $this->bail( "Number of tests must be a positive integer. You gave it '$NumberOfTests'" ); // If just reporting $skipinfo = ''; if ($this->NumberOfTests === 'skip_all') $skipinfo = ' # '.$this->SkipAllReason; echo "1..${NumberOfTests}${skipinfo}\n"; $this->NumberOfTests = $NumberOfTests; return; } function ok ($Result = NULL, $TestName = NULL) { // Confirm param 1 is true (in the PHP sense) // Unload the buffer regularly if ($this->Filter) { ob_flush(); } $this->CurrentTestNumber++; $this->TestsRun++; if ($this->Skips) { $this->Skips--; $this->TestsSkipped++; echo('ok '.$this->CurrentTestNumber.' # skip '.$this->SkipReason."\n"); return TRUE; } if ($this->NumberOfTests === 'skip_all') { $this->TestsSkipped++; $this->diag("SKIP '$TestName'"); echo('ok '.$this->CurrentTestNumber." # skip\n"); return TRUE; } if ( func_num_args() == 0 ) $this->bail('You must pass ok() a result to evaluate.'); if ( func_num_args() == 2 ) $this->TestName[$this->CurrentTestNumber] = $TestName; if ( func_num_args() > 2 ) $this->bail('Wrong number of arguments passed to ok()'); $verdict = $Result ? 'Passed' : 'Failed'; $this->Results[$verdict]++; #$this->TestResult[$this->CurrentTestNumber] = $verdict; $caption = isset($this->TestName[$this->CurrentTestNumber]) ? $this->TestName[$this->CurrentTestNumber] : ''; $title = $this->CurrentTestNumber . (isset($this->TestName[$this->CurrentTestNumber]) ? (' - '.$this->TestName[$this->CurrentTestNumber]) : ''); if ($verdict === 'Passed') { echo "ok $title\n"; return TRUE; } else { echo $this->LastFail = "not ok $title\n"; $stack = isset($this->Backtrace) ? $this->Backtrace : debug_backtrace(); $call = array_pop($stack); $file = basename($call['file']); $line = $call['line']; unset($this->Backtrace); if ($caption) { $this->diag(" Failed test '$caption'"," at $file line $line."); $this->LastFail .= "# Failed test '$caption'\n# at $file line $line."; } else { $this->diag(" Failed test at $file line $line."); $this->LastFail .= "# Failed test at $file line $line."; } return FALSE; } } function done_testing () { // Change of plans (if there was one in the first place) $this->plan((int)$this->TestsRun); return; } function bail ($message = '') { // Problem running the program TestSimple::_bail($message); } static function _bail ($message = '') { echo "Bail out! $message\n"; throw new RuntimeException("Bail out! $message"); } function diag() { // Print a diagnostic comment $diagnostics = func_get_args(); $msg = ''; foreach ($diagnostics as $line) $msg .= "# ".str_replace("\n","\n# ",$line)."\n"; echo $msg; if ($this->Filter) ob_flush(); return $msg; } function __destruct () { // Parting remarks and proper exit code # if ($this->NumberOfTests === 'no_plan') done_testing(); # if ($this->NumberOfTests === 'skip_all') plan(0); if ($this->TestsRun && !isset($this->NumberOfTests)) { echo "# Tests were run but no plan() was declared and done_testing() was not seen.\n"; } else { if ($this->TestsRun !== $this->NumberOfTests) echo("# Looks like you planned ".(int)$this->NumberOfTests .' tests but ran '.(int)$this->TestsRun.".\n"); if ($this->Results['Failed']) echo("# Looks like you failed ". $this->Results['Failed'] .' tests of '.(int)$this->TestsRun.".\n"); } // an extension to help debug if ($this->notes) echo $this->notes; if ($this->Filter) ob_end_flush(); $retval = ($this->Results['Failed'] > 254) ? 254 : $this->Results['Failed']; return; } function web_output($callback = NULL) { // Basic web formatting (newlines) of output via ob filter if (isset($callback)) $this->Filter = $callback; if (!isset($this->Filter)) $this->Filter = create_function('$string','$output = str_replace("\n","
\n",$string); return $output;'); ob_start($this->Filter); } } ?>