# API The API provides programmatic access to upload, delete files, view the currently uploaded ones and combine them to multipastes, as well as functions to manage api keys. Responses are available in JSON. ## General notes ### URLs The URLs for API endpoints start with the base URL followed by `/api/`, the version supported by the client and the endpoint. For example: `https://paste.xinu.at/api/v1.0.0/some/endpoint`. The version number follows the [semantic versioning guidelines](http://semver.org/). The requested version number must be of the format `vX[.X[.X]]` with X being a positive number. `v1` and `v1.0` will both be treated as `v1.0.0`. The most recent API version is `v2.1.0`. ### Compatibility The API will evolve by adding and removing endpoints, parameters and keywords. Unknown keywords should be treated gracefully by your application. Behavior not documented here should not be expected to be available and may be changed without notice. ### Unless stated otherwise ... * ... requests should be sent via POST. * ... endpoints expect an apikey with access level `apikey` to be sent with the request. * ... requests should not be assumed to be atomic (i.e. data may be changed on the server despite an error being returned). * ... timestamps are returned as UNIX timestamps (seconds). * ... sizes are returned in bytes. * ... values are specific to the user owning the apikey (e.g. the `total_size` field of file/history). * ... errors will generate a response with `status=error`. * ... error messages may differ from those listed in the tables. * ... errors listed are only the most common ones (i.e. the lists are non-exhaustive). ### Access levels An api key can have one of the following access levels. Levels further down in the table include those above themselves. | access-level | Comment | | ------------ | ------- | | basic | Allows only uploading of files | | apikey | Allows to delete uploads and view the history | | full | Allows everything | ## General response structure Replies will always contain a `status` field which can contain the following values: `success`, `error`. If the reply does not contain the status field it should be regarded as invalid. If `status=success` the reply will contain a `data` field which contains function specific data. ### Error handling If `status=error` the reply will be of the following format: ```javascript // Error response format responseError = { "status": "error", "message": "A message that can be displayed to the user", "error_id": "program/useable/error/id", "data": object or array, // optional, only used if mentioned } ``` ## General errors These are the most common errors that can be returned by any API call. | error_id | Message | Note | | -------- | ------- | ---- | | api/invalid-version | Invalid API version requested | Failed syntax check | | api/invalid-endpoint | Invalid endpoint requested | Failed syntax check | | api/version-not-supported | Requested API version is not supported | | | api/unknown-endpoint | Unknown endpoint requested | Likely a typo in your URL | | internal-error | An unhandled internal server error occured | | | user/api-login-failed | API key login failed | | | api/insufficient-permissions | Access denied: Access level too low | | | api/not-authenticated | Not authenticated | Likely no apikey was sent | ## Endpoints Documentation for specific endpoints can be found in `./doc/api/`: * [Documentation for the /file/ endpoints](api/file.md) * [Documentation for the /user/ endpoints](api/user.md) ```javascript // General definitions // Listed above access-level: String; // An api key apikey: String; // An ID that can be used to display a multipaste or a single file upload-id: String; // General success response responseSuccess = { "status": "success", "data": object or array, // Differs per endpoint. Refer to the specific endpoint documentation. } ``` ### Examples For the examples given in the endpoint documentation, set the following variables in your shell. Please note that they and their values will show up in your shell history and in top/ps if used. Be careful on untrusted systems. ```bash apikey="anApiKey" base="https://paste.xinu.at/api/v2.0.0" ```