#!/bin/bash if [[ -z "$GIT_DIR" ]]; then GIT_DIR="$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")/../.git" fi cd "$GIT_DIR/.." changes=$(git diff --name-only @{1} 2> /dev/null) fresh_clone=$? # Exit if nothing has changed if [ ! $fresh_clone ] && [[ -z "$changes" ]]; then exit fi if echo "$changes" | grep scripts/install-git-hooks.sh; then scripts/install-git-hooks.sh fi # Make sure submodules are up to date git submodule update --init --recursive # Update databse php index.php tools update_database # Minify javascript if echo "$changes" | grep data/js/ > /dev/null; then scripts/optimize_js.sh fi if [[ ! -f ./data/js/main.min.js ]]; then scripts/optimize_js.sh fi # Show changes to NEWS git diff @{1} NEWS 2> /dev/null | cat