An unhandled error occured.

\n"; $backtrace = ""; $i = 0; foreach ($e->getTrace() as $key => $frame) { $backtrace .= sprintf("#%d %s(%d): %s(%s)\n", $i++, isset($frame["file"]) ? $frame["file"] : "[internal function]", isset($frame["line"]) ? $frame["line"] : "", $frame["function"], implode(", ", array_map( function ($e) { return var_export($e, true); }, $frame["args"]))); } if ($display_errors) { $message .= '
'; $message .= 'Fatal error: Uncaught exception '.get_class($e).'
'; $message .= 'Message: '.$e->getMessage().'
'; $message .= '
'.(str_replace(FCPATH, "./", $backtrace)).'
'; $message .= 'thrown in '.$e->getFile().' on line '.$e->getLine().'
'; $message .= '
'; } else { $message .="

More information can be found in syslog or by enabling display_errors.

"; } $heading = sprintf("Exception '%s' with message '%s' in %s:%d", get_class($e), $e->getMessage(), $e->getFile(), $e->getLine()); error_log($heading."\n".$backtrace); $message = "$message"; include APPPATH."/errors/error_general.php"; } set_exception_handler('_actual_exception_handler'); /** * Checks for a fatal error, work around for set_error_handler not working on fatal errors. */ function check_for_fatal() { $error = error_get_last(); if ($error["type"] == E_ERROR) { _actual_exception_handler(new ErrorException( $error["message"], 0, $error["type"], $error["file"], $error["line"])); } } register_shutdown_function("check_for_fatal"); /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * LOAD THE BOOTSTRAP FILE * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * And away we go... * */ require_once BASEPATH.'core/CodeIgniter.php'; /* End of file index.php */ /* Location: ./index.php */