#!/bin/bash # # This runs the testsuite. Arguments are passed to prove. # export ENVIRONMENT="testsuite" startdir="$(dirname "$0")" url="" port=23115 ip='' url="http://$ip:$port/index.php" die() { echo "$@" >&2 echo "Aborting..." >&2 exit 1 } cd "$startdir" # some sanity checks test -d system || die 'Required dir not found.' test -d application || die 'Required dir not found.' test -f run-tests.sh || die 'Required file not found.' grep -qF 'getenv("ENVIRONMENT")' application/config/database.php || die "database config doesn't honor ENVIRONMENT." # prepare trap cleanup EXIT INT cleanup() { pkill -P $$ php index.php tools drop_all_tables } php -S "$ip:$port" 2>/dev/null 1>&2 & while ! curl -s "$url" >/dev/null; do sleep 0.1; done # run tests php index.php tools drop_all_tables || exit 1 php index.php tools update_database || exit 1 prove --ext .php --state=hot,slow,all,save --timer -o -e "php index.php tools test $url" -r "$@" application/test/tests/