>>>>>> .r388 | | 0 = Disables logging | 0 = Error logging TURNED OFF | 1 = Error Messages (including PHP errors) | 2 = Debug Messages | 3 = Informational Messages | 4 = All Messages | | For a live site you'll usually only enable Errors (1) to be logged otherwise | your log files will fill up very fast. | */ $config['log_threshold'] = 0; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Error Logging Directory Path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Leave this BLANK unless you would like to set something other than the default | system/logs/ folder. Use a full server path with trailing slash. | */ $config['log_path'] = ''; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Date Format for Logs |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Each item that is logged has an associated date. You can use PHP date | codes to set your own date formatting | */ $config['log_date_format'] = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cache Directory Path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Leave this BLANK unless you would like to set something other than the default | system/cache/ folder. Use a full server path with trailing slash. | */ $config['cache_path'] = ''; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Encryption Key |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If you use the Encryption class or the Sessions class with encryption | enabled you MUST set an encryption key. See the user guide for info. | */ $config['encryption_key'] = ""; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Session Variables |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 'session_cookie_name' = the name you want for the cookie | 'encrypt_sess_cookie' = TRUE/FALSE (boolean). Whether to encrypt the cookie | 'session_expiration' = the number of SECONDS you want the session to last. | by default sessions last 7200 seconds (two hours). Set to zero for no expiration. | */ $config['sess_cookie_name'] = 'ci_session'; $config['sess_expiration'] = 7200; $config['sess_encrypt_cookie'] = FALSE; $config['sess_use_database'] = TRUE; $config['sess_table_name'] = 'ci_sessions'; $config['sess_match_ip'] = TRUE; $config['sess_match_useragent'] = TRUE; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Cookie Related Variables |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 'cookie_prefix' = Set a prefix if you need to avoid collisions | 'cookie_domain' = Set to .your-domain.com for site-wide cookies | 'cookie_path' = Typically will be a forward slash | */ $config['cookie_prefix'] = ""; $config['cookie_domain'] = ""; $config['cookie_path'] = "/"; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Global XSS Filtering |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Determines whether the XSS filter is always active when GET, POST or | COOKIE data is encountered | */ $config['global_xss_filtering'] = FALSE; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Output Compression |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Enables Gzip output compression for faster page loads. When enabled, | the output class will test whether your server supports Gzip. | Even if it does, however, not all browsers support compression | so enable only if you are reasonably sure your visitors can handle it. | | VERY IMPORTANT: If you are getting a blank page when compression is enabled it | means you are prematurely outputting something to your browser. It could | even be a line of whitespace at the end of one of your scripts. For | compression to work, nothing can be sent before the output buffer is called | by the output class. Do not "echo" any values with compression enabled. | */ $config['compress_output'] = FALSE; /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Master Time Reference |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Options are "local" or "gmt". This pref tells the system whether to use | your server's local time as the master "now" reference, or convert it to | GMT. See the "date helper" page of the user guide for information | regarding date handling. | */ $config['time_reference'] = 'local'; ?>