_zlib_oc = (bool) @ini_get('zlib.output_compression'); // Get mime types for later $this->mimes =& get_mimes(); log_message('debug', 'Output Class Initialized'); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Output * * Returns the current output string. * * @return string */ public function get_output() { return $this->final_output; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Output * * Sets the output string. * * @param string $output Output data * @return CI_Output */ public function set_output($output) { $this->final_output = $output; return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Append Output * * Appends data onto the output string. * * @param string $output Data to append * @return CI_Output */ public function append_output($output) { if (empty($this->final_output)) { $this->final_output = $output; } else { $this->final_output .= $output; } return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Header * * Lets you set a server header which will be sent with the final output. * * Note: If a file is cached, headers will not be sent. * @todo We need to figure out how to permit headers to be cached. * * @param string $header Header * @param bool $replace Whether to replace the old header value, if already set * @return CI_Output */ public function set_header($header, $replace = TRUE) { // If zlib.output_compression is enabled it will compress the output, // but it will not modify the content-length header to compensate for // the reduction, causing the browser to hang waiting for more data. // We'll just skip content-length in those cases. if ($this->_zlib_oc && strncasecmp($header, 'content-length', 14) === 0) { return $this; } $this->headers[] = array($header, $replace); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Content-Type Header * * @param string $mime_type Extension of the file we're outputting * @param string $charset Character set (default: NULL) * @return CI_Output */ public function set_content_type($mime_type, $charset = NULL) { if (strpos($mime_type, '/') === FALSE) { $extension = ltrim($mime_type, '.'); // Is this extension supported? if (isset($this->mimes[$extension])) { $mime_type =& $this->mimes[$extension]; if (is_array($mime_type)) { $mime_type = current($mime_type); } } } $this->mime_type = $mime_type; if (empty($charset)) { $charset = config_item('charset'); } $header = 'Content-Type: '.$mime_type .(empty($charset) ? NULL : '; charset='.strtolower($charset)); $this->headers[] = array($header, TRUE); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Current Content-Type Header * * @return string 'text/html', if not already set */ public function get_content_type() { for ($i = 0, $c = count($this->headers); $i < $c; $i++) { if (sscanf($this->headers[$i][0], 'Content-Type: %[^;]', $content_type) === 1) { return $content_type; } } return 'text/html'; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Header * * @param string $header_name * @return string */ public function get_header($header) { // Combine headers already sent with our batched headers $headers = array_merge( // We only need [x][0] from our multi-dimensional array array_map('array_shift', $this->headers), headers_list() ); if (empty($headers) OR empty($header)) { return NULL; } for ($i = 0, $c = count($headers); $i < $c; $i++) { if (strncasecmp($header, $headers[$i], $l = strlen($header)) === 0) { return trim(substr($headers[$i], $l+1)); } } return NULL; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set HTTP Status Header * * As of version 1.7.2, this is an alias for common function * set_status_header(). * * @param int $code Status code (default: 200) * @param string $text Optional message * @return CI_Output */ public function set_status_header($code = 200, $text = '') { set_status_header($code, $text); return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Enable/disable Profiler * * @param bool $val TRUE to enable or FALSE to disable * @return CI_Output */ public function enable_profiler($val = TRUE) { $this->enable_profiler = is_bool($val) ? $val : TRUE; return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Profiler Sections * * Allows override of default/config settings for * Profiler section display. * * @param array $sections Profiler sections * @return CI_Output */ public function set_profiler_sections($sections) { if (isset($sections['query_toggle_count'])) { $this->_profiler_sections['query_toggle_count'] = (int) $sections['query_toggle_count']; unset($sections['query_toggle_count']); } foreach ($sections as $section => $enable) { $this->_profiler_sections[$section] = ($enable !== FALSE); } return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Cache * * @param int $time Cache expiration time in seconds * @return CI_Output */ public function cache($time) { $this->cache_expiration = is_numeric($time) ? $time : 0; return $this; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Display Output * * Processes sends the sends finalized output data to the browser along * with any server headers and profile data. It also stops benchmark * timers so the page rendering speed and memory usage can be shown. * * Note: All "view" data is automatically put into $this->final_output * by controller class. * * @uses CI_Output::$final_output * @param string $output Output data override * @return void */ public function _display($output = '') { // Note: We use globals because we can't use $CI =& get_instance() // since this function is sometimes called by the caching mechanism, // which happens before the CI super object is available. global $BM, $CFG; // Grab the super object if we can. if (class_exists('CI_Controller')) { $CI =& get_instance(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set the output data if ($output === '') { $output =& $this->final_output; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Is minify requested? if ($CFG->item('minify_output') === TRUE) { $output = $this->minify($output, $this->mime_type); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Do we need to write a cache file? Only if the controller does not have its // own _output() method and we are not dealing with a cache file, which we // can determine by the existence of the $CI object above if ($this->cache_expiration > 0 && isset($CI) && ! method_exists($CI, '_output')) { $this->_write_cache($output); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parse out the elapsed time and memory usage, // then swap the pseudo-variables with the data $elapsed = $BM->elapsed_time('total_execution_time_start', 'total_execution_time_end'); if ($this->parse_exec_vars === TRUE) { $memory = round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2).'MB'; $output = str_replace(array('{elapsed_time}', '{memory_usage}'), array($elapsed, $memory), $output); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Is compression requested? if ($CFG->item('compress_output') === TRUE && $this->_zlib_oc === FALSE && extension_loaded('zlib') && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') !== FALSE) { ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Are there any server headers to send? if (count($this->headers) > 0) { foreach ($this->headers as $header) { @header($header[0], $header[1]); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Does the $CI object exist? // If not we know we are dealing with a cache file so we'll // simply echo out the data and exit. if ( ! isset($CI)) { echo $output; log_message('debug', 'Final output sent to browser'); log_message('debug', 'Total execution time: '.$elapsed); return; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Do we need to generate profile data? // If so, load the Profile class and run it. if ($this->enable_profiler === TRUE) { $CI->load->library('profiler'); if ( ! empty($this->_profiler_sections)) { $CI->profiler->set_sections($this->_profiler_sections); } // If the output data contains closing and tags // we will remove them and add them back after we insert the profile data $output = preg_replace('|.*?|is', '', $output, -1, $count).$CI->profiler->run(); if ($count > 0) { $output .= ''; } } // Does the controller contain a function named _output()? // If so send the output there. Otherwise, echo it. if (method_exists($CI, '_output')) { $CI->_output($output); } else { echo $output; // Send it to the browser! } log_message('debug', 'Final output sent to browser'); log_message('debug', 'Total execution time: '.$elapsed); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Write Cache * * @param string $output Output data to cache * @return void */ public function _write_cache($output) { $CI =& get_instance(); $path = $CI->config->item('cache_path'); $cache_path = ($path === '') ? APPPATH.'cache/' : $path; if ( ! is_dir($cache_path) OR ! is_really_writable($cache_path)) { log_message('error', 'Unable to write cache file: '.$cache_path); return; } $uri = $CI->config->item('base_url'). $CI->config->item('index_page'). $CI->uri->uri_string(); $cache_path .= md5($uri); if ( ! $fp = @fopen($cache_path, FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE_DESTRUCTIVE)) { log_message('error', 'Unable to write cache file: '.$cache_path); return; } $expire = time() + ($this->cache_expiration * 60); if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) { fwrite($fp, $expire.'TS--->'.$output); flock($fp, LOCK_UN); } else { log_message('error', 'Unable to secure a file lock for file at: '.$cache_path); return; } fclose($fp); @chmod($cache_path, FILE_WRITE_MODE); log_message('debug', 'Cache file written: '.$cache_path); // Send HTTP cache-control headers to browser to match file cache settings. $this->set_cache_header($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], $expire); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Update/serve cached output * * @uses CI_Config * @uses CI_URI * * @param object &$CFG CI_Config class instance * @param object &$URI CI_URI class instance * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure */ public function _display_cache(&$CFG, &$URI) { $cache_path = ($CFG->item('cache_path') === '') ? APPPATH.'cache/' : $CFG->item('cache_path'); // Build the file path. The file name is an MD5 hash of the full URI $uri = $CFG->item('base_url').$CFG->item('index_page').$URI->uri_string; $filepath = $cache_path.md5($uri); if ( ! @file_exists($filepath) OR ! $fp = @fopen($filepath, FOPEN_READ)) { return FALSE; } flock($fp, LOCK_SH); $cache = (filesize($filepath) > 0) ? fread($fp, filesize($filepath)) : ''; flock($fp, LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); // Strip out the embedded timestamp if ( ! preg_match('/^(\d+)TS--->/', $cache, $match)) { return FALSE; } $last_modified = filemtime($cache_path); $expire = $match[1]; // Has the file expired? if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] >= $expire && is_really_writable($cache_path)) { // If so we'll delete it. @unlink($filepath); log_message('debug', 'Cache file has expired. File deleted.'); return FALSE; } else { // Or else send the HTTP cache control headers. $this->set_cache_header($last_modified, $expire); } // Display the cache $this->_display(substr($cache, strlen($match[0]))); log_message('debug', 'Cache file is current. Sending it to browser.'); return TRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Delete cache * * @param string $uri URI string * @return bool */ public function delete_cache($uri = '') { $CI =& get_instance(); $cache_path = $CI->config->item('cache_path'); if ($cache_path === '') { $cache_path = APPPATH.'cache/'; } if ( ! is_dir($cache_path)) { log_message('error', 'Unable to find cache path: '.$cache_path); return FALSE; } if (empty($uri)) { $uri = $CI->uri->uri_string(); } $cache_path .= md5($CI->config->item('base_url').$CI->config->item('index_page').$uri); if ( ! @unlink($cache_path)) { log_message('error', 'Unable to delete cache file for '.$uri); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set Cache Header * * Set the HTTP headers to match the server-side file cache settings * in order to reduce bandwidth. * * @param int $last_modified Timestamp of when the page was last modified * @param int $expiration Timestamp of when should the requested page expire from cache * @return void */ public function set_cache_header($last_modified, $expiration) { $max_age = $expiration - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && $last_modified <= strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) { $this->set_status_header(304); exit; } else { header('Pragma: public'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . $max_age . ', public'); header('Expires: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $expiration).' GMT'); header('Last-modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $last_modified).' GMT'); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Minify * * Reduce excessive size of HTML/CSS/JavaScript content. * * @param string $output Output to minify * @param string $type Output content MIME type * @return string Minified output */ public function minify($output, $type = 'text/html') { switch ($type) { case 'text/html': $size_before = strlen($output); if ($size_before === 0) { return ''; } // Find all the
,,}msU', $output, $textareas_clean);
                preg_match_all('{}msU', $output, $javascript_clean);

                // Minify the CSS in all the }msU', $output, $style_clean);
                foreach ($style_clean[0] as $s)
                    $output = str_replace($s, $this->_minify_script_style($s, $type), $output);

                // Minify the javascript in }msU', $output, $javascript_messed);
                    $output = str_replace($javascript_messed[0], $javascript_mini, $output);

                $size_removed = $size_before - strlen($output);
                $savings_percent = round(($size_removed / $size_before * 100));

                log_message('debug', 'Minifier shaved '.($size_removed / 1000).'KB ('.$savings_percent.'%) off final HTML output.');


            case 'text/css':
            case 'text/javascript':

                $output = $this->_minify_scripts_css($output, $type);


            default: break;

        return $output;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

	 * Minify Style and Script
	 * Reduce excessive size of CSS/JavaScript content.  To remove spaces this
     * script walks the string as an array and determines if the pointer is inside
     * a string created by single quotes or double quotes.  spaces inside those
     * strings are not stripped.  Opening and closing tags are severed from
     * the string initially and saved without stripping whitespace to preserve
     * the tags and any associated properties if tags are present
	 * @param	string	$output	Output to minify
     * @param   string  $type Output content MIME type
	 * @return	string	Minified output
    protected function _minify_script_style($output, $type = 'text/html')
        // We only need this if there are tags in the file
        if ($type == 'text/html')
            // Remove opening tag and save for later
            $pos = strpos($output, '>');
            $open_tag = substr($output, 0, $pos);
            $output = substr_replace($output, '', 0, $pos);

            // Remove closing tag and save it for later
            $end_pos = strlen($output);
            $pos = strpos($output, ' $value)
            if ($in_string === FALSE and $in_dstring === FALSE)
                if ($value == ' ')

            if ($value == "'")
                $in_string = !$in_string;

            if ($value == '"')
                $in_dstring = !$in_dstring;

        $output =  implode($array_output);

        // Remove breaklines and tabs
        $output =  preg_replace('/[\r\n\t]/', '', $output);

        // Put the opening and closing tags back if applicable
        if (isset($open_tag))
            $output = $open_tag . $output . $closing_tag;

        return $output;


/* End of file Output.php */
/* Location: ./system/core/Output.php */