db $obj =& get_instance(); $this->db =& $obj->db; log_message('debug', "Database Utility Class Initialized"); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Create database * * @access public * @param string the database name * @return bool */ function create_database($db_name) { $sql = $this->_create_database($db_name); if (is_bool($sql)) { return $sql; } return $this->db->query($sql); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Drop database * * @access public * @param string the database name * @return bool */ function drop_database($db_name) { $sql = $this->_drop_database($db_name); if (is_bool($sql)) { return $sql; } return $this->db->query($sql); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * List databases * * @access public * @return bool */ function list_databases() { // Is there a cached result? if (isset($this->cache['db_names'])) { return $this->cache['db_names']; } $query = $this->db->query($this->_list_database()); $dbs = array(); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { $dbs[] = current($row); } } return $this->cache['db_names'] =& $dbs; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Optimize Table * * @access public * @param string the table name * @return bool */ function optimize_table($table_name) { $sql = $this->_optimize_table($table_name); if (is_bool($sql)) { return $sql; } $query = $this->db->query($sql); return current($query->result_array()); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Optimize Database * * @access public * @return array */ function optimize_database() { $result = array(); foreach ($this->list_tables() as $table_name) { $sql = $this->_optimize_table($table_name); if (is_bool($sql)) { return $sql; } $query = $this->db->query($sql); // Build the result array... $res = current($query->result_array()); $key = str_replace($this->db->database.'.', '', current($res)); $keys = array_keys($res); unset($res[$keys[0]]); $result[$key] = $res; } return $result; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Optimize Table * * @access public * @param string the table name * @return bool */ function repair_table($table_name) { $sql = $this->_repair_table($table_name); if (is_bool($sql)) { return $sql; } $query = $this->db->query($sql); return current($query->result_array()); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Drop Table * * @access public * @param string the table name * @return bool */ function drop_table($table_name) { $sql = $this->_drop_table($table_name); if (is_bool($sql)) { return $sql; } return $this->db->query($sql); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Generate CVS from a query result object * * @access public * @param object The query result object * @param string The delimiter - tab by default * @param string The newline character - \n by default * @return string */ function cvs_from_result($query, $delim = "\t", $newline = "\n") { if ( ! is_object($query) OR ! method_exists($query, 'field_names')) { show_error('You must submit a valid result object'); } $out = ''; // First generate the headings from the table column names foreach ($query->field_names() as $name) { $out .= $name.$delim; } $out = rtrim($out); $out .= $newline; // Next blast through the result array and build out the rows foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { foreach ($row as $item) { $out .= $item.$delim; } $out = rtrim($out); $out .= $newline; } return $out; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Generate XML data from a query result object * * @access public * @param object The query result object * @param array Any preferences * @return string */ function xml_from_result($query, $params = array()) { if ( ! is_object($query) OR ! method_exists($query, 'field_names')) { show_error('You must submit a valid result object'); } // Set our default values foreach (array('root' => 'root', 'element' => 'element', 'newline' => "\n", 'tab' => "\t") as $key => $val) { if ( ! isset($params[$key])) { $params[$key] = $val; } } // Create variables for convenience extract($params); // Load the xml helper $obj =& get_instance(); $obj->load->helper('xml'); // Generate the result $xml = "<{$root}/>".$newline; foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) { $xml .= $tab."<{$element}/>".$newline; foreach ($row as $key => $val) { $xml .= $tab.$tab."<{$key}>".xml_convert($val)."".$newline; } $xml .= $tab."".$newline; } $xml .= "".$newline; return $xml; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Database Backup * * @access public * @return void */ function backup($params = array()) { // If the parameters have not been submitted as an // array then we know that it is simply the table // name, which is a valid short cut. if (is_string($params)) { $params = array('tables' => $params); } // ------------------------------------------------------ // Set up our default preferences $prefs = array( 'tables' => array(), 'ignore' => array(), 'format' => 'gzip', // gzip, zip, txt 'action' => 'download', // download, archive, echo, return 'filename' => '', 'filepath' => '', 'add_drop' => TRUE, 'add_insert' => TRUE, 'newline' => "\n" ); // Did the user submit any preferences? If so set them.... if (count($params) > 0) { foreach ($prefs as $key => $val) { if (isset($params[$key])) { $prefs[$key] = $params[$key]; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------ // Are we backing up a complete database or individual tables? // If no table names were submitted we'll fetch the entire table list if (count($prefs['tables']) == 0) { $prefs['tables'] = $this->list_tables(); } // ------------------------------------------------------ // Validate the format if ( ! in_array($prefs['format'], array('gzip', 'zip', 'txt'), TRUE)) { $prefs['format'] = 'txt'; } // ------------------------------------------------------ // Is the encoder supported? If not, we'll either issue an // error or use plain text depending on the debug settings if (($prefs['format'] == 'gzip' AND ! @function_exists('gzencode')) OR ($prefs['format'] == 'zip' AND ! @function_exists('gzcompress'))) { if ($this->db->db_debug) { return $this->db->display_error('db_unsuported_compression'); } $prefs['format'] = 'txt'; } // ------------------------------------------------------ // Set the filename if not provided if ($prefs['filename'] == '') { $prefs['filename'] = (count($prefs['tables']) == 1) ? $prefs['tables'] : $this->db->database; $prefs['filename'] .= '_'.date('Y-m-d_H-i', time()); } // ------------------------------------------------------ // If we are archiving the export, does this filepath exist // and resolve to a writable directory if ($prefs['action'] == 'archive') { if ($prefs['filepath'] == '' OR ! is_writable($prefs['filepath'])) { if ($this->db->db_debug) { return $this->db->display_error('db_filepath_error'); } $prefs['action'] = 'download'; } } // ------------------------------------------------------ // Are we returning the backup data? If so, we're done... if ($prefs['action'] == 'return') { return $this->_backup($prefs); } // ------------------------------------------------------ // Are we echoing the backup? If so, format the data and spit it at the screen... if ($prefs['action'] == 'echo') { echo '
			echo htmlspecialchars($this->_backup($prefs));
			echo '
'; return TRUE; } // ------------------------------------------------------ // Are we archiving the data to the server? if ($prefs['action'] == 'archive') { // Make sure the filepath has a trailing slash if (ereg("/$", $prefs['filepath']) === FALSE) { $prefs['filepath'] .= '/'; } // Assemble the path and tack on the file extension $ext = array('gzip' => 'gz', 'zip' => 'zip', 'txt' => 'sql'); $path = $prefs['filepath'].$prefs['filename'].$ext[$prefs['format']]; // Load the file helper $obj =& get_instance(); $obj->load->helper('file'); // Write the file based on type switch ($prefs['format']) { case 'gzip' : write_file($path, gzencode($this->_backup($prefs))); return TRUE; break; case 'txt' : write_file($path, $this->_backup($prefs)); return TRUE; break; default : require BASEPATH.'libraries/Zip.php'; $zip = new Zip; $zip->add_file($this->_backup($prefs), $prefs['filename'].'.sql'); write_file($path, $zip->output_zipfile()); return TRUE; break; } } // ------------------------------------------------------ // Set the mime type used in the server header switch ($prefs['format']) { case 'zip' : $mime = 'application/x-zip'; break; case 'gzip' : $mime = 'application/x-gzip'; break; default : if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "MSIE") || strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "OPERA")) { $mime = 'application/octetstream'; } else { $mime = 'application/octet-stream'; } break; } // Grab the super object $obj =& get_instance(); // Remap the file extensions $ext = array('gzip' => 'gz', 'zip' => 'zip', 'txt' => 'sql'); // Send headers if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "MSIE")) { $obj->output->set_header('Content-Type: '.$mime); $obj->output->set_header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.$prefs['filename'].'.'.$ext[$prefs['format']].'"'); $obj->output->set_header('Expires: 0'); $obj->output->set_header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); $obj->output->set_header('Pragma: public'); } else { $obj->output->set_header('Content-Type: '.$mime); $obj->output->set_header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$prefs['filename'].'.'.$ext[$prefs['format']].'"'); $obj->output->set_header('Expires: 0'); $obj->output->set_header('Pragma: no-cache'); } // Write the file based on type switch ($prefs['format']) { case 'gzip' : $obj->output->set_output(gzencode($this->_backup($prefs))); break; case 'txt' : $obj->output->set_output($this->_backup($prefs)); break; default : require BASEPATH.'libraries/Zip.php'; $zip = new Zip; $zip->add_file($this->_backup($prefs), $prefs['filename'].'.sql'); $obj->output->set_output($zip->output_zipfile()); break; } return TRUE; } } ?>