dsn)) { $this->dsn = 'odbc:'; // Pre-defined DSN if (empty($this->hostname) && empty($this->HOSTNAME) && empty($this->port) && empty($this->PORT)) { if (isset($this->DSN)) { $this->dsn .= 'DSN='.$this->DSN; } elseif ( ! empty($this->database)) { $this->dsn .= 'DSN='.$this->database; } return; } // If the DSN is not pre-configured - try to build an IBM DB2 connection string $this->dsn .= 'DRIVER='.(isset($this->DRIVER) ? '{'.$this->DRIVER.'}' : '{IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER}').';'; if (isset($this->DATABASE)) { $this->dsn .= 'DATABASE='.$this->DATABASE.';'; } elseif ( ! empty($this->database)) { $this->dsn .= 'DATABASE='.$this->database.';'; } if (isset($this->HOSTNAME)) { $this->dsn .= 'HOSTNAME='.$this->HOSTNAME.';'; } else { $this->dsn .= 'HOSTNAME='.(empty($this->hostname) ? ';' : $this->hostname.';'); } if (isset($this->PORT)) { $this->dsn .= 'PORT='.$this->port.';'; } elseif ( ! empty($this->port)) { $this->dsn .= ';PORT='.$this->port.';'; } $this->dsn .= 'PROTOCOL='.(isset($this->PROTOCOL) ? $this->PROTOCOL.';' : 'TCPIP;'); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Platform-dependant string escape * * @param string * @return string */ protected function _escape_str($str) { $this->db->display_error('db_unsupported_feature'); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Determines if a query is a "write" type. * * @param string An SQL query string * @return bool */ public function is_write_type($sql) { if (preg_match('#^(INSERT|UPDATE).*RETURNING\s.+(\,\s?.+)*$#is', $sql)) { return FALSE; } return parent::is_write_type($sql); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Show table query * * Generates a platform-specific query string so that the table names can be fetched * * @param bool $prefix_limit * @return string */ protected function _list_tables($prefix_limit = FALSE) { $sql = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '".$this->schema."'"; if ($prefix_limit !== FALSE && $this->dbprefix !== '') { return $sql." AND table_name LIKE '".$this->escape_like_str($this->dbprefix)."%' " .sprintf($this->_like_escape_str, $this->_like_escape_chr); } return $sql; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Show column query * * Generates a platform-specific query string so that the column names can be fetched * * @param string $table * @return string */ protected function _list_columns($table = '') { return 'SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '.$this->escape($table); } }