database, FILE_WRITE_MODE, $error)) { log_message('error', $error); if ($this->db_debug) { $this->display_error($error, '', TRUE); } return FALSE; } return $conn_id; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Persistent database connection * * @return resource */ public function db_pconnect() { if ( ! $conn_id = @sqlite_popen($this->database, FILE_WRITE_MODE, $error)) { log_message('error', $error); if ($this->db_debug) { $this->display_error($error, '', TRUE); } return FALSE; } return $conn_id; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Database version number * * @return string */ public function version() { return isset($this->data_cache['version']) ? $this->data_cache['version'] : $this->data_cache['version'] = sqlite_libversion(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Execute the query * * @param string an SQL query * @return resource */ protected function _execute($sql) { return @sqlite_query($this->conn_id, $sql); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Begin Transaction * * @return bool */ public function trans_begin($test_mode = FALSE) { if ( ! $this->trans_enabled) { return TRUE; } // When transactions are nested we only begin/commit/rollback the outermost ones if ($this->_trans_depth > 0) { return TRUE; } // Reset the transaction failure flag. // If the $test_mode flag is set to TRUE transactions will be rolled back // even if the queries produce a successful result. $this->_trans_failure = ($test_mode === TRUE) ? TRUE : FALSE; $this->simple_query('BEGIN TRANSACTION'); return TRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Commit Transaction * * @return bool */ public function trans_commit() { if ( ! $this->trans_enabled) { return TRUE; } // When transactions are nested we only begin/commit/rollback the outermost ones if ($this->_trans_depth > 0) { return TRUE; } $this->simple_query('COMMIT'); return TRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Rollback Transaction * * @return bool */ public function trans_rollback() { if ( ! $this->trans_enabled) { return TRUE; } // When transactions are nested we only begin/commit/rollback the outermost ones if ($this->_trans_depth > 0) { return TRUE; } $this->simple_query('ROLLBACK'); return TRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Escape String * * @param string * @param bool whether or not the string will be used in a LIKE condition * @return string */ public function escape_str($str, $like = FALSE) { if (is_array($str)) { foreach ($str as $key => $val) { $str[$key] = $this->escape_str($val, $like); } return $str; } $str = sqlite_escape_string($str); // escape LIKE condition wildcards if ($like === TRUE) { return str_replace(array($this->_like_escape_chr, '%', '_'), array($this->_like_escape_chr.$this->_like_escape_chr, $this->_like_escape_chr.'%', $this->_like_escape_chr.'_'), $str); } return $str; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Affected Rows * * @return int */ public function affected_rows() { return sqlite_changes($this->conn_id); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Insert ID * * @return int */ public function insert_id() { return @sqlite_last_insert_rowid($this->conn_id); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * "Count All" query * * Generates a platform-specific query string that counts all records in * the specified database * * @param string * @return string */ public function count_all($table = '') { if ($table == '') { return 0; } $query = $this->query($this->_count_string.$this->protect_identifiers('numrows').' FROM '.$this->protect_identifiers($table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE)); if ($query->num_rows() == 0) { return 0; } $row = $query->row(); $this->_reset_select(); return (int) $row->numrows; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * List table query * * Generates a platform-specific query string so that the table names can be fetched * * @param bool * @return string */ protected function _list_tables($prefix_limit = FALSE) { $sql = "SELECT name from sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"; if ($prefix_limit !== FALSE AND $this->dbprefix != '') { $sql .= " AND 'name' LIKE '".$this->escape_like_str($this->dbprefix)."%' ".sprintf($this->_like_escape_str, $this->_like_escape_chr); } return $sql; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Show column query * * Generates a platform-specific query string so that the column names can be fetched * * @param string the table name * @return bool */ protected function _list_columns($table = '') { // Not supported return FALSE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Field data query * * Generates a platform-specific query so that the column data can be retrieved * * @param string the table name * @return string */ protected function _field_data($table) { return "SELECT * FROM ".$table." LIMIT 1"; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Error * * Returns an array containing code and message of the last * database error that has occured. * * @return array */ public function error() { $error = array('code' => sqlite_last_error($this->conn_id)); $error['message'] = sqlite_error_string($error['code']); return $error; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Escape the SQL Identifiers * * This function escapes column and table names * * @param string * @return string */ public function _escape_identifiers($item) { if ($this->_escape_char == '') { return $item; } foreach ($this->_reserved_identifiers as $id) { if (strpos($item, '.'.$id) !== FALSE) { $str = $this->_escape_char. str_replace('.', $this->_escape_char.'.', $item); // remove duplicates if the user already included the escape return preg_replace('/['.$this->_escape_char.']+/', $this->_escape_char, $str); } } if (strpos($item, '.') !== FALSE) { $str = $this->_escape_char.str_replace('.', $this->_escape_char.'.'.$this->_escape_char, $item).$this->_escape_char; } else { $str = $this->_escape_char.$item.$this->_escape_char; } // remove duplicates if the user already included the escape return preg_replace('/['.$this->_escape_char.']+/', $this->_escape_char, $str); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * From Tables * * This function implicitly groups FROM tables so there is no confusion * about operator precedence in harmony with SQL standards * * @param array * @return string */ protected function _from_tables($tables) { if ( ! is_array($tables)) { $tables = array($tables); } return '('.implode(', ', $tables).')'; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Replace statement * * Generates a platform-specific replace string from the supplied data * * @param string the table name * @param array the insert keys * @param array the insert values * @return string */ protected function _replace($table, $keys, $values) { return 'INSERT OR '.parent::_replace($table, $keys, $values); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Truncate statement * * Generates a platform-specific truncate string from the supplied data * If the database does not support the truncate() command * This function maps to "DELETE FROM table" * * @param string the table name * @return string */ protected function _truncate($table) { return $this->_delete($table); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Delete statement * * Generates a platform-specific delete string from the supplied data * * @param string the table name * @param array the where clause * @param string the limit clause * @return string */ protected function _delete($table, $where = array(), $like = array(), $limit = FALSE) { $conditions = ''; if (count($where) > 0 OR count($like) > 0) { $conditions = "\nWHERE "; $conditions .= implode("\n", $this->ar_where); if (count($where) > 0 && count($like) > 0) { $conditions .= " AND "; } $conditions .= implode("\n", $like); } $limit = ( ! $limit) ? '' : ' LIMIT '.$limit; return "DELETE FROM ".$table.$conditions.$limit; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Limit string * * Generates a platform-specific LIMIT clause * * @param string the sql query string * @param int the number of rows to limit the query to * @param int the offset value * @return string */ protected function _limit($sql, $limit, $offset) { if ($offset == 0) { $offset = ''; } else { $offset .= ", "; } return $sql."LIMIT ".$offset.$limit; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Close DB Connection * * @param resource * @return void */ protected function _close($conn_id) { @sqlite_close($conn_id); } } /* End of file sqlite_driver.php */ /* Location: ./system/database/drivers/sqlite/sqlite_driver.php */