'\1ix', '/(vert|ind)ices$/' => '\1ex', '/^(ox)en/' => '\1', '/(alias)es$/' => '\1', '/([octop|vir])i$/' => '\1us', '/(cris|ax|test)es$/' => '\1is', '/(shoe)s$/' => '\1', '/(o)es$/' => '\1', '/(bus|campus)es$/' => '\1', '/([m|l])ice$/' => '\1ouse', '/(x|ch|ss|sh)es$/' => '\1', '/(m)ovies$/' => '\1\2ovie', '/(s)eries$/' => '\1\2eries', '/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/' => '\1y', '/([lr])ves$/' => '\1f', '/(tive)s$/' => '\1', '/(hive)s$/' => '\1', '/([^f])ves$/' => '\1fe', '/(^analy)ses$/' => '\1sis', '/((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$/' => '\1\2sis', '/([ti])a$/' => '\1um', '/(p)eople$/' => '\1\2erson', '/(m)en$/' => '\1an', '/(s)tatuses$/' => '\1\2tatus', '/(c)hildren$/' => '\1\2hild', '/(n)ews$/' => '\1\2ews', '/([^us])s$/' => '\1' ); foreach ($singular_rules as $rule => $replacement) { if (preg_match($rule, $result)) { $result = preg_replace($rule, $replacement, $result); break; } } return $result; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ! function_exists('plural')) { /** * Plural * * Takes a singular word and makes it plural * * @param string $str Input string * @return string */ function plural($str) { $result = strval($str); if ( ! is_countable($result)) { return $result; } $plural_rules = array( '/(quiz)$/' => '\1zes', // quizzes '/^(ox)$/' => '\1\2en', // ox '/([m|l])ouse$/' => '\1ice', // mouse, louse '/(matr|vert|ind)ix|ex$/' => '\1ices', // matrix, vertex, index '/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/' => '\1es', // search, switch, fix, box, process, address '/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/' => '\1ies', // query, ability, agency '/(hive)$/' => '\1s', // archive, hive '/(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$/' => '\1\2ves', // half, safe, wife '/sis$/' => 'ses', // basis, diagnosis '/([ti])um$/' => '\1a', // datum, medium '/(p)erson$/' => '\1eople', // person, salesperson '/(m)an$/' => '\1en', // man, woman, spokesman '/(c)hild$/' => '\1hildren', // child '/(buffal|tomat)o$/' => '\1\2oes', // buffalo, tomato '/(bu|campu)s$/' => '\1\2ses', // bus, campus '/(alias|status|virus)$/' => '\1es', // alias '/(octop)us$/' => '\1i', // octopus '/(ax|cris|test)is$/' => '\1es', // axis, crisis '/s$/' => 's', // no change (compatibility) '/$/' => 's', ); foreach ($plural_rules as $rule => $replacement) { if (preg_match($rule, $result)) { $result = preg_replace($rule, $replacement, $result); break; } } return $result; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ! function_exists('camelize')) { /** * Camelize * * Takes multiple words separated by spaces or underscores and camelizes them * * @param string $str Input string * @return string */ function camelize($str) { return strtolower($str[0]).substr(str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(preg_replace('/[\s_]+/', ' ', $str))), 1); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ! function_exists('underscore')) { /** * Underscore * * Takes multiple words separated by spaces and underscores them * * @param string $str Input string * @return string */ function underscore($str) { return preg_replace('/[\s]+/', '_', trim(MB_ENABLED ? mb_strtolower($str) : strtolower($str))); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ! function_exists('humanize')) { /** * Humanize * * Takes multiple words separated by the separator and changes them to spaces * * @param string $str Input string * @param string $separator Input separator * @return string */ function humanize($str, $separator = '_') { return ucwords(preg_replace('/['.preg_quote($separator).']+/', ' ', trim(MB_ENABLED ? mb_strtolower($str) : strtolower($str)))); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( ! function_exists('is_countable')) { /** * Checks if the given word has a plural version. * * @param string $word Word to check * @return bool */ function is_countable($word) { return ! in_array( strtolower($word), array( 'audio', 'bison', 'chassis', 'compensation', 'coreopsis', 'data', 'deer', 'education', 'emoji', 'equipment', 'fish', 'furniture', 'gold', 'information', 'knowledge', 'love', 'rain', 'money', 'moose', 'nutrition', 'offspring', 'plankton', 'pokemon', 'police', 'rice', 'series', 'sheep', 'species', 'swine', 'traffic', 'wheat', ) ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ( ! function_exists('ordinal_format')) { /** * Returns the English ordinal numeral for a given number * * @param int $number * @return string */ function ordinal_format($number) { if ( ! ctype_digit((string) $number) OR $number < 0) { return FALSE; } $last_digit = array( 0 => 'th', 1 => 'st', 2 => 'nd', 3 => 'rd', 4 => 'th', 5 => 'th', 6 => 'th', 7 => 'th', 8 => 'th', 9 => 'th' ); if (($number % 100) >= 11 && ($number % 100) <= 13) { return $number.'th'; } else { return $number.$last_digit[$number % 10]; } } }