* @link */ class CI_Cache_redis extends CI_Driver { /** * Default config * * @static * @var array */ protected static $_default_config = array( 'host' => '', 'password' => NULL, 'port' => 6379, 'timeout' => 0, 'database' => 0 ); /** * Redis connection * * @var Redis */ protected $_redis; /** * del()/delete() method name depending on phpRedis version * * @var string */ protected static $_delete_name; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Class constructor * * Setup Redis * * Loads Redis config file if present. Will halt execution * if a Redis connection can't be established. * * @return void * @see Redis::connect() */ public function __construct() { if ( ! $this->is_supported()) { log_message('error', 'Cache: Failed to create Redis object; extension not loaded?'); return; } isset(static::$_delete_name) OR static::$_delete_name = version_compare(phpversion('phpredis'), '5', '>=') ? 'del' : 'delete'; $CI =& get_instance(); if ($CI->config->load('redis', TRUE, TRUE)) { $config = array_merge(self::$_default_config, $CI->config->item('redis')); } else { $config = self::$_default_config; } $this->_redis = new Redis(); try { if ( ! $this->_redis->connect($config['host'], ($config['host'][0] === '/' ? 0 : $config['port']), $config['timeout'])) { log_message('error', 'Cache: Redis connection failed. Check your configuration.'); } if (isset($config['password']) && ! $this->_redis->auth($config['password'])) { log_message('error', 'Cache: Redis authentication failed.'); } if (isset($config['database']) && $config['database'] > 0 && ! $this->_redis->select($config['database'])) { log_message('error', 'Cache: Redis select database failed.'); } } catch (RedisException $e) { log_message('error', 'Cache: Redis connection refused ('.$e->getMessage().')'); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Get cache * * @param string $key Cache ID * @return mixed */ public function get($key) { $data = $this->_redis->hMGet($key, array('__ci_type', '__ci_value')); if ($value !== FALSE && $this->_redis->sIsMember('_ci_redis_serialized', $key)) { return FALSE; } switch ($data['__ci_type']) { case 'array': case 'object': return unserialize($data['__ci_value']); case 'boolean': case 'integer': case 'double': // Yes, 'double' is returned and NOT 'float' case 'string': case 'NULL': return settype($data['__ci_value'], $data['__ci_type']) ? $data['__ci_value'] : FALSE; case 'resource': default: return FALSE; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Save cache * * @param string $id Cache ID * @param mixed $data Data to save * @param int $ttl Time to live in seconds * @param bool $raw Whether to store the raw value (unused) * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ public function save($id, $data, $ttl = 60, $raw = FALSE) { switch ($data_type = gettype($data)) { case 'array': case 'object': $data = serialize($data); break; case 'boolean': case 'integer': case 'double': // Yes, 'double' is returned and NOT 'float' case 'string': case 'NULL': break; case 'resource': default: return FALSE; } if ( ! $this->_redis->hMSet($id, array('__ci_type' => $data_type, '__ci_value' => $data))) { return FALSE; } else { $this->_redis->sRemove('_ci_redis_serialized', $id); } return TRUE; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Delete from cache * * @param string $key Cache key * @return bool */ public function delete($key) { if ($this->_redis->{static::$_delete_name}($key) !== 1) { return FALSE; } $this->_redis->sRemove('_ci_redis_serialized', $key); return TRUE; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Increment a raw value * * @param string $id Cache ID * @param int $offset Step/value to add * @return mixed New value on success or FALSE on failure */ public function increment($id, $offset = 1) { return $this->_redis->incrBy($id, $offset); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Decrement a raw value * * @param string $id Cache ID * @param int $offset Step/value to reduce by * @return mixed New value on success or FALSE on failure */ public function decrement($id, $offset = 1) { return $this->_redis->decrBy($id, $offset); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Clean cache * * @return bool * @see Redis::flushDB() */ public function clean() { return $this->_redis->flushDB(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Get cache driver info * * @param string $type Not supported in Redis. * Only included in order to offer a * consistent cache API. * @return array * @see Redis::info() */ public function cache_info($type = NULL) { return $this->_redis->info(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Get cache metadata * * @param string $key Cache key * @return array */ public function get_metadata($key) { $value = $this->get($key); if ($value !== FALSE) { return array( 'expire' => time() + $this->_redis->ttl($key), 'data' => $value ); } return FALSE; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Check if Redis driver is supported * * @return bool */ public function is_supported() { return extension_loaded('redis'); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Class destructor * * Closes the connection to Redis if present. * * @return void */ public function __destruct() { if ($this->_redis) { $this->_redis->close(); } } }