helper('security'); $obj = new stdClass; $obj->security = new Mock_Core_Security(); $this->ci_instance($obj); } function test_xss_clean() { $this->assertEquals('foo', xss_clean('foo')); $this->assertEquals("Hello, i try to [removed]alert('Hack');[removed] your site", xss_clean("Hello, i try to your site")); } function test_sanitize_filename() { $this->assertEquals('hello.doc', sanitize_filename('hello.doc')); $filename = './'; $this->assertEquals('foo', sanitize_filename($filename)); } function test_do_hash() { $md5 = md5('foo'); $sha1 = sha1('foo'); $algos = hash_algos(); $algo_results = array(); foreach ($algos as $k => $v) { $algo_results[$v] = hash($v, 'foo'); } $this->assertEquals($sha1, do_hash('foo')); $this->assertEquals($sha1, do_hash('foo', 'sha1')); $this->assertEquals($md5, do_hash('foo', 'md5')); $this->assertEquals($md5, do_hash('foo', 'foobar')); // Test each algorithm available to PHP foreach ($algo_results as $algo => $result) { $this->assertEquals($result, do_hash('foo', $algo)); } } function test_strip_image_tags() { $this->assertEquals('', strip_image_tags('')); $this->assertEquals('', strip_image_tags('Who needs CSS when you have a spacer.gif?')); } function test_encode_php_tags() { $this->assertEquals('<? echo $foo; ?>', encode_php_tags('')); } }