<?php /** * Driver library base class unit test */ class Driver_test extends CI_TestCase { /** * Set up test framework */ public function set_up() { // Set our subclass prefix $this->subclass = 'Mock_Libraries_'; $this->ci_set_config('subclass_prefix', $this->subclass); // Mock Loader->get_package_paths $paths = 'get_package_paths'; $ldr = $this->getMock('CI_Loader', array($paths)); $ldr->expects($this->any())->method($paths)->will($this->returnValue(array(APPPATH, BASEPATH))); $this->ci_instance_var('load', $ldr); // Create mock driver library $this->name = 'Driver'; $this->lib = new Mock_Libraries_Driver(); } /** * Test driver child loading */ public function test_load_driver() { // Create driver file $driver = 'basic'; $file = $this->name.'_'.$driver; $class = 'CI_'.$file; $prop = 'called'; $content = '<?php class '.$class.' extends CI_Driver { public $'.$prop.' = FALSE; '. 'public function decorate($parent) { $this->'.$prop.' = TRUE; } }'; $this->ci_vfs_create($file, $content, $this->ci_base_root, array('libraries', $this->name, 'drivers')); // Make driver valid $this->lib->driver_list($driver); // Load driver $this->assertNotNull($this->lib->load_driver($driver)); // Did lib name get set? $this->assertEquals($this->name, $this->lib->get_name()); // Was driver loaded? $this->assertObjectHasAttribute($driver, $this->lib); $this->assertAttributeInstanceOf($class, $driver, $this->lib); $this->assertAttributeInstanceOf('CI_Driver', $driver, $this->lib); // Was decorate called? $this->assertObjectHasAttribute($prop, $this->lib->$driver); $this->assertTrue($this->lib->$driver->$prop); // Do we get an error for an invalid driver? $driver = 'unlisted'; $this->setExpectedException('RuntimeException', 'CI Error: Invalid driver requested: '.$this->name.'_'.$driver); $this->lib->load_driver($driver); } /** * Test loading lowercase from app path */ public function test_load_app_driver() { // Create driver file $driver = 'lowpack'; $file = $this->name.'_'.$driver; $class = 'CI_'.$file; $content = '<?php class '.$class.' extends CI_Driver { }'; $this->ci_vfs_create($file, $content, $this->ci_app_root, array('libraries', $this->name, 'drivers')); // Make valid list $nodriver = 'absent'; $this->lib->driver_list(array($driver, $nodriver)); // Load driver $this->assertNotNull($this->lib->load_driver($driver)); // Was driver loaded? $this->assertObjectHasAttribute($driver, $this->lib); $this->assertAttributeInstanceOf($class, $driver, $this->lib); $this->assertAttributeInstanceOf('CI_Driver', $driver, $this->lib); // Do we get an error for a non-existent driver? $this->setExpectedException('RuntimeException', 'CI Error: Unable to load the requested driver: CI_'. $this->name.'_'.$nodriver); $this->lib->load_driver($nodriver); } /** * Test loading driver extension */ public function test_load_driver_ext() { // Create base file $driver = 'extend'; $base = $this->name.'_'.$driver; $baseclass = 'CI_'.$base; $content = '<?php class '.$baseclass.' extends CI_Driver { }'; $this->ci_vfs_create($base, $content, $this->ci_base_root, array('libraries', $this->name, 'drivers')); // Create driver file $class = $this->subclass.$base; $content = '<?php class '.$class.' extends '.$baseclass.' { }'; $this->ci_vfs_create($class, $content, $this->ci_app_root, array('libraries', $this->name, 'drivers')); // Make valid list $this->lib->driver_list($driver); // Load driver $this->assertNotNull($this->lib->load_driver($driver)); // Was driver loaded? $this->assertObjectHasAttribute($driver, $this->lib); $this->assertAttributeInstanceOf($class, $driver, $this->lib); $this->assertAttributeInstanceOf($baseclass, $driver, $this->lib); $this->assertAttributeInstanceOf('CI_Driver', $driver, $this->lib); // Create driver extension without base $driver = 'baseless'; $base = $this->name.'_'.$driver; $class = $this->subclass.$base; $content = '<?php class '.$class.' extends CI_Driver { }'; $this->ci_vfs_create($class, $content, $this->ci_app_root, array('libraries', $this->name, 'drivers')); $this->lib->driver_list($driver); // Do we get an error when base class isn't found? $this->setExpectedException('RuntimeException', 'CI Error: Unable to load the requested class: CI_'.$base); $this->lib->load_driver($driver); } /** * Test decorating driver with parent attributes */ public function test_decorate() { // Create parent with a method and property to access $pclass = 'Test_Parent'; $prop = 'parent_prop'; $value = 'initial'; $method = 'parent_func'; $return = 'func return'; $code = 'class '.$pclass.' { public $'.$prop.' = \''.$value.'\'; '. 'public function '.$method.'() { return \''.$return.'\'; } }'; eval($code); $parent = new $pclass(); // Create child driver to decorate $class = 'Test_Driver'; eval('class '.$class.' extends CI_Driver { }'); $child = new $class(); // Decorate child $child->decorate($parent); // Do we get the initial parent property value? $this->assertEquals($value, $child->$prop); // Can we change the parent property? $newval = 'changed'; $child->$prop = $newval; $this->assertEquals($newval, $parent->$prop); // Do we get back the updated value? $this->assertEquals($newval, $child->$prop); // Can we call the parent method? $this->assertEquals($return, $child->$method()); } }