Code Igniter User Guide Version 1.5.0

Database Export Class

The Database Utilities Class contains functions that help you export your data.

Important:  This class must be initialized independently since it is a separate class from the main Database class. More info below...

Initializing the Export Class

To initialize this class please use the following code:


You can also autoload this class from within your config/autoload.php file by specifying dbexport in the $autoload['libraries'] array.

Once initialized you will access the functions using the $this->dbexport object:



Permits you to generate a CVS file from a query result. The first parameter of the function must contain the result object from your query. Example:


$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM mytable");

echo $this->dbexport->cvs_from_result($query);

The second and third parameters allows you to set the delimiter and newline character. By default tabs are used as the delimiter and "\n" is used as a new line. Example: $delimiter = ",";
$newline = "\r\n";

echo $this->dbexport->cvs_from_result($query, $delimiter, $newline);

Important:  This function will NOT write the CVS file for you. It simply creates the CVS layout. If you need to write the file use the File Helper.


Permits you to generate an XML file from a query result. The first parameter expects a query result object, the second may contain an optional array of config parameters. Example:


$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM mytable");

$config = array (
                  'root'    => 'root',
                  'element' => 'element',
                  'newline' => "\n",
                  ';tab'    => "\t"

echo $this->dbexport->cvs_from_result($query, $config);

Important:  This function will NOT write the CVS file for you. It simply creates the CVS layout. If you need to write the file use the File Helper.