Code Igniter User Guide Version 1.4.1

Creating Core System Classes

Every time Code Igniter runs there are several base classes that are initialized automatically as part of the core framework. It is possible, however, to swap any of the core system classes with your own versions.  Most users will never have any need to do this, but the option to replace them does exist for those who would like to significantly alter the Code Igniter core.

Note:  Replacing a core system class with your own version has a lot of implications, so make sure you know what you are doing before attempting it.

System Class List

The following is a list of the core system files that are invoked every time Code Igniter runs:

Replacing Core Classes

To use one of your own system classes instead of a default one simply place your version inside your local application/libraries directory:


If this directory does not exist you can create it.

Any file named identically to one from the list above will be used instead of the one normally used.

Please note that your class must use CI as a prefix. For example, if your file is named Input.php the class will be named:

class CI_Input {
