Code Igniter User Guide Version 1.4.0

Field Data

Retrieving Field Names

Sometimes it's helpful to gather the field names.


Returns an array containing the field names. You must supply the table name to the function:

$fields = $this->db->field_names('table_name');

foreach ($fields as $field)
   echo $field;

Retrieving Field MetaData

Sometimes it's helpful to gather the field names or other metadata, like the column type, max length, etc.


Returns an array of objects containing field information.

Note: Not all databases provide meta-data.

Usage example:

$fields = $this->db->field_data('table_name');

foreach ($fields as $field)
   echo $field->name;
   echo $field->type;
   echo $field->max_length;
   echo $field->primary_key;

If you have run a query already you can use the result oject instead of supplying the table name:

$query = $this->db->query("YOUR QUERY");
$fields = $query->field_data();

The following data is available from this function if supported by your database: