CodeIgniter User Guide Version 2.0.0

FTP Class

CodeIgniter's FTP Class permits files to be transfered to a remote server. Remote files can also be moved, renamed, and deleted. The FTP class also includes a "mirroring" function that permits an entire local directory to be recreated remotely via FTP.

Note:  SFTP and SSL FTP protocols are not supported, only standard FTP.

Initializing the Class

Like most other classes in CodeIgniter, the FTP class is initialized in your controller using the $this->load->library function:


Once loaded, the FTP object will be available using: $this->ftp

Usage Examples

In this example a connection is opened to the FTP server, and a local file is read and uploaded in ASCII mode. The file permissions are set to 755. Note: Setting permissions requires PHP 5.


$config['hostname'] = '';
$config['username'] = 'your-username';
$config['password'] = 'your-password';
$config['debug'] = TRUE;


$this->ftp->upload('/local/path/to/myfile.html', '/public_html/myfile.html', 'ascii', 0775);


In this example a list of files is retrieved from the server.


$config['hostname'] = '';
$config['username'] = 'your-username';
$config['password'] = 'your-password';
$config['debug'] = TRUE;


$list = $this->ftp->list_files('/public_html/');



In this example a local directory is mirrored on the server.


$config['hostname'] = '';
$config['username'] = 'your-username';
$config['password'] = 'your-password';
$config['debug'] = TRUE;


$this->ftp->mirror('/path/to/myfolder/', '/public_html/myfolder/');


Function Reference


Connects and logs into to the FTP server. Connection preferences are set by passing an array to the function, or you can store them in a config file.

Here is an example showing how you set preferences manually:


$config['hostname'] = '';
$config['username'] = 'your-username';
$config['password'] = 'your-password';
$config['port']     = 21;
$config['passive']  = FALSE;
$config['debug']    = TRUE;


Setting FTP Preferences in a Config File

If you prefer you can store your FTP preferences in a config file. Simply create a new file called the ftp.php, add the $config array in that file. Then save the file at config/ftp.php and it will be used automatically.

Available connection options:


Uploads a file to your server. You must supply the local path and the remote path, and you can optionally set the mode and permissions. Example:

$this->ftp->upload('/local/path/to/myfile.html', '/public_html/myfile.html', 'ascii', 0775);

Mode options are:  ascii, binary, and auto (the default). If auto is used it will base the mode on the file extension of the source file.

Permissions are available if you are running PHP 5 and can be passed as an octal value in the fourth parameter.


Downloads a file from your server. You must supply the remote path and the local path, and you can optionally set the mode. Example:

$this->ftp->download('/public_html/myfile.html', '/local/path/to/myfile.html', 'ascii');

Mode options are:  ascii, binary, and auto (the default). If auto is used it will base the mode on the file extension of the source file.

Returns FALSE if the download does not execute successfully (including if PHP does not have permission to write the local file)


Permits you to rename a file. Supply the source file name/path and the new file name/path.

// Renames green.html to blue.html
$this->ftp->rename('/public_html/foo/green.html', '/public_html/foo/blue.html');


Lets you move a file. Supply the source and destination paths:

// Moves blog.html from "joe" to "fred"
$this->ftp->move('/public_html/joe/blog.html', '/public_html/fred/blog.html');

Note: if the destination file name is different the file will be renamed.


Lets you delete a file. Supply the source path with the file name.



Lets you delete a directory and everything it contains. Supply the source path to the directory with a trailing slash.

Important  Be VERY careful with this function. It will recursively delete everything within the supplied path, including sub-folders and all files. Make absolutely sure your path is correct. Try using the list_files() function first to verify that your path is correct.



Permits you to retrieve a list of files on your server returned as an array. You must supply the path to the desired directory.

$list = $this->ftp->list_files('/public_html/');



Recursively reads a local folder and everything it contains (including sub-folders) and creates a mirror via FTP based on it. Whatever the directory structure of the original file path will be recreated on the server. You must supply a source path and a destination path:

$this->ftp->mirror('/path/to/myfolder/', '/public_html/myfolder/');


Lets you create a directory on your server. Supply the path ending in the folder name you wish to create, with a trailing slash. Permissions can be set by passed an octal value in the second parameter (if you are running PHP 5).

// Creates a folder named "bar"
$this->ftp->mkdir('/public_html/foo/bar/', DIR_WRITE_MODE);


Permits you to set file permissions. Supply the path to the file or folder you wish to alter permissions on:

// Chmod "bar" to 777
$this->ftp->chmod('/public_html/foo/bar/', DIR_WRITE_MODE);


Closes the connection to your server. It's recommended that you use this when you are finished uploading.