############# Cookie Helper ############# The Cookie Helper file contains functions that assist in working with cookies. .. contents:: :local: .. raw:: html
Loading this Helper =================== This helper is loaded using the following code:: $this->load->helper('cookie'); Available Functions =================== The following functions are available: .. php:function:: set_cookie($name[, $value = ''[, $expire = ''[, $domain = ''[, $path = '/'[, $prefix = ''[, $secure = FALSE[, $httponly = FALSE]]]]]]]) :param mixed $name: Cookie name *or* associative array of all of the parameters available to this function :param string $value: Cookie value :param int $expire: Number of seconds until expiration :param string $domain: Cookie domain (usually: .yourdomain.com) :param string $path: Cookie path :param string $prefix: Cookie name prefix :param bool $secure: Whether to only send the cookie through HTTPS :param bool $httponly: Whether to hide the cookie from JavaScript :rtype: void This helper function gives you friendlier syntax to set browser cookies. Refer to the :doc:`Input Library <../libraries/input>` for a description of its use, as this function is an alias for ``CI_Input::set_cookie()``. .. php:function:: get_cookie($index[, $xss_clean = FALSE]) :param string $index: Cookie name :param bool $xss_clean: Whether to apply XSS filtering to the returned value :returns: The cookie value or NULL if not found :rtype: mixed This helper function gives you friendlier syntax to get browser cookies. Refer to the :doc:`Input Library <../libraries/input>` for detailed description of its use, as this function acts very similarly to ``CI_Input::cookie()``, except it will also prepend the ``$config['cookie_prefix']`` that you might've set in your *application/config/config.php* file. .. php:function:: delete_cookie($name[, $domain = ''[, $path = '/'[, $prefix = '']]]) :param string $name: Cookie name :param string $domain: Cookie domain (usually: .yourdomain.com) :param string $path: Cookie path :param string $prefix: Cookie name prefix :rtype: void Lets you delete a cookie. Unless you've set a custom path or other values, only the name of the cookie is needed. :: delete_cookie('name'); This function is otherwise identical to ``set_cookie()``, except that it does not have the value and expiration parameters. You can submit an array of values in the first parameter or you can set discrete parameters. :: delete_cookie($name, $domain, $path, $prefix);