################ Directory Helper ################ The Directory Helper file contains functions that assist in working with directories. .. contents:: Page Contents Loading this Helper =================== This helper is loaded using the following code :: $this->load->helper('directory'); The following functions are available: directory_map('source directory') ================================= This function reads the directory path specified in the first parameter and builds an array representation of it and all its contained files. Example :: $map = directory_map('./mydirectory/'); .. note:: Paths are almost always relative to your main index.php file. Sub-folders contained within the directory will be mapped as well. If you wish to control the recursion depth, you can do so using the second parameter (integer). A depth of 1 will only map the top level directory :: $map = directory_map('./mydirectory/', 1); By default, hidden files will not be included in the returned array. To override this behavior, you may set a third parameter to true (boolean) :: $map = directory_map('./mydirectory/', FALSE, TRUE); Each folder name will be an array index, while its contained files will be numerically indexed. Here is an example of a typical array :: Array (     [libraries] => Array     (         [0] => benchmark.html         [1] => config.html         [database] => Array (               [0] => active_record.html               [1] => binds.html               [2] => configuration.html [3] => connecting.html               [4] => examples.html               [5] => fields.html               [6] => index.html [7] => queries.html )         [2] => email.html         [3] => file_uploading.html         [4] => image_lib.html         [5] => input.html         [6] => language.html         [7] => loader.html         [8] => pagination.html         [9] => uri.html )