################ Inflector Helper ################ The Inflector Helper file contains functions that permits you to change words to plural, singular, camel case, etc. .. contents:: :local: .. raw:: html
Loading this Helper =================== This helper is loaded using the following code:: $this->load->helper('inflector'); Available Functions =================== The following functions are available: .. function:: singular($str) :param string $str: Input string :returns: string Changes a plural word to singular. Example:: echo singular('dogs'); // Prints 'dog' .. function:: plural($str) :param string $str: Input string :returns: string Changes a singular word to plural. Example:: echo plural('dog'); // Prints 'dogs' .. function:: camelize($str) :param string $str: Input string :returns: string Changes a string of words separated by spaces or underscores to camel case. Example:: echo camelize('my_dog_spot'); // Prints 'myDogSpot' .. function:: underscore($str) :param string $str: Input string :returns: string Takes multiple words separated by spaces and underscores them. Example:: echo underscore('my dog spot'); // Prints 'my_dog_spot' .. function:: humanize($str[, $separator = '_']) :param string $str: Input string :param string $separator: Input separator :returns: string Takes multiple words separated by underscores and adds spaces between them. Each word is capitalized. Example:: echo humanize('my_dog_spot'); // Prints 'My Dog Spot' To use dashes instead of underscores:: echo humanize('my-dog-spot', '-'); // Prints 'My Dog Spot' .. function:: is_countable($word) :param string $word: Input string :returns: bool Checks if the given word has a plural version. Example:: is_countable('equipment'); // Returns FALSE