################ Inflector Helper ################ The Inflector Helper file contains functions that permits you to change words to plural, singular, camel case, etc. .. contents:: Page Contents Loading this Helper =================== This helper is loaded using the following code :: $this->load->helper('inflector'); The following functions are available: singular() ========== Changes a plural word to singular. Example :: $word = "dogs"; echo singular($word); // Returns "dog" plural() ======== Changes a singular word to plural. Example :: $word = "dog"; echo plural($word); // Returns "dogs" To force a word to end with "es" use a second "true" argument. :: $word = "pass"; echo plural($word, TRUE); // Returns "passes" camelize() ========== Changes a string of words separated by spaces or underscores to camel case. Example :: $word = "my_dog_spot"; echo camelize($word); // Returns "myDogSpot" underscore() ============ Takes multiple words separated by spaces and underscores them. Example :: $word = "my dog spot"; echo underscore($word); // Returns "my_dog_spot" humanize() ========== Takes multiple words separated by underscores and adds spaces between them. Each word is capitalized. Example :: $word = "my_dog_spot"; echo humanize($word); // Returns "My Dog Spot" To use dashes instead of underscores :: $word = "my-dog-spot"; echo humanize($word, '-'); // Returns "My Dog Spot"