############### Security Helper ############### The Security Helper file contains security related functions. .. contents:: :local: .. raw:: html
Loading this Helper =================== This helper is loaded using the following code:: $this->load->helper('security'); Available Functions =================== The following functions are available: .. php:function:: xss_clean($str[, $is_image = FALSE]) :param string $str: Input data :param bool $is_image: Whether we're dealing with an image :returns: XSS-clean string :rtype: string Provides Cross Site Script Hack filtering. This function is an alias for ``CI_Input::xss_clean()``. For more info, please see the :doc:`Input Library <../libraries/input>` documentation. .. php:function:: sanitize_filename($filename) :param string $filename: Filename :returns: Sanitized file name :rtype: string Provides protection against directory traversal. This function is an alias for ``CI_Security::sanitize_filename()``. For more info, please see the :doc:`Security Library <../libraries/security>` documentation. .. php:function:: strip_image_tags($str) :param string $str: Input string :returns: The input string with no image tags :rtype: string This is a security function that will strip image tags from a string. It leaves the image URL as plain text. Example:: $string = strip_image_tags($string); This function is an alias for ``CI_Security::strip_image_tags()``. For more info, please see the :doc:`Security Library <../libraries/security>` documentation. .. php:function:: encode_php_tags($str) :param string $str: Input string :returns: Safely formatted string :rtype: string This is a security function that converts PHP tags to entities. .. note:: :php:func:`xss_clean()` does this automatically, if you use it. Example:: $string = encode_php_tags($string);