############### Security Helper ############### The Security Helper file contains security related functions. .. contents:: Page Contents Loading this Helper =================== This helper is loaded using the following code :: $this->load->helper('security'); The following functions are available: xss_clean() =========== Provides Cross Site Script Hack filtering. This function is an alias to the one in the :doc:`Input class <../libraries/input>`. More info can be found there. sanitize_filename() =================== Provides protection against directory traversal. This function is an alias to the one in the :doc:`Security class <../libraries/security>`. More info can be found there. do_hash() ========= Permits you to create one way hashes suitable for encrypting passwords. Will create SHA1 by default. See `hash_algos() `_ for a full list of supported algorithms. :: $str = do_hash($str); // SHA1 $str = do_hash($str, 'md5'); // MD5 .. note:: This function was formerly named dohash(), which has been removed in favor of `do_hash()`. strip_image_tags() ================== This is a security function that will strip image tags from a string. It leaves the image URL as plain text. :: $string = strip_image_tags($string); encode_php_tags() ================= This is a security function that converts PHP tags to entities. Note: If you use the XSS filtering function it does this automatically. :: $string = encode_php_tags($string);