path: root/bin/metas
diff options
authorJustin Davis <>2011-10-11 20:01:49 +0200
committerJustin Davis <>2011-10-11 20:01:49 +0200
commit8ef37999971a879a3ddccb80541c3f85aea10b9e (patch)
treec91650b9c508974a881b1e5f29506afad62a6916 /bin/metas
parent149f290407cb1c1904f098dc2872544655f242a6 (diff)
Rework perl.d/cpandists to list modules as well.
Restyle metas/perl slightly. Use the new files generated by cpandists. Rewrite metas/perl.d/perl-dist to try to read through the cpanmods file as little as possible.
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/metas')
3 files changed, 94 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/bin/metas/perl b/bin/metas/perl
index 7b7acd1..89e63aa 100755
--- a/bin/metas/perl
+++ b/bin/metas/perl
@@ -5,38 +5,40 @@ use strict;
use File::Fetch;
use IO::Handle; # for autoflush
+use Cwd;
my $PROG = 'perl';
sub err
- print STDERR @_;
+ print STDERR @_, "\n";
exit 2;
-sub distsearch
+sub matchdist
my ($dist) = @_;
# Refresh our local list of distributions if needed.
my $var = $ENV{'PKGVAR'}
- or die "$PROG: PKGVAR env variable is unset\n";
+ or err("$PROG: PKGVAR env variable is unset\n");
- if (! -f "$var/cpan" || -M "$var/cpan" > 1) {
+ my $cwd = getcwd();
+ if(! -f "$var/cpandists" || -M "$var/cpandists" > 1) {
print STDERR "Refreshing local CPAN distribution list...";
- system qq{cpandists >'$var/cpan' 2>/dev/null};
- err("FAILED\n") unless $? == 0;
+ system('cpandists');
+ err("FAILED") unless $? == 0;
print STDERR "OK\n";
- open DISTS, '<', "$var/cpan" or err("$PROG: open: $!");
- while (<DISTS>) {
+ open(DISTS, '<', "$var/cpandists") or err("$PROG: open: $!");
+ while(<DISTS>) {
my @f = split;
- next unless lc $f[0] eq lc $dist;
- close DISTS;
+ next unless(lc $f[0] eq lc $dist);
+ close(DISTS);
return ($f[0], $f[2]);
- close DISTS;
+ close(DISTS);
return ();
@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ sub fetchdist
my ($cpath) = @_;
my $file = $cpath; $file =~ s{^.*/}{};
- if (-f $file) {
+ if(-f $file) {
print STDERR "$file already downloaded.\n";
@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ sub fetchdist
print STDERR "Downloading $file... ";
my $ff = File::Fetch->new('uri' => $url);
- err("FAILED\n") unless $ff->fetch();
+ err("FAILED") unless($ff->fetch());
print STDERR "OK\n";
@@ -66,9 +68,11 @@ sub main
$dist = "app-$dist" if $dist =~ s/^perl-// == 0;
- my ($realname, $cpath) = distsearch($dist);
- die "$PROG: failed to find perl dist similar to $dist\n"
- unless $realname;
+ my ($realname, $cpath) = matchdist($dist);
+ unless($realname) {
+ print STDERR "$PROG: failed to find perl dist similar to $dist\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
my $srch = '';
@@ -82,7 +86,7 @@ $srch/CPAN/authors/id/$cpath
my $file = $cpath; $file =~ s{^.*/}{};
- system 'perl-dist', $file;
+ system('perl-dist', $file);
return $?;
diff --git a/bin/metas/perl.d/cpandists b/bin/metas/perl.d/cpandists
index 9273bd4..339a75c 100755
--- a/bin/metas/perl.d/cpandists
+++ b/bin/metas/perl.d/cpandists
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
-curl --silent $mirror$path | gzip -dc | awk '
+curl --silent "$mirror$path" | gzip -dc | awk '
NR < 10 { next }
file = a[split($3, a, "/")]
len = split(file, a, ".")
if (!match(a[1], /[-_][vV]?[0-9]+$/)) {
- print "error: failed to grok " $3 | "cat 1>&2"
+ #print "error: failed to grok " $3 | "cat 1>&2"
ver = substr(file, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-1)
@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ NR < 10 { next }
sub(/^[vV]/, "", ver)
+ # For some reason the newest version of perl had no modules in 02packages
+ # so I can't just use modules from the newest version of perl.
+ if(dist == "perl")
+ coremods = coremods $1 " " $2 "\n"
+ else
+ mods[dist,ver] = mods[dist,ver] $1 " " $2 "\n"
if (lessthan(dists[dist], ver)) {
dists[dist] = ver
paths[dist] = $3
@@ -28,7 +35,16 @@ NR < 10 { next }
- for (dist in dists) print dist, dists[dist], paths[dist] | "sort"
+ for (dist in dists) {
+ ver = dists[dist]
+ print dist, ver, paths[dist] | "sort >cpandists"
+ }
+ close("sort >cpandists")
+ # Prints modules out in sorted order, too!
+ while(getline<"cpandists" > 0) {
+ print $1 "\n" ($1 == "perl" ? coremods : mods[$1,$2]) >"cpanmods"
+ }
function lessthan (l, r)
diff --git a/bin/metas/perl.d/perl-dist b/bin/metas/perl.d/perl-dist
index c6ae35b..32b2414 100755
--- a/bin/metas/perl.d/perl-dist
+++ b/bin/metas/perl.d/perl-dist
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
use warnings 'FATAL' => 'all';
use strict;
+my $PROG = 'perl-dist';
package Convert;
use Module::CoreList;
@@ -165,9 +167,8 @@ sub _perldepver
sub _reqs2deps
my ($prereqs) = @_;
+ my (@mods, %pkgdeps);
- my %pkgdeps;
while(my ($name, $ver) = each(%$prereqs)) {
# Sometimes a perl version is given as a prerequisite
@@ -175,13 +176,17 @@ sub _reqs2deps
$pkgdeps{'perl'} = _perldepver($ver);
+ push @mods, $name;
+ }
- my $dist = _distofmod($name);
+ my %dists = _distsofmods(@mods);
+ while(my ($mod, $dist) = each %dists) {
my $pkgname = dist_pkgname($dist);
+ my $ver = $prereqs->{$mod};
# If the module is not named after the distribution, ignore its
# version which might not match the distribution.
- undef $ver unless(_ismainmod($name, $dist));
+ undef $ver unless(_ismainmod($mod, $dist));
# If two module prereqs are in the same CPAN distribution then
# the version required for the main module will override.
@@ -189,6 +194,7 @@ sub _reqs2deps
# are 0)
$pkgdeps{$pkgname} ||= ($ver ? dist_pkgver($ver) : 0);
return \%pkgdeps;
@@ -254,23 +260,48 @@ sub _stringify
return \@depstrs;
-my $UA;
-sub _distofmod
+sub _distsofmods
- my ($mod) = @_;
- my $UA ||= LWP::UserAgent->new();
- my $url = "$mod";
- my $resp = $UA->get($url);
- die "failed to lookup dist for $mod: " . $resp->status_line
- unless($resp->is_success);
+ my (@mods) = @_;
+ return () if(@mods == 0);
+ use Time::HiRes qw(time);
+ my $beg = time;
+ my $var = $ENV{'PKGVAR'}
+ or die "$PROG: PKGVAR env variable is unset\n";
+ open(my $fh, '<', "$var/cpanmods")
+ or die "$PROG: failed to open $var/cpanmods: $!";
+ my (@hunted, %dists) = @mods;
+ local $/ = '';
+ while(my $rec = <$fh>) {
+ my ($dist, @modvers) = split(/\n/, $rec);
+ for (@modvers) {
+ my ($m) = split;
+ for my $i (0 .. $#hunted) {
+ next CMPLOOP unless($hunted[$i] eq $m);
+ $dists{$m} = $dist;
+ splice @hunted, $i, 1;
+ last RECLOOP if(@hunted == 0);
+ last CMPLOOP;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- $resp = YAML::XS::Load($resp->content);
- my $file = $resp->{'distfile'};
- $file =~ s{.*/}{};
- $file =~ s{-[^-]+\z}{};
+ if (@hunted) {
+ for my $lost (@hunted) {
+ print STDERR "$PROG: failed to find module $lost\n";
+ }
+ exit 2;
+ }
- return $file;
+ return %dists;
@@ -290,7 +321,7 @@ use Digest::SHA ();
sub main
- my $distpath = shift() or die "Usage: perl-dist [path to cpan dist file]\n";
+ my $distpath = shift() or die "Usage: $PROG [path to cpan dist file]\n";
my $dir = dirname($distpath);
my $file = basename($distpath);
my $info = distinfo($file);
@@ -360,15 +391,15 @@ sub extractdist
my ($file) = @_;
system("bsdtar -xf $file");
- die "perl-dist: bsdtar failed to extract $file\n" unless($? == 0);
+ die "$PROG: bsdtar failed to extract $file\n" unless($? == 0);
opendir(my $srcdir, '.') or die "opendir: $!";
my @dirs = grep { -d $_ && !/\A[.]/ } readdir($srcdir);
- die("perl-dist: many dirs (@dirs) inside the tarball $file\n")
+ die("$PROG: many dirs (@dirs) inside the tarball $file\n")
if(@dirs > 1);
- die("perl-dist: no dirs found in tarball $file\n") if(@dirs == 0);
+ die("$PROG: no dirs found in tarball $file\n") if(@dirs == 0);
return $dirs[0];
@@ -377,7 +408,7 @@ sub printmeta
my ($pbvars) = @_;
while(my ($name, $val) = each(%$pbvars)) {
if(!defined($val) || $val eq q{}) {
- warn("perl-dist: warning: $name is undefined\n");
+ warn("$PROG: warning: $name is undefined\n");
$val = q{};
print($name, "\n");