path: root/bin
diff options
authorJustin Davis <>2012-05-06 21:58:21 +0200
committerJustin Davis <>2012-05-06 21:58:21 +0200
commite49d6c98ba070fdc56a231479b1b75074ac8bd68 (patch)
treeb47bb9d1ee84d3e0df43494162590a5b442a8fda /bin
parenta80ff9b0fa9327cf9dc040295f288629d978b6b5 (diff)
TCL version of modpkg seems to be in working order.
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/bin/modpkg b/bin/modpkg
index 284923a..17c273a 100755
--- a/bin/modpkg
+++ b/bin/modpkg
@@ -20,11 +20,13 @@ proc scanfields {inchan} {
set fld {}
while {[gets $inchan line] >= 0} {
if {$fld eq {}} {
- set fld $line
+ # Skip extra (>1) empty lines.
+ if {$line ne {}} {
+ lassign [list $line] fld vals
+ }
} elseif {$line eq {}} {
set pkgdata($fld) $vals
- set fld {}
- set vals {}
+ lassign {} fld vals
} else {
lappend vals $line
@@ -55,39 +57,75 @@ set modch [open $mod]
scanfields stdin
-set modi [interp create -safe $mod]
+set modi [interp create]
foreach {name vals} [array get pkgdata] {
- if {$name in $pbfuncs} {
- $modi eval set $name $val
+ if {$name in $pbfields} {
+ $modi eval [list set $name $vals]
+$modi eval [list set pbfuncs $pbfuncs]
+$modi eval [list set dotfuncs $dotfuncs]
$modi eval {
proc trimbash {code} {
set code [string trim $code]
set lines [split $code "\n"]
- for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $lines]} {incr $i} {
- set ln [string trim [lindex $lines $i]]
- set ln [concat [string repeat " " 2] $ln "\n"]
- linsert $lines $i $ln
+ set code {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $lines]} {incr i} {
+ set ln " [string trim [lindex $lines $i]]"
+ set code "$code$ln\n"
- return [join $lines ""]
+ return $code
- proc fappend {name code} {
- if {! $name in $pbfuncs} {
- puts stderr "$prog: error: $name is not a permitted PKGBUILD func"
+ proc initfunc {file func} {
+ if {! [file exists PKGTREE/$file/$func]} {
+ exec putpkgtree $file $func beg << "${func}()\n(\n"
+ exec putpkgtree $file $func end << ")\n"
+ }
+ }
+ proc initdotfunc {func} {
+ if {! [file exists PKGTREE/$pkgname.install]} {
+ lappend source "$pkgname.install"
+ }
+ initfunc $pkgname.install $func
+ }
+ proc fput {name code section} {
+ global dotfuncs pbfuncs
+ if {$name in $dotfuncs} {
+ initdotfunc $name
+ set file $pkgname.install
+ } elseif {$name in $pbfuncs} {
+ initfunc PKGBUILD $name
+ set file PKGBUILD
+ } else {
+ puts stderr "$prog: error: $name is not a known func"
exit 2
- exec "putpkgtree PKGBUILD $name body" << [trimbash $code]
+ set code [trimbash $code]
+ exec putpkgtree $file $name $section << $code
+ }
+ proc fappend {name code} {
+ fput $name $code body
proc fprepend {name code} {
- if {! $name in $pbfuncs} {
- puts stderr "$prog: error: $name is not a permitted PKGBUILD func"
- exit 2
+ fput $name $code beg
+ }
+ proc move {srcname destname args} {
+ upvar #0 $srcname src $destname dest
+ foreach pat $args {
+ set idx [lsearch -glob $src "$pat*"]
+ if {$idx == -1} { error "$pat was not found in $srcname" }
+ lappend $dest [lindex $src $idx]
+ set src [lreplace $src $idx $idx]
- exec "putpkgtree PKGBUILD $name beg" << [trimbash $code]