path: root/preps/perl.d/scrapecore
diff options
authorJustin Davis <>2012-06-01 18:21:10 +0200
committerJustin Davis <>2012-06-01 18:21:10 +0200
commit070171e266bf5cab6647dd4c7d8f0bb7887551b4 (patch)
tree605b45acfd13ae1953d13fbb12f4db1382fd6254 /preps/perl.d/scrapecore
parent6b62423d4108c551ce1240926ca14a7e667b71d1 (diff)
Move scrapecore script. Perl corelist will be bundled now.
The core module list for perl might as well be bundled with genpkg. The setup script will install it to the proper place. The scrapecore script will still be included for completeness but shouldn't have to be used by the user, hopefully.
Diffstat (limited to 'preps/perl.d/scrapecore')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 249 deletions
diff --git a/preps/perl.d/scrapecore b/preps/perl.d/scrapecore
deleted file mode 100755
index 8fe1530..0000000
--- a/preps/perl.d/scrapecore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-use warnings 'FATAL' => 'all';
-use strict;
-package Common;
-sub evalver
- my($path, $mod) = @_;
- open(my $fh, '<', $path) or die("open $path: $!");
- my $m = ($mod
- ? qr/(?:\$${mod}::VERSION|\$VERSION)/
- : qr/\$VERSION/);
- while(<$fh>){
- next unless(/\s*$m\s*=\s*.+/);
- chomp;
- my $ver = do { no strict; eval };
- return $ver unless($@);
- warn(qq{$path:$. bad version string "$_"\n});
- }
- close($fh);
- return undef;
-# ----------------------------------------
-package CoreDist;
-use File::Basename qw(basename);
-sub modname
- my($dist) = @_;
- $dist =~ s/-+/::/g;
- return $dist;
-sub maindistfile
- my($dist, $dir) = @_;
- # libpath is the modern style, installing modules under lib/
- # with dirs matching the name components.
- my $libpath = join(q{/}, 'lib', split(/-/, "${dist}.pm"));
- # dumbpath is an old style where there's no subdirs and just
- # a .pm file.
- my $dumbpath = $dist;
- $dumbpath =~ s/\A.+-//;
- $dumbpath .= ".pm";
- my @paths = ($libpath, $dumbpath);
- # Some modules (with simple names like XSLoader, lib, etc) are
- # generated by Makefile.PL. Search through their generating code.
- push @paths, "${dist}_pm.PL" if($dist =~ tr/-/-/ == 0);
- for my $path (map { "$dir/$_" } @paths){ return $path if(-f $path); }
- return undef;
-sub module_ver
- my($dist, $dir) = @_;
- my $path = maindistfile($dist, $dir) or return undef;
- my $mod = modname($dist);
- my $ver = Common::evalver($path, $mod);
- unless($ver){
- warn "failed to find version in module file $path\n";
- return undef;
- }
- return [ $mod, $ver ];
-sub changelog_ver
- my($dist, $dir) = @_;
- my $path;
- for my $tmp (glob "$dir/{Changes,ChangeLog}"){
- if(-f $tmp){ $path = $tmp; last; }
- }
- return undef unless($path);
- my $mod = modname($dist);
- open my $fh, '<', $path or die"open: $!";
- while(<$fh>){
- return [ $mod, $1 ] if(/\A\s*(?:$dist[ \t]*)?([0-9._]+)/);
- return [ $mod, $1 ] if(/\A\s*version\s+([0-9._]+)/i);
- }
- close $fh;
- return undef;
-# for some reason podlators has a VERSION file with perl code in it
-sub verfile_ver
- my($dist, $dir) = @_;
- my $path = "$dir/VERSION";
- return undef unless(-f $path); # no warning, only podlaters has it
- my $v = Common::evalver($path);
- return ($v ? [ modname($dist), $v ] : undef);
-# scans a directory full of nicely separated dist. directories.
-sub scan_distroot
- my ($distroot) = @_;
- opendir my $cpand, "$distroot" or die("failed to open $distroot");
- my @dists = grep { !/^\./ && -d "$distroot/$_" } readdir $cpand;
- closedir $cpand;
- my @found;
- for my $dist (@dists){
- my $distdir = "$distroot/$dist";
- my $mv = (module_ver($dist, $distdir)
- || changelog_ver($dist, $distdir)
- || verfile_ver($dist, $distdir));
- if($mv){
- push @found, $mv;
- }else{
- warn "failed to find version for $dist\n";
- }
- }
- return @found;
-sub findmods
- my($srcdir) = @_;
- return map { scan_distroot($_) } glob "$srcdir/{cpan,dist,ext}";
-# ----------------------------------------
-package CoreLib;
-use File::Find qw();
-use File::stat;
-*findfile = *File::Find::find;
-sub findmods
- my($srcdir) = @_;
- my $libdir = "$srcdir/lib/";
- die "failed to find $libdir directory" unless(-d $libdir);
- # Find only the module files that have not changed since perl
- # was extracted. We don't want the files perl just recently
- # installed into lib/. We processed those already.
- my @modfiles;
- my $finder = sub {
- return unless(/[.]pm\z/);
- push @modfiles, $_;
- };
- findfile({ 'no_chdir' => 1, 'wanted' => $finder }, $libdir);
- # First we have to find what the oldest ctime actually is.
- my $oldest = time;
- @modfiles = map {
- my $modfile = $_;
- my $ctime = (stat $modfile)->ctime;
- $oldest = $ctime if($ctime < $oldest);
- [ $modfile, $ctime ]; # save ctime for later
- } @modfiles;
- # Then we filter out any file that was created more than a
- # few seconds after that. Process the rest.
- my @mods;
- for my $modfile (@modfiles){
- my($mod, $ctime) = @$modfile;
- next if $ctime - $oldest > 5; # ignore newer files
- my $path = $mod;
- $mod =~ s{[.]pm\z}{};
- $mod =~ s{\A$libdir}{};
- $mod =~ s{/}{::}g;
- my $ver = Common::evalver($path, $mod);
- if($ver){
- push @mods, [ $mod, $ver ];
- }else{
- warn "failed to find version in module file $path\n";
- }
- }
- return @mods;
-# ----------------------------------------
-package main;
-sub _delmatch
- my($mvs, $findus) = @_;
- for(@$mvs){
- my($m) = split;
- delete $findus->{$m};
- }
- return;
-sub coreonly
- my %mods = map { @$_ } @_;
- my $var = $ENV{'PKGVAR'} || "$ENV{'HOME'}/.genpkg/var";
- my $path = "$var/cpanmods";
- unless(-f $path){
- die "$0: $path is missing. Generate it with fetchcpan.\n";
- }
- open my $if, '<', $path or die "open $path failed: $!";
- my @dists;
- local $/ = qq{\n\n};
- while(<$if>){
- last unless(%mods);
- my($dist, @dms) = split /\n/;
- next if(defined delete $mods{$dist});
- _delmatch(\@dms, \%mods);
- }
- close $if;
- my @core;
- for my $k (keys %mods){
- push(@core, [ $k, $mods{$k} ]);
- }
- return sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @core;
-my $perldir = shift or die"Usage: $0 [path to perl source directory]\n";
-die "$perldir is not a valid directory.\n" unless(-d $perldir);
-my @mods =
- (CoreDist::findmods($perldir),
- CoreLib::findmods($perldir));
-## Embedded modules without any files...
-push @mods, [ 'Config' => 1 ];
-print "@$_\n" for(coreonly(@mods));