#!/usr/bin/env io PROG := "modpkg" # Classes for playing with PKGDATA files. PkgDataFieldVal := Object clone do( init := method( self stringValue := nil self ownerField := nil ) moveTo := method(newOwner, ownerField removeValue(self) ownerField = newOwner addValue(self) self ) matches := method(start, stringValue beginsWithSeq(start) ) asString := method(stringValue) ) PkgDataFieldValMux := Object clone do( init := method( self fieldVals := List clone ) addValue := method(fv, fieldVals append(fv) self ) moveTo := method(destField, fieldVals foreach(fv, fv moveTo(destField) ) self ) asList := method( fieldVals ) ) PkgDataField := Object clone do( init := method( self fieldVals := List clone ) match := method( mux := PkgDataFieldValMux clone call evalArgs foreach(arg, fieldVals foreach(fv, fv matches(arg) ifTrue(mux addValue(fv)) ) ) mux ) addValue := method(newFV, fieldVals append(newFV) newFV ownerField = self self ) removeValue := method(fv, fieldVals remove(fv) self ) getValues := method(fieldVals) add := method(strVal, fv := PkgDataFieldVal clone fv stringValue = strVal addValue(fv) ) isEmpty := method((fieldVals size) == 0) ) PkgDataFile := File clone do( readField := method( f := PkgDataField clone (name := readLine) ifNil(return nil) while(strVal := readLine, (strVal == "") ifTrue(break) fv := PkgDataFieldVal clone fv stringValue = strVal f addValue(fv) ) return list(name, f) ) readFields := method( fields := Map clone while(f := readField; f isNil not, fields atPut(f at(0), f at(1))) fields ) writeFields := method(fields, fields foreach(name, f, self write(name, "\n", f fieldVals map(fv, (fv asString) .. "\n") join(""), "\n") ) truncateToSize(position) ) ) # Classes for text files bundled into the source package. These use the PKGTREE # directory structure for splitting sections apart and modifying them separately. SrcPkgFileSect := Object clone do( init := method( self file := nil self name := nil ) put := method(subSect, text, self file put(self name, subSect, text) ) ) SrcPkgFile := Object clone do( init := method( self fileName := nil ) put := method(section, subSection, text, tree := treeDir sectDir := fileDir createIfAbsent directoryNamed(section) createIfAbsent subSectFile := sectDir fileNamed(subSection) openForAppending subSectFile write(text) close ) treeDir := method( tree := Directory with("PKGTREE") tree exists ifFalse( writeln(PROG .. ": PKGTREE directory is missing.") System exit(1) ) tree ) fileDir := method( treeDir directoryNamed(self fileName) ) exists := method( fileDir exists ) hasSection := method(sectionName, fileDir directoryNamed(sectionName) exists ) section := method(sectionName, s := SrcPkgFileSect clone s name = sectionName s file = self s ) ) # PKGBUILDs and .install files are BashFiles. We indent them and add logic for starting funcs. BashFunc := SrcPkgFileSect clone do( init := method( self name := nil ) indentFunc := method(text, spaceCount, spaces := " " repeated(spaceCount) spaces .. ( text splitNoEmpties("\n") join("\n" .. spaces) ) .. "\n" ) initIfAbsent := method( (file hasSection(name)) ifFalse( put("beg", name .. "()\n{\n") put("end", "}\n") ) ) append := method(text, initIfAbsent put("body", indentFunc(text, 4)) ) prepend := method(text, initIfAbsent put("beg", indentFunc(text, 4)) ) ) BashFile := SrcPkgFile clone do( init := method( self functions := List clone ) func := method(name, f := functions detect(f, f name == name) f ifNil( f = BashFunc clone functions append(f) f name = name f file = self ) f ) ) # SourceFiles are files in the sources array that are bundled with source package. SourceFile := Object clone do( init := method( self fileName := nil self fileContents := "" ) append := method(seq, fileContents appendSeq(seq) ) writeFile := method(File with(fileName) open write(fileContents) close) ) ModifierContext := Object clone do( dotInstallFuncs := list("pre_install", "post_install", "pre_upgrade", "post_upgrade") pbFields := list("pkgname", "pkgver", "pkgrel", "pkgdesc", "epoch", "url", "license", "install", "changelog", "source", "noextract", "md5sums", "sha512sums", "groups", "arch", "backup", "depends", "makedepends", "checkdepends", "optdepends", "conflicts", "provides", "replaces", "options") pbFuncs := list("build", "package", "check") init := method( self PKGBUILD := BashFile clone PKGBUILD fileName = "PKGBUILD" PKGBUILD sourceFiles := Map clone # Create shortcuts in our context for the common PKGBUILD funcs. pbFuncs foreach(n, self setSlot(n, PKGBUILD func(n))) PKGBUILD hasSourceFile := method(fileName, sourceFiles hasKey(fileName) ) PKGBUILD sourceFile := method(fileName, sourceFiles hasKey(fileName) ifTrue(return sourceFiles at(fileName)) sf := SourceFile clone sf fileName = fileName sf ) PKGBUILD addPatch := method(fileName, level, text, hasSourceFile(fileName) ifTrue( writeln(PROG .. ": patch file named " .. fileName .. " already exists") System exit(1) ) build prepend("patch -p" .. level .. " < \"$srcdir\"/" .. fileName .. "\n") sf := sourceFile(fileName) sf appendSeq(text) sf ) PKGBUILD writeSourceFiles := method( sourceFiles foreach(sf, sf writeFile) self ) ) # Make the dotInstall slot a lazy loader for the BashFile object. Sets the .install filename # to match the pkgname when it is first used. dotInstall := lazySlot( name := pkgname getValues at(0) name ifNil( writeln(PROG .. ": pkgname is missing from PKGDATA!") System exit(1) ) newDot := BashFile clone newDot fileName := (name asString) .. ".install" newDot ) # The .install function names are shortcuts into the dotInstall BashFile object. forward := method( messageName := call message name dotInstallFuncs contains(messageName) ifTrue( return dotInstall func(messageName) ) resend ) initFields := method(fields, pbFields foreach(fieldName, f := fields at(fieldName) f ifNil(f = PkgDataField clone) self setSlot(fieldName, f) ) ) getFields := method( tmp := pbFields map(fieldName, kv := nil fv := self getSlot(fieldName) fv isEmpty ifFalse(kv = list(fieldName, fv)) kv ) select(v, v) asMap ) finish := method( PKGBUILD writeSourceFiles PKGBUILD sourceFiles foreach(fileName, sourceFile, source add(fileName) ) ) ) # Startup sanity checks. ((System args size) == 2) ifFalse( writeln("usage: " .. PROG .. " [modifier script filename]") System exit(2) ) scriptName := System args at(1) (File exists(scriptName)) ifFalse( writeln(PROG .. ": script file does not exist: " .. scriptName) System exit(2) ) (File exists("PKGDATA")) ifFalse( writeln(PROG .. ": PKGDATA file does not exist") System exit(2) ) (Directory exists("PKGTREE")) ifFalse( writeln(PROG .. ": PKGTREE directory does not exist") System exit(2) ) # Get down ta biness. dataFile := PkgDataFile with("PKGDATA") openForUpdating ctx := ModifierContext clone ctx initFields(dataFile readFields) ctx doFile(scriptName) ctx finish dataFile rewind dataFile writeFields(ctx getFields) dataFile close