#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings 'FATAL' => 'all'; use strict; my $PROG = 'perl-pkgbuild'; sub putpkgbuild { my($sect, $subsect, $text) = @_; open my $pipe, '|-', 'putpkgtree' => 'PKGBUILD', $sect, $subsect or die "open putpkgtree: $!"; print $pipe $text; close $pipe or exit $? >> 8; } sub putfuncs { my($funcs) = @_; for my $f (keys %$funcs){ my $sects = $funcs->{$f}; while(my ($s, $txt) = each %$sects){ putpkgbuild($f, $s, $txt); } } } sub startfunc { my($name) = @_; return <<"ENDTXT"; ${name}() ( cd "\$_dir" ENDTXT } sub functxt { my $fmt = shift; $fmt .= "\n" unless($fmt =~ /\n\z/); my $txt = sprintf $fmt, @_; $txt =~ s/^/ /gm; return $txt; } sub main { if(@_ == 0 || ($_[0] ne 'MM' && $_[0] ne 'MB')){ print STDERR qq{usage: $PROG ["MM" or "MB"]\n}; return 1; } my $type = shift; my($script, $make, $iargs); my @badenv = qw/PERL5LIB/; my @exports = qw/PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1/; if($type eq 'MM'){ $script = 'Makefile.PL'; $make = 'make'; $iargs = q{INSTALLDIRS=vendor DESTDIR="$pkgdir"}; push @exports, 'PERL_AUTOINSTALL=--skipdeps'; push @badenv, 'PERL_MM_OPT'; }else{ $script = 'Build.PL'; $make = './Build'; $iargs = q{installdirs=vendor destdir="$pkgdir"}; push @badenv, 'PERL_MB_OPT', 'MODULEBUILDRC=/dev/null'; } my %funcs; my @fnames = qw/build check package/; for my $f (@fnames){ $funcs{$f}{'beg'} = startfunc($f); # Module::Build uses env vars for each stage of Build if($type eq 'MB'){ $funcs{$f}{'beg'} = <<"ENDTXT"; export @exports unset @badenv ENDTXT } } # ExtUtils::MakeMaker only uses env vars for Makefile.PL if($type eq 'MM'){ $funcs{'build'}{'beg'} .= functxt(<<'ENDTXT', "@exports", "@badenv"); export %s unset %s ENDTXT } $funcs{'build'}{'body'} = functxt(<<'ENDTXT', $script, $make); /usr/bin/perl %s %s ENDTXT # Be a little paranoid, but we don't need PERL_AUTOINSTALL here. # TODO: make this hack prettier if($type eq 'MM'){ $funcs{'check'}{'prefix'} .= functxt(<<'ENDTXT', 'PERL_MM_DEFAULT=1', 'PERL5LIB'); export %s unset %s ENDTXT } $funcs{'check'}{'body'} = functxt("%s test", $make); $funcs{'package'}{'body'} = functxt(<<'ENDTXT', $make, $iargs); %s install %s find "$pkgdir" -name .packlist -o -name perllocal.pod -delete ENDTXT for my $f (@fnames){ $funcs{$f}{'end'} = ")\n"; } putfuncs(\%funcs); putpkgbuild('suffix', 'body', <<'ENDTXT'); # Local Variables: # mode: shell-script # sh-basic-offset: 2 # End: # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: ENDTXT return 0; } exit main(@ARGV);