#!/bin/sh prependid() { awk '!/^#/ && ! done { print "# $Id$"; done = 1 } 1' PKGBUILD \ > PKGBUILD.new mv PKGBUILD.new PKGBUILD } # Make sure that the package directories are added to the SVN repo. syncsvn() { svn add --parents PKGBUILD ../repos # Make sure that the Id keyword-property is active. svn propset svn:keywords Id PKGBUILD } if [ -z "$DEST" ] ; then echo "Specify the destination directory with the DEST env var." 1>&2 exit 1 fi cd pkg || exit 1 pkgdir=$(pwd) while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do pkg=$1 ; shift if [ ! -d "$pkg" ] ; then echo "pkg/$pkg was not found." 1>&2 continue fi echo "$DEST/$pkg" if [ -d "$DEST/$pkg" ] ; then rm -rf "$DEST/$pkg/trunk/"* fi mkdir -p "$DEST/$pkg/"{trunk,repos} cp -r -t "$DEST/$pkg/trunk" "$pkg"/* cd "$DEST/$pkg/trunk" prependid syncsvn >/dev/null 2>&1 cd "$pkgdir" done