path: root/lsinitcpio
diff options
authorDave Reisner <>2011-06-09 20:34:17 +0200
committerDave Reisner <>2011-06-16 20:27:02 +0200
commit5aa93f8ed37b0ded7a6dc393795441cec1e42d2b (patch)
treec0b65c1856691869f13673202672cb09f9b8f965 /lsinitcpio
parent031c99d6d1fd44bf6cc28395867b8adf432b9115 (diff)
lsinitcpio: new utility to dump contents of images
Signed-off-by: Dave Reisner <>
Diffstat (limited to 'lsinitcpio')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lsinitcpio b/lsinitcpio
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..55061aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lsinitcpio
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# lsinitcpio - dump the contents of an initramfs image
+shopt -s extglob
+die() {
+ local mesg=$1; shift
+ printf "error: $mesg\n" "$@"
+ exit 1
+usage() {
+ cat<<USAGE
+lsinitramfs %VERSION%
+usage: ${0##*/} [options] <initramfs>
+ Options:
+ -a analyze contents
+ -h display this help
+ -v more verbose output
+ -x extract image to disk
+ exit 1
+in_array() {
+ local item needle=$1; shift
+ for item; do
+ [[ "$item" == $needle ]] && return 0 # Found
+ done
+ return 1 # Not Found
+decomp() {
+ ${compress:-cat} ${compress:+-cd} "$@"
+declare verbose=
+declare list='--list'
+while getopts ':ahvx' flag; do
+ case $flag in
+ a) analyze=1 ;;
+ h) usage ;;
+ v) verbose='--verbose' ;;
+ x) unset list ;;
+ \?) die "invalid option -- '$OPTARG'" ;;
+ esac
+shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
+declare image=$1
+[[ $image ]] || usage
+[[ -f $image ]] || die "$image: No such file"
+# read compression type
+case "$(file -b "$image")" in
+ data|LZMA*) compress=lzma ;;
+ gzip*) compress=gzip ;;
+ bzip2*) compress=bzip2 ;;
+ lzop*) compress=lzop ;;
+ XZ*) compress=xz ;;
+if (( analyze )); then
+ declare -a binaries explicitmod modules foundhooks hooks
+ declare kernver ratio
+ # calculate compression ratio
+ if [[ $compress ]]; then
+ TIMEFORMAT=%R decomptime=$({ time decomp "$image" >/dev/null; } 2>&1 )
+ ratio=.$(( $(stat -c %s "$image") * 1000 /
+ $(decomp "$image" | bsdtar xOf - | wc -c) % 1000 ))
+ fi
+ # read contents of image
+ while read -r line; do
+ if [[ $line = *.ko?(.gz) ]]; then # module
+ if [[ -z $kernver ]]; then
+ [[ $line =~ /lib/modules/([^/]+)/ ]] && kernver=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
+ fi
+ line=${line##*/}
+ modules+=("${line%.ko?(.gz)}")
+ continue
+ elif [[ $line = ./hooks/* ]]; then
+ foundhooks+=("${line##*/}")
+ elif [[ $line = *@(/bin/|/sbin/)* ]]; then
+ binaries+=("${line#.}")
+ fi
+ done < <(decomp "$image" | bsdtar tf -)
+ # source and read config
+ . <(decomp "$image" | bsdtar xOf - config)
+ explicitmod=($MODULES)
+ for hook in $HOOKS; do
+ in_array "$hook" "${foundhooks[@]}" && hooks=("$hook")
+ done
+ # print results
+ printf '==> Image: %s\n' "$(readlink -e "$image")"
+ printf '==> Kernel: %s\n' "${kernver:-unknown}"
+ if [[ $compress ]]; then
+ printf '==> Compressed with: %s\n' "$compress"
+ printf ' -> Compression ratio: %s\n' "$ratio"
+ printf ' -> Estimated decompression time: %ss\n' "$decomptime"
+ fi
+ printf '\n'
+ if (( ${#modules[*]} )); then
+ printf '==> Included modules:\n'
+ for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do
+ printf ' %s' "$mod"
+ in_array "${mod//_/-}" "${explicitmod[@]//_/-}" && printf ' [explicit]'
+ printf '\n'
+ done | sort | column -c$(tput cols)
+ printf '\n'
+ fi
+ printf '==> Included binaries:\n'
+ printf ' %s\n' "${binaries[@]}"
+ printf '\n'
+ if (( ${#hooks[*]} )); then
+ printf '==> Hook run order:\n'
+ printf ' %s\n' "${hooks[@]}"
+ printf '\n'
+ fi
+ decomp "$image" | bsdcpio -i --quiet $verbose $list
+# vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et: