path: root/mkinitcpio.8.txt
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-vim:set ts=4 sw=4 syntax=asciidoc noet:
-mkinitcpio - Create an initial ramdisk environment
-'mkinitcpio' [options]
-Creates an initial ramdisk environment for booting the linux kernel. The
-initial ramdisk is in essence a very small environment (early userspace) which
-loads various kernel modules and sets up necessary things before handing over
-control to init. This makes it possible to have, for example, encrypted root
-filesystems and root filesystems on a software RAID array. mkinitcpio allows
-for easy extension with custom hooks, has autodetection at runtime, and many
-other features.
-*-A, \--addhooks* 'hooks'::
- Add the additional 'hooks' to the image. These will be processed in order
- after all other hooks from the config file. Multiple hooks should be
- comma-separated. This option can be specified multiple times.
-*-c, \--config* 'config'::
- Use 'config' file to generate the ramdisk. Default: /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
-*-g, \--generate* 'filename'::
- Generate a CPIO image as 'filename'. Default: no; this means nothing will be
- written to the filesystem unless this option is specified.
-*-H, \--hookhelp* 'hookname'::
- Output help for hookname 'hookname'.
-*-h, \--help*::
- Output a short overview of available command-line switches.
-*-k, \--kernel* 'kernelversion'::
- Use 'kernelversion', instead of the current running kernel. This may be a
- path to a kernel image or a specific kernel version.
-*-L, \--listhooks*::
- List all available hooks.
-*-M, \--automods*::
- Display modules found via autodetection. mkinitcpio will automatically try to
- determine which kernel modules are needed to start your computer. This option
- lists which modules were detected.
-*-n, \--nocolor*::
- Disable color output.
-*-p, \--preset* 'preset'::
- Build initramfs image(s) according to specified 'preset'. This may be a file in
- /etc/mkinitcpio.d (without the .preset extension) or a full, absolute path to a
- file.
-*-r, \--moduleroot* 'root'::
- Specifies the root directory to find modules in, defaulting to '/'.
-*-S, \--skiphooks* 'hooks'::
- Skip 'hooks' when generating the image. Multiple hooks should be comma-separated.
- This option can be specified multiple times.
-*-s, \--save*::
- Saves the build directory for the initial ramdisk. Default: no; This means
- the directory will not be retained if this option isn't specified. Useful for
- debugging purposes.
-*-t, \--builddir* 'tmpdir'::
- Use 'tmpdir' as the temporary build directory instead of /tmp. 'tmpdir'
- must exist. The 'TMPDIR' environment variable is also honored to set this
- location, but the command line option will take precedence.
-*-V, \--version*::
- Display version information.
-*-v, \--verbose*::
- Verbose output. Outputs more information about what's happening during
- creation of the ramdisk.
-*-z, \--compress* 'compress'::
- Override the compression method with the 'compress' program.
-About Presets
-A preset is a pre-defined definition on how to create an initial ramdisk.
-Instead of specifying the configuration file and which output file, every time
-you generate a new initial ramdisk, you define a preset and use the -p switch
-to generate an initial ramdisk according to your preset. Presets are located in
-About Install Hooks
-Install hooks are bash scripts which are sourced during mkinitcpio runtime in
-order to add modules, binaries, and other files to the image. A variety of
-functions exist to facilitate this.
-*add_module* 'modname'::
- Adds the module specified by 'modname' to the image. Dependencies are derived
- and added automatically.
-*add_binary* 'binary' [ 'destination' ] [ 'mode' ]::
- Adds a binary to the image. The argument 'binary' need not be an absolute
- path and, if needed, a lookup will be performed. If the binary is a dynamically
- linked ELF binary, dependencies will be automatically added. Optionally, a
- destination within the initramfs image as well as a file mode can be specified.
- By default, the destintation and mode be taken from the source derived from
- 'binary'.
-*add_file* 'path' [ 'destination' ] [ 'mode' ]::
- Adds a file and any needed parent directories to the image. Optionally, a
- destination within the initramfs image as well as a file mode can be specified.
- By default, the destination and mode will be taken from the source and mode of
- the file specified by the 'path'.
-*add_dir* 'path'::
- Adds a directory and its parents to the image.
-*add_full_dir* 'directory'::
- Recursively adds a directory to the image by walking the given path and
- calling *add_file*, *add_dir*, and *add_symlink* accordingly. This function
- will not follow symlinks, nor will it add the targets of symlinks.
-*add_symlink* 'path' [ 'link-target' ]::
- Adds a symlink to the image at the specified `path`, optionally pointing to
- the specified `link-target`. If the `link-target` is not provided, it is assumed
- that this symlink exists in the real filesystem, and the target will be read
- using readlink. There is no checking done to ensure that the target of the
- symlink exists, and symlinks will not be followed recursively.
-*add_all_modules* [ '-f filter' ] *pattern*::
- Adds modules to the image, without regard for the autodetect whitelist. *pattern*
- should be a subdirectory within the kernel tree describing a subset of modules to
- be included. Further refinement can be provided via the -f flag with an extended
- regular expression.
-*add_checked_modules* [ '-f filter' ] *pattern*::
- Similar to *add_all_modules* with the constraint that only modules matching the
- whitelist generated by the autodetect hook will be added to the image. If the
- autodetect hook is not present in the image, this function is identical to
- *add_all_modules*.
-*add_runscript* [ 'scriptname' ]::
- Adds a runtime hook to the image, which is a busybox ash compatible shell
- script. The name of the script is guaranteed to match the name of the hook the
- script is called from.
-About Runtime Hooks
-Runtime hooks added to the image via the *add_runscript* function from an
-install hook are able to provide extra functionality during early userspace.
-Specific functions in these files will run at different times. A hook can
-define one or more of these. At each hook point, hooks are run in the order
-that they are defined in the HOOKS variable, except for cleanup hooks which are
-run in reverse.
- Functions of this name will be run once the API mounts have been setup and the
- kernel command line has been parsed. Daemons needed for early userspace should
- be started from this hook point.
- Functions of this name will be run after any early hooks, and after user
- defined modules have been installed. This is the most common hook point, and
- functionality such as scanning for LVM volumes and mapping encrypted volumes
- should be performed here.
- Functions of this name will be run after root has been mounted. This is generally
- used for further necessary setup in the real root, such as mounting other system
- partitions.
- Functions of this name are run as late as possible. Any daemons started
- from a run_earlyhook function should be shut down here in preparation for
- switching to the real root.
-Early Init Environment
-mkinitcpio gives special treatment to certain environment variables passed on
-the kernel command line:
- If specified, mkinitcpio will start a shell during early init. The optional
- parameter controls when this occurs: when 'premount' or no parameter are
- specified, the shell will be launched prior to mounting root. If 'postmount'
- is specified, the shell will be launched after mounting root.
- This is a comma separated list of hooks which will be skipped during early
- init.
- This is a comma separated list of modules which will be loaded prior to any
- others. This is generally not needed, and usually points to a configuration
- or kernel problem.
- Causes mkinitcpio to output fewer messages during boot. Errors will not be
- suppressed.
- Specifies that root should be mounted with readonly permissions. This is the
- default behavior.
- Specifies that root should be mounted with readwrite permissions. This is
- generally only useful if your initramfs uses the 'fsck' hook.
- This variable describes the root partition which early init will mount
- before passing control to the real init. mkinitcpio understands a variety of
- formats, the most basic of which is the path to the block device, either
- directly such as '/dev/sda2', or using a udev symlink such as
- '/dev/disk/by-label/CorsairF80-root'. Support for identification by LABEL or
- UUID tags are also supported, such as, 'LABEL=CorsairF80-root'. As of
- util-linux 2.22, PARTUUID is also supported. Identification via hex encoded
- major/minor device ID is supported for legacy reasons, but should not be used.
- Sets the delay, in seconds, that mkinitcpio is willing to wait for the root
- device to show up, if it is not available immediately. This defaults to 5
- seconds. If an invalid integer is passed, this variable will have no effect.
-These are only the variables that the core of mkinitcpio honor. Additional
-hooks may look for other environment variables and should be documented by the
-help output for the hook.
- Default configuration file for mkinitcpio.
- Folder containing mkinitcpio presets.
- Search path for build time hooks.
- Search path for early userspace runtime hooks.
- Perform a 'dry-run'. This will generate an initial ramdisk but will not
- write anything. Use -g to create the real image.
-*mkinitcpio -p linux*::
- Create an initial ramdisk based on the 'linux' preset.
-*mkinitcpio -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux*::
- Create an initial ramdisk for the kernel at /boot/vmlinuz-linux. The
- resulting image will be written to /boot/initramfs-linux.img.
-See also
-A more thorough article on configuring mkinitcpio:
-*initrd*(4), *lsinitcpio*(1), *mkinitcpio.conf*(5)
-Upon writing this manpage, there were no noticeable bugs present. Please visit
-<> for an up to date list.
-mkinitcpio is created and maintained by the Arch Linux Developer community.
-Copyright (c) Arch Linux 2006-2012