#!/bin/bash parseopts() { local opt= optarg= i= shortopts=$1 local -a longopts=() unused_argv=() shift while [[ $1 && $1 != '--' ]]; do longopts+=("$1") shift done shift longoptmatch() { local o longmatch=() for o in "${longopts[@]}"; do if [[ ${o%:} = "$1" ]]; then longmatch=("$o") break fi [[ ${o%:} = "$1"* ]] && longmatch+=("$o") done case ${#longmatch[*]} in 1) # success, override with opt and return arg req (0 == none, 1 == required) opt=${longmatch%:} if [[ $longmatch = *: ]]; then return 1 else return 0 fi ;; 0) # fail, no match found return 255 ;; *) # fail, ambiguous match printf "%s: option '%s' is ambiguous; possibilities:%s\n" "${0##*/}" \ "--$1" "$(printf " '%s'" "${longmatch[@]%:}")" return 254 ;; esac } while (( $# )); do case $1 in --) # explicit end of options shift break ;; -[!-]*) # short option for (( i = 1; i < ${#1}; i++ )); do opt=${1:i:1} # option doesn't exist if [[ $shortopts != *$opt* ]]; then printf "%s: invalid option -- '%s'\n" "${0##*/}" "$opt" OPTRET=(--) return 1 fi OPTRET+=("-$opt") # option requires optarg if [[ $shortopts = *$opt:* ]]; then # if we're not at the end of the option chunk, the rest is the optarg if (( i < ${#1} - 1 )); then OPTRET+=("${1:i+1}") break # if we're at the end, grab the the next positional, if it exists elif (( i == ${#1} - 1 )) && [[ $2 ]]; then OPTRET+=("$2") shift break # parse failure else printf "%s: option '%s' requires an argument\n" "${0##*/}" "-$opt" OPTRET=(--) return 1 fi fi done ;; --?*=*|--?*) # long option IFS='=' read -r opt optarg <<< "${1#--}" longoptmatch "$opt" case $? in 0) if [[ $optarg ]]; then printf "%s: option '--%s' doesn't allow an argument\n" "${0##*/}" "$opt" OPTRET=(--) return 1 else OPTRET+=("--$opt") fi ;; 1) # --longopt=optarg if [[ $optarg ]]; then OPTRET+=("--$opt" "$optarg") # --longopt optarg elif [[ $2 ]]; then OPTRET+=("--$opt" "$2" ) shift else printf "%s: option '--%s' requires an argument\n" "${0##*/}" "$opt" OPTRET=(--) return 1 fi ;; 254) # ambiguous option -- error was reported for us by longoptmatch() OPTRET=(--) return 1 ;; 255) # parse failure printf "%s: unrecognized option '%s'\n" "${0##*/}" "--$opt" OPTRET=(--) return 1 ;; esac ;; *) # non-option arg encountered, add it as a parameter unused_argv+=("$1") ;; esac shift done # add end-of-opt terminator and any leftover positional parameters OPTRET+=('--' "${unused_argv[@]}" "$@") unset longoptmatch return 0 } kver() { # this is intentionally very loose. only ensure that we're # dealing with some sort of string that starts with something # resembling dotted decimal notation. remember that there's no # requirement for CONFIG_LOCALVERSION to be set. local kver re='^[[:digit:]]+(\.[[:digit:]]+)+' # scrape the version out of the kernel image. locate the offset # to the version string by reading 2 bytes out of image at at # address 0x20E. this leads us to a string of, at most, 128 bytes. # read the first word from this string as the kernel version. local offset=$(hexdump -s 526 -n 2 -e '"%0d"' "$1") [[ $offset = +([0-9]) ]] || return 1 read kver _ < \ <(dd if="$1" bs=1 count=127 skip=$(( offset + 0x200 )) 2>/dev/null) [[ $kver =~ $re ]] || return 1 printf '%s' "$kver" } plain() { local mesg=$1; shift printf " $_color_bold$mesg$_color_none\n" "$@" >&1 } quiet() { (( _optquiet )) || plain "$@" } msg() { local mesg=$1; shift printf "$_color_green==>$_color_none $_color_bold$mesg$_color_none\n" "$@" >&1 } msg2() { local mesg=$1; shift printf " $_color_blue->$_color_none $_color_bold$mesg$_color_none\n" "$@" >&1 } warning() { local mesg=$1; shift printf "$_color_yellow==> WARNING:$_color_none $_color_bold$mesg$_color_none\n" "$@" >&2 } error() { local mesg=$1; shift printf "$_color_red==> ERROR:$_color_none $_color_bold$mesg$_color_none\n" "$@" >&2 return 1 } die() { error "$@" cleanup 1 } map() { local r=0 for _ in "${@:2}"; do "$1" "$_" || (( $# > 255 ? r=1 : ++r )) done return $r } in_array() { # Search for an element in an array. # $1: needle # ${@:2}: haystack local item= needle=$1; shift for item in "$@"; do [[ $item = $needle ]] && return 0 # Found done return 1 # Not Found } index_of() { # get the array index of an item. sets the global var _idx with # index and returns 0 if found, otherwise returns 1. local item=$1; shift for (( _idx=1; _idx <= $#; _idx++ )); do if [[ $item = ${!_idx} ]]; then (( --_idx )) return 0 fi done # not found unset _idx return 1 } funcgrep() { awk -v funcmatch="$1" ' /^[[:space:]]*[[:alnum:]_]+[[:space:]]*\([[:space:]]*\)/ { match($1, funcmatch) print substr($1, RSTART, RLENGTH) }' "$2" } list_hookpoints() { local funcs script script=$(PATH=$_d_hooks type -P "$1") || return 0 mapfile -t funcs < <(funcgrep '^run_[[:alnum:]_]+' "$script") echo msg "This hook has runtime scripts:" in_array run_earlyhook "${funcs[@]}" && msg2 "early hook" in_array run_hook "${funcs[@]}" && msg2 "pre-mount hook" in_array run_latehook "${funcs[@]}" && msg2 "post-mount hook" in_array run_cleanuphook "${funcs[@]}" && msg2 "cleanup hook" } modprobe() { command modprobe -d "$_optmoduleroot" -S "$KERNELVERSION" "$@" } auto_modules() { # Perform auto detection of modules via sysfs. local mods= mapfile -t mods < <(find /sys/devices -name uevent \ -exec sort -u {} + | awk -F= '$1 == "MODALIAS" && !_[$0]++') mapfile -t mods < <(modprobe -qaR "${mods[@]#MODALIAS=}") (( ${#mods[*]} )) && printf "%s\n" "${mods[@]//-/_}" } all_modules() { # Add modules to the initcpio, filtered by grep. # $@: filter arguments to grep # -f FILTER: ERE to filter found modules local -i count=0 local mod= OPTIND= OPTARG= filter=() while getopts ':f:' flag; do case $flag in f) filter+=("$OPTARG") ;; esac done shift $(( OPTIND - 1 )) while read -r -d '' mod; do (( ++count )) for f in "${filter[@]}"; do [[ $mod =~ $f ]] && continue 2 done mod=${mod##*/} mod="${mod%.ko*}" printf '%s\n' "${mod//-/_}" done < <(find "$_d_kmoduledir" -name '*.ko*' -print0 2>/dev/null | grep -EZz "$@") (( count )) } add_all_modules() { # Add modules to the initcpio. # $@: arguments to all_modules local mod mods mapfile -t mods < <(all_modules "$@") map add_module "${mods[@]}" return $(( !${#mods[*]} )) } add_checked_modules() { # Add modules to the initcpio, filtered by the list of autodetected # modules. # $@: arguments to all_modules local mod mods if (( ${#_autodetect_cache[*]} )); then mapfile -t mods < <(all_modules "$@" | grep -xFf <(printf '%s\n' "${!_autodetect_cache[@]}")) else mapfile -t mods < <(all_modules "$@") fi map add_module "${mods[@]}" return $(( !${#mods[*]} )) } add_firmware() { # add a firmware file to the image. # $1: firmware path fragment local fw fwpath r=1 for fw; do for fwpath in "${_d_firmware[@]}"; do if [[ -f $fwpath/$fw ]]; then add_file "$fwpath/$fw" "$fwpath/$fw" 644 && r=0 break fi done done return $r } add_module() { # Add a kernel module to the initcpio image. Dependencies will be # discovered and added. # $1: module name local target= module= softdeps= deps= field= value= firmware=() local ign_errors=0 found=0 [[ $KERNELVERSION == none ]] && return 0 if [[ $1 = *\? ]]; then ign_errors=1 set -- "${1%?}" fi target=${1%.ko*} target=${target//-/_} # skip expensive stuff if this module has already been added (( _addedmodules["$target"] )) && return while IFS=':= ' read -r -d '' field value; do case "$field" in filename) found=1 module=${value##*/} module=${module%.ko*} quiet "adding module: %s" "$module" _modpaths["$value"]=1 _addedmodules["${module//-/_}"]=1 ;; depends) IFS=',' read -r -a deps <<< "$value" map add_module "${deps[@]}" ;; firmware) firmware+=("$value") ;; softdep) read -ra softdeps <<<"$value" for module in "${softdeps[@]}"; do [[ $module == *: ]] && continue add_module "$module?" done ;; esac done < <(modinfo -b "$_optmoduleroot" -k "$KERNELVERSION" -0 "$target" 2>/dev/null) if (( !found )); then (( ign_errors )) && return 0 error "module not found: \`%s'" "$target" return 1 fi if (( ${#firmware[*]} )); then add_firmware "${firmware[@]}" || warning 'Possibly missing firmware for module: %s' "$target" fi # handle module quirks case $target in fat) add_module "nls_cp437?" add_module "nls_iso8859-1?" ;; ocfs2) add_module "configfs?" ;; btrfs|f2fs) add_module "libcrc32c?" ;; esac } add_full_dir() { # Add a directory and all its contents, recursively, to the initcpio image. # No parsing is performed and the contents of the directory is added as is. # $1: path to directory # $2: glob pattern to filter file additions (optional) local f= filter=${2:-*} if [[ -n $1 && -d $1 ]]; then add_dir "$1" for f in "$1"/*; do if [[ -L $f ]]; then if [[ $f = $filter ]]; then add_symlink "$f" "$(readlink "$f")" fi elif [[ -d $f ]]; then add_full_dir "$f" elif [[ -f $f ]]; then if [[ $f = $filter ]]; then add_file "$f" fi fi done fi } add_dir() { # add a directory (with parents) to $BUILDROOT # $1: pathname on initcpio # $2: mode (optional) if [[ -z $1 || $1 != /?* ]]; then return 1 fi local path=$1 mode=${2:-755} if [[ -d $BUILDROOT$1 ]]; then # ignore dir already exists return 0 fi quiet "adding dir: %s" "$path" command install -dm$mode "$BUILDROOT$path" } add_symlink() { # Add a symlink to the initcpio image. There is no checking done # to ensure that the target of the symlink exists. # $1: pathname of symlink on image # $2: absolute path to target of symlink (optional, can be read from $1) local name=$1 target=$2 (( $# == 1 || $# == 2 )) || return 1 if [[ -z $target ]]; then target=$(readlink -f "$name") if [[ -z $target ]]; then error 'invalid symlink: %s' "$name" return 1 fi fi add_dir "${name%/*}" if [[ -L $BUILDROOT$1 ]]; then quiet "overwriting symlink %s -> %s" "$name" "$target" else quiet "adding symlink: %s -> %s" "$name" "$target" fi ln -sfn "$target" "$BUILDROOT$name" } add_file() { # Add a plain file to the initcpio image. No parsing is performed and only # the singular file is added. # $1: path to file # $2: destination on initcpio (optional, defaults to same as source) # $3: mode (( $# )) || return 1 # determine source and destination local src=$1 dest=${2:-$1} mode= if [[ ! -f $src ]]; then error "file not found: \`%s'" "$src" return 1 fi mode=${3:-$(stat -c %a "$src")} if [[ -z $mode ]]; then error "failed to stat file: \`%s'." "$src" return 1 fi if [[ -e $BUILDROOT$dest ]]; then quiet "overwriting file: %s" "$dest" else quiet "adding file: %s" "$dest" fi command install -Dm$mode "$src" "$BUILDROOT$dest" } add_runscript() { # Adds a runtime script to the initcpio image. The name is derived from the # script which calls it as the basename of the caller. local funcs fn script hookname=${BASH_SOURCE[1]##*/} if ! script=$(PATH=$_d_hooks type -P "$hookname"); then error "runtime script for \`%s' not found" "$hookname" return fi add_file "$script" "/hooks/$hookname" 755 mapfile -t funcs < <(funcgrep '^run_[[:alnum:]_]+' "$script") for fn in "${funcs[@]}"; do case $fn in run_earlyhook) _runhooks['early']+=" $hookname" ;; run_hook) _runhooks['hooks']+=" $hookname" ;; run_latehook) _runhooks['late']+=" $hookname" ;; run_cleanuphook) _runhooks['cleanup']="$hookname ${_runhooks['cleanup']}" ;; esac done } add_binary() { # Add a binary file to the initcpio image. library dependencies will # be discovered and added. # $1: path to binary # $2: destination on initcpio (optional, defaults to same as source) local -a sodeps local line= regex= binary= dest= mode= sodep= resolved= if [[ ${1:0:1} != '/' ]]; then binary=$(type -P "$1") else binary=$1 fi if [[ ! -f $binary ]]; then error "file not found: \`%s'" "$1" return 1 fi dest=${2:-$binary} mode=$(stat -c %a "$binary") # always add the binary itself add_file "$binary" "$dest" "$mode" # negate this so that the RETURN trap is not fired on non-binaries ! lddout=$(ldd "$binary" 2>/dev/null) && return 0 # resolve sodeps regex='(/.+) \(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+\)' while read line; do if [[ $line =~ $regex ]]; then sodep=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} elif [[ $line = *'not found' ]]; then error "binary dependency \`%s' not found for \`%s'" "${line%% *}" "$1" (( ++_builderrors )) continue fi if [[ -f $sodep && ! -e $BUILDROOT$sodep ]]; then add_file "$sodep" "$sodep" "$(stat -Lc %a "$sodep")" fi done <<< "$lddout" return 0 } parse_config() { # parse key global variables set by the config file. set -f map add_module $MODULES map add_binary $BINARIES map add_file $FILES set +f tee "$BUILDROOT/buildconfig" < "$1" | { . /dev/stdin # sanitize of any extra whitespace read -ra modules <<<"${MODULES//-/_}" for mod in "${modules[@]%\?}"; do # only add real modules (2 == builtin) (( _addedmodules["$mod"] == 1 )) && add+=("$mod") done (( ${#add[*]} )) && printf 'MODULES="%s"\n' "${add[*]}" printf '%s="%s"\n' \ 'EARLYHOOKS' "${_runhooks['early']# }" \ 'HOOKS' "${_runhooks['hooks']# }" \ 'LATEHOOKS' "${_runhooks['late']# }" \ 'CLEANUPHOOKS' "${_runhooks['cleanup']% }" } >"$BUILDROOT/config" } initialize_buildroot() { # creates a temporary directory for the buildroot and initialize it with a # basic set of necessary directories and symlinks local workdir= kernver=$1 arch=$(uname -m) buildroot if ! workdir=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir mkinitcpio.XXXXXX); then error 'Failed to create temporary working directory in %s' "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}" return 1 fi buildroot=${2:-$workdir/root} if [[ ! -w ${2:-$workdir} ]]; then error 'Unable to write to build root: %s' "$buildroot" return 1 fi # base directory structure install -dm755 "$buildroot"/{new_root,proc,sys,dev,run,tmp,etc,usr/{local,lib,bin}} ln -s "usr/lib" "$buildroot/lib" ln -s "../lib" "$buildroot/usr/local/lib" ln -s "bin" "$buildroot/usr/sbin" ln -s "usr/bin" "$buildroot/bin" ln -s "usr/bin" "$buildroot/sbin" ln -s "../bin" "$buildroot/usr/local/bin" ln -s "../bin" "$buildroot/usr/local/sbin" case $arch in x86_64) ln -s "lib" "$buildroot/usr/lib64" ln -s "usr/lib" "$buildroot/lib64" ;; esac # mkinitcpio version stamp printf '%s' "$version" >"$buildroot/VERSION" # kernel module dir [[ $kernver != none ]] && install -dm755 "$buildroot/usr/lib/modules/$kernver/kernel" # mount tables ln -s /proc/self/mounts "$buildroot/etc/mtab" >"$buildroot/etc/fstab" # indicate that this is an initramfs >"$buildroot/etc/initrd-release" # add a blank ld.so.conf to keep ldconfig happy >"$buildroot/etc/ld.so.conf" printf '%s' "$workdir" } run_build_hook() { local hook=$1 script= realscript= local MODULES= BINARIES= FILES= SCRIPT= # find script in install dirs if ! script=$(PATH=$_d_install type -P "$hook"); then error "Hook '$hook' cannot be found" return 1 fi # check for deprecation if [[ -L $script ]]; then realscript=$(readlink -e "$script") warning "Hook '%s' is deprecated. Replace it with '%s' in your config" \ "${script##*/}" "${realscript##*/}" script=$realscript fi # source unset -f build if ! . "$script"; then error 'Failed to read %s' "$script" return 1 fi if ! declare -f build >/dev/null; then error 'Hook '$script' has no build function' return 1 fi # run if (( _optquiet )); then msg2 "Running build hook: [%s]" "${script##*/}" else msg2 "Running build hook: [%s]" "$script" fi build # if we made it this far, return successfully. Hooks can # do their own error catching if it's severe enough, and # we already capture errors from the add_* functions. return 0 } try_enable_color() { local colors if ! colors=$(tput colors 2>/dev/null); then warning "Failed to enable color. Check your TERM environment variable" return fi if (( colors > 0 )) && tput setaf 0 &>/dev/null; then _color_none=$(tput sgr0) _color_bold=$(tput bold) _color_blue=$_color_bold$(tput setaf 4) _color_green=$_color_bold$(tput setaf 2) _color_red=$_color_bold$(tput setaf 1) _color_yellow=$_color_bold$(tput setaf 3) fi } install_modules() { local m moduledest=$BUILDROOT/lib/modules/$KERNELVERSION local -a xz_comp gz_comp [[ $KERNELVERSION == none ]] && return 0 if (( $# == 0 )); then warning "No modules were added to the image. This is probably not what you want." return 0 fi cp "$@" "$moduledest/kernel" # unzip modules prior to recompression for m in "$@"; do case $m in *.xz) xz_comp+=("$moduledest/kernel/${m##*/}") ;; *.gz) gz_comp+=("$moduledest/kernel/${m##*/}") ;; esac done (( ${#xz_comp[*]} )) && xz -d "${xz_comp[@]}" (( ${#gz_comp[*]} )) && gzip -d "${gz_comp[@]}" msg "Generating module dependencies" install -m644 -t "$moduledest" "$_d_kmoduledir"/modules.builtin # we install all modules into kernel/, making the .order file incorrect for # the module tree. munge it, so that we have an accurate index. This avoids # some rare and subtle issues with module loading choices when an alias # resolves to multiple modules, only one of which can claim a device. awk -F'/' '{ print "kernel/" $NF }' \ "$_d_kmoduledir"/modules.order >"$moduledest/modules.order" depmod -b "$BUILDROOT" "$KERNELVERSION" # remove all non-binary module.* files (except devname for on-demand module loading) rm "$moduledest"/modules.!(*.bin|devname|softdep) } # vim: set ft=sh ts=4 sw=4 et: