path: root/src/wifi-menu
diff options
authorJouke Witteveen <>2012-12-28 02:38:58 +0100
committerJouke Witteveen <>2012-12-28 02:38:58 +0100
commit4e457e0efd0e5fd5df24c7e9ed63b02d0196ea8d (patch)
tree09580c92ca78e8b9b54d7ed8d6b79d7fcd6fd9ff /src/wifi-menu
parent6737a37e5666837a8f51a2f74bdebdd756151394 (diff)
Forking netcfg to netctl (1/2)
This commit contains the moving of files.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/wifi-menu')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/wifi-menu b/src/wifi-menu
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f46db0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wifi-menu
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+. /usr/lib/network/network
+. "$SUBR_DIR/8021x"
+. /etc/conf.d/netcfg
+ cat << END
+Usage: wifi-menu [-o | --obscure] [-h | --help] [interface]
+Interactively connect to a wireless network.
+ -o, --obscure Show asterisks for the characters of the password
+ and store the password as a hexadecimal string.
+ -h, --help Show this help.
+ interface The wireless interface to use.
+ (default: WIRELESS_INTERFACE from /etc/conf.d/netcfg)
+For choosing from all available profiles, use netcfg-menu.
+# Fills PROFILES and ESSIDS with the profile names and essids of the profiles
+# for interface $1.
+ local i=0 essid profile
+ while read profile; do
+ essid=$(
+ . "$PROFILE_DIR/$profile" &> /dev/null
+ if [[ "$INTERFACE" = "$1" && -n "$ESSID" ]]; then
+ printf "%s" "$ESSID"
+ if [[ "$DESCRIPTION" =~ "Automatically generated" ]]; then
+ return 2
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 0
+ )
+ case $? in
+ 2)
+ GENERATED+=("$profile")
+ ;&
+ 1)
+ PROFILES[i]=$profile
+ ESSIDS[i]=$essid
+ (( ++i ))
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done < <(list_profiles)
+# Builds ENTRIES as an argument list for dialog based on scan results in $1.
+ local i=0 flags signal ssid
+ while IFS=$'\t' read signal flags ssid; do
+ ENTRIES[i++]="--" # $ssid might look like an option to dialog.
+ ENTRIES[i++]=$ssid
+ if inarray "$ssid" "${ESSIDS[@]}"; then
+ if inarray "$(ssid_to_profile "$ssid")" "${GENERATED[@]}"; then
+ ENTRIES[i]="+" # Automatically generated
+ else
+ ENTRIES[i]="*" # Handmade
+ fi
+ else
+ ENTRIES[i]="-" # Not present
+ fi
+ if [[ "$ssid" = "$CONNECTION" ]]; then
+ ENTRIES[i]="!" # Currently connected
+ fi
+ if [[ "$flags" =~ WPA2|WPA|WEP ]]; then
+ ENTRIES[i]+=":${BASH_REMATCH[0],,}"
+ else
+ ENTRIES[i]+=":none"
+ fi
+ ENTRIES[i]+=" :$signal"
+ (( ++i ))
+ done < "$1"
+# Finds a profile name for ssid $1.
+ local i
+ for i in $(seq 0 $((${#ESSIDS[@]}-1))); do
+ if [[ "$1" = "${ESSIDS[i]}" ]]; then
+ printf "%s" "${PROFILES[i]}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
+# Creates a profile for ssid $1.
+ local box flags key msg security
+ PROFILE="$INTERFACE-${1//\//_}"
+ [[ -e "$PROFILE_DIR/$PROFILE" ]] && PROFILE+=".wifi-menu"
+ flags=$(grep -m 1 $'\t'"$1\$" "$NETWORKS" | cut -f 2)
+ if [[ "$flags" =~ WPA|WEP ]]; then
+ security=${BASH_REMATCH[0],,}
+ else
+ security=none
+ fi
+ if [[ "$flags" =~ PSK|WEP ]]; then
+ [[ "$OBSCURE" ]] && box="--insecure --passwordbox" || box="--inputbox"
+ msg="Enter $security security key for\n'$1'"
+ key=$(dialog $box "$msg" 10 40 --stdout) || return $?
+ if [[ "${#key}" -ge 8 && "${#key}" -le 63 ]]; then
+ if [[ "$OBSCURE" ]]; then
+ key=$(wpa_passphrase "$1" "$key" | grep -m 1 "^[[:space:]]*psk=")
+ key=${key#*psk=}
+ else
+ key=$(printf "%q" "$key")
+ fi
+ elif ! [[ "${#key}" -eq 64 && "$key" = +([[:xdigit:]]) ]]; then
+ return 4
+ fi
+ fi
+DESCRIPTION='Automatically generated profile by wifi-menu'
+ESSID=$(printf "%q" "$1")
+ printf "%s" "$PROFILE"
+ return 0
+# Connects to ssid $1 using an available profile or an automatically created
+# one if none exists.
+ local msg
+ PROFILE=$(ssid_to_profile "$1")
+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ clear
+ check_profile "$PROFILE" && profile_down "$PROFILE"
+ else
+ PROFILE=$(create_profile "$1")
+ (( RETURN == 0 )) || return $RETURN
+ clear
+ fi
+ if ! profile_up "$PROFILE"; then
+ if (( SPAWNED_PROFILE )); then
+Do you want to keep the generated profile ('$PROFILE')?"
+ dialog --yesno "$msg" 10 40 --stdout || rm "$PROFILE_DIR/$PROFILE"
+ clear
+ fi
+ return 2
+ fi
+ return 0
+while [[ "$1" = -* ]]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -h|--help)
+ usage
+ exit
+ ;;
+ -o|--obscure)
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ report_err "Invalid option: $1"
+ usage
+ exit 255
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then
+ report_err "Too many arguments"
+ usage
+ exit 255
+if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then
+ exit_stderr "This script needs to be run with root privileges"
+if ! type dialog &> /dev/null; then
+ exit_stderr "Please install 'dialog' to use wifi-menu"
+if [[ -z "$INTERFACE" ]]; then
+ report_err "Missing interface specification"
+ usage
+ exit 255
+cd / # We do not want to spawn anything that can block unmounting
+is_interface "$INTERFACE" || exit_fail "No such interface: $INTERFACE"
+if ! interface_is_up "$INTERFACE"; then
+ bring_interface up "$INTERFACE" || exit_fail "Interface unavailable"
+report_try "Scanning for networks"
+CONNECTION=$(wpa_call "$INTERFACE" status 2> /dev/null | grep -m 1 "^ssid=")
+NETWORKS=$(wpa_supplicant_scan "$INTERFACE" 3,4,5)
+if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+ trap 'rm -f "$NETWORKS"' EXIT
+ report_success
+ init_profiles "$INTERFACE"
+ init_entries "$NETWORKS"
+ MSG="Select the network you wish to use
+Flags description:
+ * - handmade profile present
+ + - automatically generated profile present
+ - - no profile present
+ ! - active connection present"
+ CHOICE=$(dialog --column-separator : --menu "$MSG" 24 50 12 \
+ "${ENTRIES[@]}" --stdout)
+ if (( RETURN == 0 )); then
+ connect_to_ssid "$CHOICE"
+ fi
+ report_fail
+case $RETURN in
+ 0|2) # Connected | Connecting failed
+ ;;
+ 1) # Canceled
+ clear
+ ;;
+ 3) # No networks found
+ report_err "No networks found"
+ ;;
+ 4) # Invalid passphrase length (WEP keys have tighter restrictions)
+ clear
+ report_err "Passphrase must be 8..63 characters"
+ ;;
+ 255) # ESC or error
+ clear
+ report_err "Aborted"
+ ;;
+ *) # Should not happen
+ report_err "Unexpected return code from dialog: $RETURN"
+ ;;
+(( RETURN && SPAWNED_INTERFACE )) && bring_interface down "$INTERFACE"
+exit $RETURN