path: root/src
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authorJim Pryor <>2009-08-11 14:05:11 +0200
committerJames Rayner <>2009-08-15 04:28:29 +0200
commitdc0c1d07198702dfaeece618f05608ae14e9f358 (patch)
tree45b6f537ceda5f20ff6391802fdb3143d36d4a0b /src
parent9578dda45b86acf3bd25def5de8f1d51f2ec22b2 (diff)
improve list_networks, report APs too
Signed-off-by: Jim Pryor <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/wireless b/src/wireless
index 99c146d..ff20806 100644
--- a/src/wireless
+++ b/src/wireless
@@ -82,26 +82,48 @@ find_ap() {
return 1
-# Return a filename containing a list of network ESSID's found.
+# Return a filename containing a list of network APs and ESSIDs found (sorted by decreasing signal strength)
# list_networks interface
+ local INTERFACE="$1" essids try=0 RETRIES=20 res scanned
# temp file used, as keeping ESSID's with spaces in their name in arrays
# is hard, obscure and kinda nasty. This is simpler and clearer.
- [[ -z "$1" ]] && return 1
- essids=$(mktemp /tmp/essid.XXXXX)
+ [[ -z "$INTERFACE" ]] && return 1
+ essids=$(mktemp /tmp/essid.XXXXXXXX)
- let try=0;
- while [[ $try -ne $RETRIES ]]; do
- iwlist $1 scan 2> /dev/null | fgrep ESSID | sed 's/.*ESSID:"\([^"]\+\)".*/\1/' > $essids
- sleep 0.5; let try++
+# # James suggested using this, but it requires wpa_supplicant to be running
+# wpa_cli -i "$INTERFACE" scan 2>/dev/null || { rm $essids; return 1; }
+# sleep 0.5
+# wpa_cli -i "$INTERFACE" scan_results > $essids 2>/dev/null || { rm $essids; return 1; }
+ {
+ while [[ "$try" -lt "$RETRIES" ]]; do
+ sleep 0.5
+ let try++
+ # iwlist "$INTERFACE" scan 2> /dev/null | fgrep "ESSID" | sed 's/.*ESSID:"\([^"]\+\)".*/\1/' > $essids
+ res=$(iwlist "$INTERFACE" scan 2> /dev/null)
+ [[ -z "$res" ]] && continue
+ scanned=1
+ # we only bother with at most 5 successful scans
+ if (( try < RETRIES-4 )); then try=$((RETRIES-4)); fi
+ echo "$res" | sed -r '1d; $ { H; ba }; 2 { h; d }; /^\s+Cell /! { H; d }; :a; x; s/\n/ /g'
- sort -u $essids -o $essids
+ } \
+ | sed -rne 's/.*Address: ([[:xdigit:]:]+).*ESSID:"([^"]*)".*Quality=([0-9]+).*/\1\t\3\t\1\t\2/p' \
+ -e 's/.*Address: ([[:xdigit:]:]+).*Quality=([0-9]+).*ESSID:"([^"]*)".*/\1\t\2\t\1\t\3/p' \
+ | sort -k1 -k2nr | uniq -w17 \
+ | sort -k2nr \
+ | cut -f3- > "$essids"
+ # 1. make tab-separated fields: ap, signal-strength, ap, essid (easiest way to use uniq and cut here requires ap twice)
+ # 2. eliminate duplicate aps (keeping strongest signal)
+ # 3. sort entire list by decreasing signal
+ # 4. then return tab-separated fields: ap, essid (ap needs to come first so that read can assume format is <word> <rest of line>)
# File of 0 length, ie. no ssid's.
if [[ ! -s $essids ]]; then
+ rm -f $essids
return 1