% ETHERNET netcfg manuals % Arch Linux % # ethernet Manual ## Description This connection method uses the unmaintained net-tools (ifconfig) and dhcpcd to gain an IP address. ## Options INTERFACE (required) : The wireless interface to configure IP (required) : Can be either 'static' or 'dhcp'. Static requires IFOPTS at least. IFOPTS : Arguments to pass to 'ifconfig'. GATEWAY (requires IP of 'static') : Set specified gateway ### DNS DNS : Array of DNS nameservers. Simply specify the IP's of each of the DNS nameservers. DNS1, DNS2 (deprecated) : Specify first and second nameservers. SEARCH : "search" line for /etc/resolv.conf DOMAIN : "domain" line for /etc/resolv.conf HOSTNAME : Set the system hostname. Ensure any hostname is correctly referenced in /etc/hosts. ### DHCP DHCLIENT : yes/no. Use dhclient instead of dhcpcd. Defaults to no. DHCP_OPTIONS : String. Any extra arguments to pass to the dhcp client, presently dhcpcd. DHCP_TIMEOUT : Integer. Maximum time to try for a DHCP IP. Default is 10 seconds. ### 802.11x Authentication AUTH8021X : Use 802.11x authentication. Enable with 'yes'. WPA_CONF (required for an AUTH8021X of 'yes' only) : Path to wpa_supplicant configuration. Defaults to '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' WPA_OPTS (optional for an AUTH8021X of 'yes') : Extra arguments for wpa_supplicant not specified otherwise. Any option here must specify wpa_supplicant driver. Defaults to '-Dwired'. ## Examples See /etc/network.d/examples