'wireless-dbus' Connection manual


This connection method uses wpa_supplicant's dbus interface to configure a wireless network connection.

This connection uses the 'ethernet-iproute' connection after successful association and thus supports all of it's options.


INTERFACE (required)
The wireless interface to configure
SECURITY (required)
One of 'wpa', 'wep', 'none' or 'wpa-config'
KEY (required for SECURITY of 'wpa' or 'wep' only)
Wireless encryption key.
ESSID (this or AP is required)
Name of network to connect to. Note that for "wireless-dbus" profiles this is always a Gnu regexp (as interpreted by "expr").
AP (this or ESSID is required)
AP of the network to connect to.
Time to wait for association. Defaults to 15 seconds.

WPA options

WPA_CONF (for SECURITY of 'wpa-config' only)
Path to wpa_supplicant configuration. Defaults to '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'
wpa_supplicant driver to be used. Defaults to 'wext'
Extra arguments for wpa_supplicant not specified otherwise.