% Ethernet connections % Arch Linux % # Ethernet options reference ## Description This connection method uses the iproute suite of tools and dhcpcd to gain an IP address. ## Options INTERFACE (required) : The wireless interface to configure IP (required) : Can be either 'static' or 'dhcp'. Static requires at least one of ADDR or IPCFG. ADDR (requires IP of 'static') : A single IP address to configure a static IP. For example: GATEWAY (requires IP of 'static') : Set specified gateway NETMASK (requires IP of 'static') : Set specified netmask. Defaults to 24 IPCFG : Array of arguments to pass to 'ip'. The power of this options is that it allows both simple and complicated routing configurations, within the framework of netcfg. IFOPTS (deprecated, requires IP of 'static') : Arguments to pass to 'ifconfig'. This allows you to use the syntax for the older 'ifconfig' tool. Retained for compatability. ### DNS DNS : Array of DNS nameservers. Simply specify the IP's of each of the DNS nameservers. SEARCH : "search" line for /etc/resolv.conf DOMAIN : "domain" line for /etc/resolv.conf HOSTNAME : Set the system hostname. Ensure any hostname is correctly referenced in /etc/hosts. DNS1, DNS2 (deprecated) : First and second DNS servers for /etc/resolv.conf ### DHCP DHCP_OPTIONS : String. Any extra arguments to pass to the dhcp client, presently dhcpcd. DHCP_TIMEOUT : Integer. Maximum time to try for a DHCP IP. Default is 10 seconds. DHCLIENT : yes/no. Use dhclient instead of dhcpcd. Defaults to no ### 802.11x Authentication AUTH8021X : Use 802.11x authentication. Enable with 'yes'. WPA_CONF (required for an AUTH8021X of 'yes' only) : Path to wpa_supplicant configuration. Defaults to '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' WPA_OPTS (optional for an AUTH8021X of 'yes') : Extra arguments for wpa_supplicant not specified otherwise. Any option here must specify wpa_supplicant driver. Defaults to '-Dwired'. ## Examples ### Using ADDR and GATEWAY to set static IP and gateway IP="static" ADDR="" GATEWAY="" ### Using IPCFG to set a static IP and gateway with custom DNS IP="static" IPCFG=("addr add dev eth0 brd +" "route add default via") DNS=("" "")