NETCFG(8) ========= NAME ---- netcfg - start/stop/control network profiles SYNOPSIS -------- netcfg [_options_] netcfg *profile* DESCRIPTION ----------- *netcfg* is used to configure and manage network connections via profiles. It has pluggable support for a range of connection types, such as wireless, ethernet, ppp. It is also capable of starting/stopping many to one connections, that is, multiple connections within the same profile, optionally with bonding. It may be run at boot, by enabling the 'netcfg' systemd service, or, on legacy systems, by adding 'net-profiles' to +DAEMONS+ in '/etc/rc.conf'. After boot time, it may be used to start profiles, simply by passing only the profile name. When run without options, `netcfg profile` is equivalent to `netcfg -u profile`. OPTIONS ------- *-l, list*:: List all available profiles *current*:: Report currently running profiles *-c, check-iface* _profile_:: Start the specified profile, only if it's interface is not currently up. *-u, up* _profile_:: Start the specified profile *-r, reconnect* _profile_:: Disconnect and reconnect the specified profile *-R, iface-recon* _interface_:: Reconnect profile active on specified interface *-d, down* _profile_:: Stop the specified profile *-D, iface-down* _interface_:: Stop the profile up on the specified interface. *-a, all-down*:: Stop all connected profiles *all-suspend*:: Suspend and store the name of all active profiles. *all-resume*:: Reconnect any profiles that have been suspended. *-v, --version*:: Display version information and exit *-h, --help*:: Display help message and exit CONFIGURATION FILES ------------------- '/etc/conf.d/netcfg':: Parameters for startup. '/etc/network.d/':: User-defined profiles. FILES ----- '/usr/lib/network/connections/':: Currently installed network profile types. '/etc/network.d/examples/':: Example profiles. '/usr/share/doc/netcfg/contrib/':: Inspirational scripts. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES --------------------- +NETCFG_DEBUG+:: Set to 1 to activate debug output. SEE ALSO -------- *netcfg-profiles*(5) on how to configure netcfg. include::footer.txt[]